
Akashic Chronicles: Paradise Lost

"Attachments are unneeded" It was both the first and last thing my old man told me. To be an effective killer you must not feel for the enemy. To be an effective mercenary you must not feel remorse. A contract is a contract. The Client is god for us. To us the value of money is more important than ideals. Hope won't feed you. Sometimes those very same ideals could poison your entire being. Possess you into something more than what you aimed to be. Embrace nothingness, Coin is God. That was the mantra of every mercenary. That was what I believed for so long, until I met her. She pulled me out of that murky swamp. Shining an inexhaustible light, creating a solid path we could tread on to. She was the reason I could keep on moving forwards. The only reason I gave a damn about anything. However, soon enough, like all roads, it soon crumbled into rubble, nothing but relics of bygone memories remained. Plunging me back down deeper into that black and murky waters once more. I reveled in it. I let it consume me, become the very thing we swore to destroy. The very same thing my old man told me about. A monster borne from the hypocrisy of those ideals, yet desperately clinging onto it like a mad man. This is the tale of a fool who once known love, oh so beautiful yet poisonous it consumed him. A tale of a fool who yearns for redemption yet revels in his own self hatred. A monstrosity borne not from necessity, but from anguish.

ArlecchinoSIMP · Fantasi
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99 Chs

Rank Assessment Exam (IV)

Haruki approached the shaken Jacob and patted his back. "You're gonna be fine kid. Now put your game face on. Those fuglies didn't come alone." He said as he nocked several arrows and aimed towards the bushes.

As they were awaiting the goblin onslaught a hologram appreared right in front of them.

[Kill Count -

1 Slime

3 Goblins]

[Time Remaining - 56 Minutes]

"I gotta say Kaz, you're awfully calm." Marco mused as he looked around the forest. Both Trish and Jacob looked towards Haruki's direction. He on the other hand just shrugged. 

"I'm not on the front lines guys. I could feel relaxed knowing you guys would die before I do." He said as he chuckled, making the others frown from his words. Trish rolled her eyes and clicked her tongue, "You are a terrible preson."

Meanwhile Jacob and Marco started laughing. The tension flowing out of their bodies instantly. However as they were talking they heard the leaves rustling. They all collectively looked infront of them.

They steadied their stances and prepared for an ambush. As Trish was to swing her flaming whip towards the bushes, Haruki immediately put his hand on her shoulders. She looked behind her and saw Haruki shake his head.

They stayed their hand and waited for the figure to emerge from the thicket. From a blurry humanoid shadow to a beautiful elven woman with silky smooth flaxen hair. It was Rhistel Yawning and carelessly walking towards them.

"Sorry 'bout that newbies! I was a little late. I was suppossed to be your observer/advisor, but... I got a little lost." She said with a cheeky grin. HAruki rolled his eyes towards her. "Lost huh?" He said as he crossed his arms together.

Rhistel shrugged her shoulders and continued, "I was supposed to save you guys in case of emergencies and teach you to be alert but it seems you newbies already got it covered." She said as she stared straight at Haruki.

She approached Haruki, "So? How were they?" She whispered. Haruki on the other hand just shrugged, "They are terrible but, I'll atleast make sure they wont take any major injuries. That's the least I could do for them." He said with a sigh. 

Rhistel chuckled, "Do you want to make a bet on who of them kills monsters the most?" Haruki smiled at her words, "You're on!"

Jacob watched Haruki and Rhistel banter while raising his eyebrows. He approached Trish and whispered, "Is it just me? Or these two just have like unspoken chemistry?" Trish pushed Jacob away, "I guess? Also don't get to close to me weeb!" The moment she said this Jacob erupted in anger. "How dare you! You gloomy woman! You're as much as a weeb than I am!" The two instantly argued over the smallest things.

Marco watched all for of them in resignation. He silently lit up a cigarette and sighed. He looked towards the sky and lamented quietly. Whilst screaming inside. 'Why not me too!!!' 

He felt a tug on his clothes from behind. His eyes instantly lit up as he looked behind him and saw no one. He slowly looked down and saw a goblin holding its nose and frowning. 

Marco sighed and raised his arms and punched the goblin. Effectively blowing it away. It died before it even landed on the ground. His right hook was unnaturaly strong that moment in time.

Meanwhile back in elysium. Minerva was sitting beside several guild officials observing each and every team. In front of them were several holographic screens that displayed a team led by a minotaur holding two great axes. 

"The seedlings this nexus event are quite alright. We don't have to worry about them losing their lives as long as they don't let it get to their head." A bearded guild official said. Making Minerva agree with their thoughts. She then turned towards Bellona, "What about you Miss Handler? Any thoughts?" 

Bellona shrugged her shoulders, "As long as we keep the casualties low outside elysium, I'm fine with them not being that strong." She said with a little worried tone. However her eyes were glued to Haruki's team as they fought slimes and goblins.

"Spoken like a devotee of the Lucius Theocracy!" Another Guild officer praised. Making Bellona smile sheepishly as she scratched her cheeks. Minerva smiled softly, "Well... how about the best out of these newbies?" She said as she looked around the room.

A strict looking guild official fixed her hair and opened her mouth, "With what we have observed. Those that came from war torn lands have adapted the fastest. Soldiers, Mercenaries, and other less than savory occupations... but if we keep observing them closely they could be potential high rankers that could cull nexus beasts besieging small towns and villages."

"Indeed." Minerva said as she stared towards the screen where Haruki easily dispatched goblins while standing behind Marco, Jacob and Trish. She narrowed her eyes as she kept observing his movements and posture. Inwardly she thought to herself. 'He's awfully calm. Although his other teammates were smiling and joking around they show both tense and nervous habits.'

Minerva opened her mouth, "Although those newbies have great potential. The ones that came from a peaceful era like these guys are adapting quickly as well. Out of all the newbies on this team. Who do you think is the strongest Miss Handler?"

Bellona smiled softly, "I think the front lines are quite strong. They provide enough support so the archer could freely snipe the stragglers. So far they haven't taken any risks and are taking the necesarry steps to not take any injuries." As she talked her smile grew deeper as she watched them take out several goblins in one go.

The other guild members clapped in unison, "Woah, they are really meshing well together. That archer gives out precise instructions its almost scary." The other guild members agreed with his words.

"I suppose it's from Miss Rhistel's training?" One member asked. Minerva looked at her notes then back at the screen, "Could be."