
Akame ga KILL: Killer

In 1937 before scientists of Reich the task to deduce "true Aryan", superhuman has been put. The results surpassed any expectations - among thousands of "true Aryans" several unique ones were bred, which were given the code name "crowned". In 1940, an unknown spatial anomaly was found in the occupied territory of Poland. After its discovery, research into the nature of the portals began, and as a result, the most prominent among the "crowned ones" went missing. patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Chapter 39

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Alexander Volkov arrived at the estate in the east where an important meeting was to take place. He asked Hector and his operatives to stay outside and then went inside. There were no guards or servants in the building, all this was done on purpose to prevent rumours from spreading about the meeting.

Walking into the hall, Volkov met the gazes of the others present, among whom were nobles, high-ranking officers and former ministers. Nodding to those gathered, he took his seat and waited for the others.

- I'm glad you've come, General. - said Chowri, sitting opposite.

- As if I could have missed such an important meeting. How is your daughter, by the way?

- Fortunately, she's fine... except for the fact that she can't find a spouse.

- Heh... I know the feeling.

About three hours had passed, during which time all the members of the coup had gathered in the hall. Now... it was time to decide the future of the Empire.

The first thing discussed was the coup plan. It would require Imperpol operatives to arrest the entire Imperial leadership, and in the meantime, reserve soldiers would occupy key facilities in the Capital. After that, an interim - and later a new - government would take over.

The next issue was that of the Emperor. The first thing the conspirators will do after a successful coup is to force the Emperor to sign a manifesto, according to which he will retain the throne, but at the same time he will transfer to the new government all executive power, as well as most of the judicial and legislative power, which he will personally announce to the people of the Empire. In this way, a Constitutional Monarchy would be built, where power is exercised by the Parliament.

However, there was one problem, the name of which was Budo. All the assembled officers spoke as one, "Budo will never allow such a change." Such statements led to the fact that the Generalissimo was also decided to be removed from office, and for this it was necessary to liquidate him. Volkov had only two people in mind who could pull this off, so the bet was placed on them.

Then the discussion of Onest's execution began. No one wished this man to die quickly, and everyone present voiced their desire to make this pig suffer a good death. The majority liked the idea of burning Onest alive, along with the rest of his henchmen in the government, and this idea was happily approved.

The final question concerned the Revolutionary Army. Many expected the movement to collapse with the death of Onesta and the formation of a new government. But there were also those who speculated that some of these rebels might occupy Imperial territory and declare themselves an independent republic. It was decided that the Revolutionary Army would continue to be considered an illegal organisation, and if it did not collapse on its own, the new government would help it to do so.

This meeting would go on for another week so that the conspirators could discuss all the details of the coup.


- Dr Leo! I brought the "tools" Leon borrowed from you.

- Oh. Thank you, thank you, I've missed them already. - thanked the Doctor as he took his tools back. - I hope you found them useful.

- Yes! You should have seen the commander extracting information from the traitors.

- I'd go with you... but, alas, I've got a lot to do....

The door to the cell opened abruptly and four Imperpol fighters entered, leading the new suspect with a sack over his head. Without saying anything, they sat the man down on a chair, strapping him into it. Afterwards, Anna walked inside, followed by Ghost. Seriu didn't really know what was going on, so her gaze ran around at everyone present.

- Dr Leo. - Anna called out.

- Yes, ma'am.

- Do you still have the SP-22?

- Yes, ma'am.

- Good, because we had the perfect opportunity to try it out.

- Mrs Anna, what's going on? - Seriu finally decided to ask.

- Seriu, this is the person who is accused of causing the appearance and attacks of unknown dangerous monsters, as well as the disappearance of General Esdeath and General Leon.

- Wha... What...? - Seriu couldn't believe what she heard.

Her legs struggled to hold the girl's body, she was almost ready to fall down and cry, if only Anna hadn't held her back.

- Calm down... I'm sure they're fine, we just don't know where they are.

- H-okay...' Seriu said, wiping her eyes.

- Well, well, well, just dare to cry in front of me, you'll get hurt.

- I'm sorry... I've already calmed down.

Anna nodded, then walked over to the prisoner and removed his sack, revealing his face. The swarthy fellow with a cross-shaped scar on his face wrinkled at the harsh light. When his eyes adjusted and he saw the Phantom, he wanted to attack him with fists, but the legs and arms attached to the chair prevented him from doing so. He started twitching, trying to break free of the shackles, but one of the guards restrained him with a buttock to the face.

- You bastards! Do you know who I am?! I'm the Prime Minister's son! I'll have you all locked up! * He was hit in the face again, then another and another, until Anna raised her hand, telling him to stop.

- Father can't help you here.

- Do you hear what you're saying? If he finds out, you'll go from being a general to a whore in a brothel...

- There must be something you don't understand. Let me enlighten you. You see, at this moment here and now, you simply do not exist, because you were discovered at the site of the monsters, and you are also responsible for the disappearance of two generals of the Empire. You have committed a crime that deserves capital punishment. Which means I can do whatever I want to you.

- What the hell are you talking about?!

- I'll show you.

The girl put her foot right on Shura's balls and pressed on them. His scream was heard all over the prison, and his eyes were red with anger and agony, but the girl only pressed them harder.

- I think you understand now. - Anna said, removing her foot.

- Bitch... I'll kill you... No, first I'll watch you get raped, and then I'll kill you....

- I'm scared, I'm scared. Doc, is the drug ready?

- It's ready.

- Hold him. - Anna commanded.

The soldiers grabbed Shura's head so he couldn't move it. Holding the syringe Leo quickly injected the serum into his neck and then Shura was released.

- What is this...? - Shura asked, feeling his head start to spin.

- SP-22, or simply "truth serum". - Anna answered him, taking a dictaphone out of her pocket. - Dr Leo, I want to see your best work.

- I hear you. - said the doctor with anticipation, taking one of his 'tools'.


- We're alone. On a desert island. And no one's bothering us. - Esdeath said, looking out at the ocean in the middle of which the island was located.

"At least we're alone now." - Leon mentally noted, glancing at the frozen corpses of the giant monsters the pair had encountered immediately after the move.

When the teigu had moved the pair to the island, Leon had been scared out of his wits, knowing and already having a lifetime of experience in this matter. Fortunately, this world was the same and they were moved to a tropical island southeast of the Empire.

- What shall we do, Leon?" the girl asked.

- We should think of a way to get back....

- What's the hurry? If you ask me, we could stay here for a while.

- For how long? - realising the girl's wish, Leon asked.

Esdeath sat down next to Leon and, hugging him, answered:

- A week.

- Three days.

- That's fine with me.

Leon only grinned... The girl would do anything to spend more time alone, so that no one would interfere with them. And the deserted tropical island was like a gift from fate.

- It's nighttime. Maybe we should get some rest. We'd spent the whole day exploring the island.

Lying down on the warm sand, Leon covered his eye, and at the same moment he felt the girl pressed against him. Turning his head, he met Esdeath's gaze... with blue eyes just like his own.

- Goodnight. - The young man wished, closing his eye and falling into sleep.

- You too.

[The next day....]

Leon stripped off his uniform and all the rest of his clothes except his pants. He could have guessed that sand would get in there, but he didn't think about it at the time. Now having to shake out all the clothes, shaking out all the sand was proving to be a difficult task.

Esdeath had about the same problem, but she only got sand in her uniform and boots, so she only had her skirt on...which she took off.

- Did you have to do that? - Leon asked, still shaking out the sand.

- What's the big deal? It's hot here, that's why I decided to take off the extra clothes. - replied the girl. - Or don't you like it? - Esdeath asked sneeringly, standing up to her full height, flaunting her figure.

A perfect slender body, slightly snow-white skin, large breasts - and all this was visible due to the white underwear she was wearing.

Leon looked at the picture for a while, and then just continued to shake off his clothes. The sand remained in his trousers and boots, so the guy was almost done.

- Esdeath, I'll tell you something: I won't be embarrassed by such a cheap trick. - Leon replied, looking at the girl, who only smiled slyly.

- Really? I think I'm pretty good at it.

- Exactly what it seems... well, I'm done. - said Leon, as soon as he stopped shaking the sand out of his boots.

All his clothes were stacked on a rock under a tree, where nothing would happen to them; Esdeath put her uniform there as well.

- And now, the main thing. - Leon looked at the sea and then jumped into the water.

The water in the sea was salty and cool. When he floated up, Leon shook his head, then fixed his wet fringes.

- Don't you want to invite me?

- Do you need an invitation?

Esdeath smiled at this remark and began to wade through the white sand into the water. For a girl who was born in the harsh conditions of the north and had the ability to command ice, the chilly water didn't bother her in the slightest.

As Esdeath swam up to Leon, she was hit by a splash of water. The girl glared menacingly at the guy, who... laughed.

- Ha ha ha... I'm sorry, I had to do that.

Esdeath, using a bit of her power, also used a splash of water to cover Leon with ice water, causing him to go underwater.

- One-one-one. - said the girl, waiting for the young man to resurface. - Where are you...? А!!!

Leon, taking Esdeath by the waist, plunged her into the water. As she surfaced, she looked at a rather smiling Leon, who said to her:

- Two-one.

- Hang on! - Esdeath shouted cheerfully, pouncing on Leon in order to dunk him in the water.

A fight between the two generals began. Holding each other's hands, the pair tried to dunk their opponent in the water. This fight went on for a couple of hours, but afterwards they returned to the shore again.

- That was fun! I can't remember when I've ever just had fun like that.

- Me neither. We should build a fire to keep warm.

- I'll help.

Leon and Esdeath sat down opposite each other and warmed themselves by the fire. Looking at Leon, the girl noticed him smiling - he couldn't remember a time when he was having fun.

- Leon... I forgot to tell you something.

- What was it?

- When you went west. I dreamt about your sister.

- What? - the young man was surprised at the news.

- She looked like an exact version of you. She was cheerful, curious and friendly. When she met me, she immediately invited me for tea.

- Sounds like a dream. Although it's strange that you dreamt about my sister.

- Leon, if I mean anything to you... Can you answer me... Where are you really from...?

- I already told you. - Leon brushed it off.

- Germany, France, England, Poland, Russia, Switzerland. Do these countries mean anything to you? - Esdeath asked, looking at Leon's dazed face.

- No. - though he tried not to show it outwardly, but inside he was in a complete confusion. He just didn't understand how the girl could know the name of these countries.

- I know that Könich is not your real surname.

Although Esdeath guessed perfectly well why her lover does not want to answer her honestly. But she still wants to hear the truth from him personally.

- Your real name is Schwartz. Leon Schwartz. The name "Könich" was given to you at the orphanage when you got caught up in that project. Leon... trust me, no matter how strange the truth sounds, I'll be fine with it.

Leon mentally withdrew from the girl's words for a while longer. He had only now remembered his real surname from her, and before that he just didn't want to believe that she had found out who he really was.

- Do you promise? - Leon asked, getting a nod in response. - Okay... I'll try to tell you everything....

The story was a long one. Leon did not hide the fact that he was not from this world and told everything he remembered: about his homeland, his world and how he came to be here. Esdeath listened attentively without interrupting, and when the young man finished, he only waited for the girl's reaction.

- So...? What do you think now that you know I'm not from this world?

- I'm not surprised that you didn't want to tell me the truth. But you know, you're not exactly the kind of person who would joke about it.

- And you're just taking it like that?

- What difference does it make? You're my lover, in this world or the next. - Esdeath said, hugging Leon.

- Promise me that no one else will ever know about this.

- Do you think anyone will believe it? - Esdeath grinned, stopping hugging him.

- That's right..." the boy grinned as well.

The two of them spent some more time just warming themselves by the fire. The day had passed quickly for them, and now the stars were twinkling in the sky again. The young man was tired, not so much physically as mentally. Leon lay back down and closed his eyes, falling asleep.


He woke up some time later, the stars were still twinkling in the sky, and Esdeath was lying next to him, her hair like a blanket covering her. Getting up, Leon decided to take a walk.

Walking leisurely along the beach, he reached the place where he and Esdeath were after the displacement. Looking around, he took a step and felt himself stepping on something. Removing his foot and looking down, Leon saw a swarthy hand. Noticing how it was clutching a pendant, the young man picked up the item and began to examine it.

"That teigu..." - Leon instantly recognised what the thing was. A unique teigu capable of moving its owner in space.

With his outstretched hand holding the pendant in front of him, Leon said:

- Shambhala. Activation.

A circle formed in front of the guy, in the middle of which was the Yin and Yang symbol. In front of Leon was it... the path to his homeworld! The portal might lead elsewhere, but there was a chance....

About to take a step, Leon stopped.

"Why would I go back?" - That thought held him back.

There was nothing left in his home world anymore to come back for. He continued to stare at that circle until he pressed the pendant and it simply disappeared.

Feeling the gaze, Leon turned around and saw Esdeath, who had been watching him the whole time. The girl began to walk slowly towards him, and when only a step separated them, she stopped.

- You've been thinking about going back... back to your homeworld, haven't you?

- Yes..." Leon didn't dodge.

Esdeath moved closer and pulled the boy against her. Harder than usual this time.

- I thought... that you would take that step... I had already decided that you would leave me... - Esdeath said in a whisper, continuing to hold Leon in her arms as if if if she let go, he would immediately disappear.

- Esdeath..." Leon said, his arms hugging the girl back.

- Say, Leon... Do you love me? - asked the girl the question that interested her now more than anything else in the world.

- I... - Leon wanted to answer, but stopped talking.

- You still don't know for sure, do you?

- Yes.

- I know how to decide.

Slightly loosening her embrace and meeting Leon's gaze, the girl began to slowly move closer to his face... giving the young man his first kiss. At that moment Leon's thoughts went blank - he was completely absorbed by the girl's soft lips.

When the girl broke the embrace and pulled away, she saw Leon completely red. A chuckle escaped her lips, she never thought she would be able to make Leon blush.

- And now...?

Covering her lips with her hand, Leon turned away and Esdeath looked down at her feet, smiling sadly.

- And yet you...

- Esdeath.

As soon as the girl looked up, at the same moment, giving in to emotion, Leon kissed her himself. Esdeath took the guy by the hair, so as not to break the kiss. This kiss was different, it was much stronger and more pleasant than the previous one.

When they ran out of air, the couple broke the kiss and only a thin thread of saliva connected them. Esdeath continued to look at Leon expectantly, she wanted to hear the answer to her question.

- I... love you, Esdeath.

The girl hugged the guy again and rested her head on his shoulder, and a few drops of tears fell from her eyes.

- Finally... you said it.

Pressing forward, the girl flopped the guy down on the sand and, positioning herself on top of him, kissed the young man again. Leon's hands began to act on instinct: one lay on his back while the other rested on the girl's thigh.

Breaking the kiss, Esdeath, breathing heavily, whispered:

- 'I'm not going to stop...' she said as she lightly removed the bra that covered the girl's lush breasts. - Not now.

Passion swept over both of them. Getting rid of the last of the clothes they were wearing, both lovers gave in to their desires. In the light of the stars and in each other's warmth, both hearts joined.