
Chapter 15: Getting ready to fight Magical beast

A few hours later the piles of paperwork are done, stretching her body she got up and walked outside of the study, a butler approach her at a quick speed before stopping before her "Ma'am your room is ready, please follow me" Aizza curtly nods as she follows him down the hallway and going up a flight of stairs with a few twist and turns. They finally made it to the room, he opened the door for Aizza. She walked inside and look around, noticing all the pink "Is it to your liking Ma'am?" he asked politely "I prefer a maroon red but for now, this will do" The butler nodded.

After leaving the servant's face turn into one of displeasure "I should try harder next time and ask on what exactly she would like in her room, once I redecorate it again" sighing as he started to order some Maroon furniture. Aizza crawled into the bed finding it quite comfy to lay in "Even though the colour is a bit distasteful it's quite the comfy bed" She talked to herself as she drifts off to sleep without knowing.

Azure colour eyes watch her from a dark corner of the room, the person had a smile of amusement, if he wanted to he could kill her right then and now but all he did was watch her peaceful form as the Goddess slept. She looked wise upon her years yet she doesn't look her age, the Azure colour eye's man stepped out of the shadow as his braided hair sway from side to side as he approaches Aizza, he lightly stroke her cheek noticing the hot temper of her skin as if it was like the big ball of fire itself.

Aizza slightly shiver at the feeling of his cold icy hand touching her cheek but remain asleep, feeling too fugitive to wake up at the slight coldness. He retracts his hand as he felt a burning passion arose in his heart, he left out the window before he did anything he would regret. The next morning Aizza slowly open her tired eyes, everything seems blurry so she closed her eyes a few times, stretching like a cat while still laying down in the bed.

A sudden knock was heard throughout the whole room "Come in" Aizza says tiredly as she set up still stretching as she uses her left hand to rub her eye. A maid with very short hair and brown eyes, she had a look of worry across her face. Lazily looking at the maid "So what are you doing in my room?" Aizza asked sleepily, the maid fumbled over her words before fully speaking "I am here to help you get change" her voice squeaked.

"Then chose on what would look good on me from that closet over there and please nothing too heavy like a frilly dress or something," Aizza says in a tired but stern tone "Yes ma'am" She hurriedly went into the dresser and dug around a bit for a good 5 minutes. She pulled out a black shirt with sleeves that show her shoulders they had some ruffles on the sleeves, she also pulled out a long back silky skirt and a corset.

After getting dressed she checks herself out in the mirror thinking she looked like she is wearing a dress but is not, it also looked very cute. The maid also gave her black flats so she would have an easier time moving around, she even put a black sun hat on her that has a tiny little white bow. The short hair maid brown eyes gleam when seeing how the outfit looks on Aizza, feeling very proud of herself.

Aizza stomach started grumbling telling her it's time to eat, feeling a bit embarrassed by the noise she made "Please bring me to the dining room" She ask politely the short-haired maid nodded as she looked less worry and quickly brought her to the dining room. She bowed to Aizza as she walked away, looking around Aizza eyes shined cause half of the tablet is covered in food, her stomach growled again. She went to the head seat and then she started to dig into the food for about an hour later, she rubbed her belly in fullness.

A large burp sounded out as she says "Oh pardon me" to no one since she was alone, heading outside after she finishes her meal she walked to the fairy's forgery, others stopped on what they were doing and greeted Aizza. Aizza greeted them back as she made her way to the last room, knocking on the door. A male muffled voice answer "Come in" With permission, she entered the room.

The older male look like he has been alive for centuries as he wheezes, coughing quite loudly. Aizza approach him "Are you done?" She asks wondering how long he has been up working on the gauntlet. Looking at the bags under his eyes he probably spent all night making them with no break "Yes I have done everything you wanted me to do" Pi Ling says in a hoarse voice, Aizza slightly furrow her brows in concern for Pi Ling.

Pi ling went to one of the many shelves that were covered in all types of beast gears and weapons. He grabs a sliver case with blue gems that decorate the box, bringing back the box he gave it to me, opening the box I slid the gauntlets onto my small hands. punching forward she could feel the strength of the gauntlets and how much force she put into the casual strike. Her eyes sparkled with joy "Thank you for your service" Aizza says as she left two gold bricks before leaving once again.

She took off her gauntlets as she walked out of the store and put them back in the box before storing them away into her inventory. Heading back to her manor as she happily skippy hoppity all the way there in a joyful manner, The townsfolk look at her a bit funny cause of the sudden display of pure joy. Entering the house she went back up into her study to handle some more paperwork so she could go hunting soon for magical beast crystals.

A few hours pass as she finishes stamping one last paper and putting it on a pile of denied paperwork. Letting out a breath of relief she called to one of the maids in the hallway "Can you let the head butler know I want a carriage to take me to a well-populated area of the magical beast that a body refinement can handle?" She asks nicely, the maid seem a bit startled at first before nodding, heading the opposite way to let the head butler know.