
Aira or Mike ? (The Secret Forbidden Identity)

What happens when the weakest but most popular Aira of Celestial Academy disappears for a while, and comes back dressed as a mysterious boy?

Tiramisur · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Chapter - 5

Forbidden Love - Chapter 5

"" - Quotes

'' - Thoughts

Lire's POV

I took another peek at Mike. Finally, he's asleep. I notice him mumbling in his sleep—some hideous words. 'Too cute' thinking this, I giggle. I stroke his hair for a while. Mike's face turns into a pleasant and comfortable one. I kiss Mike's forehead. The stewardess who was patrolling saw this and chuckled. I blushed and gazed at his cute innocent sleeping face. 'Just too cute.' And then went dozed off to sleep myself for the second time.

Normal POV

After a few hours of sleep for both, it was already landing time, and the last meal of the flight was being served. The stewardess who watched what happened yesterday looked and Lire and giggled. Lire blushed at this. "Why is she giggling at you?" Lire was surprised when Aira asked this out of nowhere, meaning she noticed it. "And why is your face red ?" Aira asked Lire. "N-nothing at all. Maybe she's looking at someone else." He replied while blushing. He was trying to hide the so eminent reddishness of his face. He wasn't expecting Mike to notice all of this. "Okay… that was weird," Aira said. "We will soon reach the Chicago O'Hare International Airport. Thank you very much for letting our airline assist you with the flight of your choice. We all hope you had a pleasant flight. We hope to see you again soon. Fly with us again." An announcement was made.

Finally reaching their destination in Chicago, US, Aira, and Lire claimed their baggage items from the belts and started for the hotel they'll be staying in. I was an hour's drive from the Airport to their hotel. Judging by the funding the Headmaster of the Celestial Academy had, all of the spies, killers, and assassins working for him had the luxury of staying in world-renowned hotels and resorts. The car drove into the front porch. Lire was about to get off, but he suddenly paused, grabbing Aira's hand before she could get off from the car.

"We are going to be staying in the same room!" Lire says. "Okay!" Mike or Aira instantly, unaware of the fact she was just told. She continued getting off the car, ready to explore the beautiful accommodation she had just arrived at. The moment she got off, it suddenly struck her. "Wait, what?!" Aira says. "Why? Why do we have to stay together ?" she screams for whoever was around to hear. "Kid! Calm down. It was the Headmaster's instructions. I don't know much about it. But we are both guys anyways, so what's the big deal? " 'But I'm not a guy!' Aira thinks to herself. "Y-yeah…! Haha! I agree. What was I thinking? Not an issue at all." Aira replies.

"Hahaha! How silly of me." Aira gives a crooked smile. "Okay…" Lire says and suspiciously glances at Mike. "Let's go check in and rest for the day; we have a long mission tomorrow. I wouldn't want you to faint or something. Neither do I want to disappoint the Headmaster." Lire started walking towards the front office. Aira followed him very hesitantly. She couldn't figure out any way to get out of that situation. 'I'll just have to deal with it somehow.' So Aira thought to herself, dragging her suitcase with her.

They checked into their room on the 20th floor. The room had a great view of a massive lake in front of them, with an amusement park. And after the sunset, you could see the glimmering lights of the city. While unpacking their bags and luggage, Lire mentioned, "The reporting time for the mission is at 10 PM tonight. The Wolf Gang leader didn't keep up his deal with the Headmaster. He's been warned plenty of times, and so have his team members, but they underestimate the Headmaster. So we are here to assassinate him to give off a warning to the rest of his gang. So that instead of the leader, they will keep up the deal with the Headmaster." "Noted," Aira replied.

The only part now was waiting till the reporting time. Since they arrived early in the morning, they had the whole day to explore nearby places or their accommodation. The hotel has ten outlets in total, two swimming pools, including an infinity swimming pool, and in their room, they also had a swimming pool on the balcony. Which possibly Aira couldn't use as she would have had to change back to being a girl.

Just before the mission starts, shall we go back to the history of Aira? Aira arrived at the Academy when she suddenly discovered her supernatural gifts. She had the gift of Nullification and Stealing. So she could nullify any kind of powers used against her and steal their powers from them. So she joined the Academy right after Estelle did. Aira had no history of who are parents were because her grandmother wouldn't talk about them; that's why even the teachers of the Academy couldn't make out the origination of her powers.

To be Continued...

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