
Air and Water. (Zuko x Reader.) Very Slow Updates.

Not knowing much about who you are and what you are. You travel with the 2 water tribe kids and 1 air bender. He thinks he is the last air bender which he is wrong. While he has to learn water bending he has to teach you air bending. Can he really end the 100 year war. book 1 of 3. I don't own anything. Started: 10 June 2021 End:------

Nicky_Angel_Arlert · Komik
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5 Chs

Prologue Part 3.

Time skip brought you by the first Avatar, Wan.

Both Zuko and Azula laughed at what their mom read so far. 'When will this dumb war ever end.' I thought to myself. I stood in-between the other four ladies that's in the dining room. I look down at my feet sad. This war has gone on for way too long for my liking. Where is the Avatar when you need them the most. They would have ended this war if they were here. I looked back up at the three royals at the dining table.

"Until then, enjoy these gifts." Their mom read. Both Zuko and Azula ran up to where I was standing. "For Zuko." He stop in front of a lady who seems to be holding a dagger thing on a cushion tray thing on my left side.

"A pearl dagger. From a general who surrendered when we broke through the outer wall." He picked it up and unsheathed it. "Note the inscription and the superior craftsmanship." Their mom read. "Never give up without a fight." Zuko read it out loud.

On my right two ladies held trays similar to the one on my left. "And for Azula and my adopted daughter, (Y/N). A new friend. Azula, yours wears the latest fashion for earth kingdom girls." Azula took hers and was disgusted by it. Azula's doll is in a green and yellow coloured dress with a headband on. She looked really pretty.

"(Y/N). Your little friend wears the clothes of the water tribe. I hope you like her." The lady next to me turned and showed me the doll that is laying on the cushion tray. I picked up the doll gently. Her clothes are white, blue and purple colour, she is wearing a jacket and a skirt.

The hood of the jacket is covering her head, with hair loops on the side. She looked so much like my best friend Kat from the soutern water tribe, from her hair style right to her tan skin. "I'll call her Kat." I hugged the doll closed to my chest, missing my two best friends.

I closed my eyes tight trying not to cry in front of Azula. Knowing that she will make fun of me. "If uncle doesn't make it back from war." Azula began. I shot my eyes open and looked at her. "Then dad will be next in line to be fire lord, wouldn't he." She said, still trying to be innocent.

"Don't you dare say such a thing about papa Iroh. He will come back." I said while trying to hold back my anger for her.

"Azula we don't speak that way. It will be awful if uncle Iroh didn't return." I can hear a sad tone in Ursa's voice. I don't want anything bad to happen to papa Iroh or to onii-sama Lu Ten. I already lost my mom. I certainly didn't want to lose papa Iroh or onii-sama Lu Ten.

"And besides fire lord Azulon is a picture of health." While their mom was talking, Zuko was just slashing the air for no reason before he turned to looked at his sister.

He than turned his head to face me, he can see that what Azula said is really hurting me, and we just stared at each other. I can see a bit of a soft expression in his eyes. 'Does he pity me.' I wanted to pull my eyes away from his, but I just couldn't look away from him.

We were like that for a few seconds before Zuko peeled his eyes away from me to his sister, as his expression changed from soft to a little bit angry.

"Don't you ever consider other people's feelings." When Azula didn't answer he continued. "How would you like it if cousin Lu Ten wanted dad to die." Zuko walked a little forward till he was standing behind his mom's chair.

I turned to look at Azula. "I think our dad will make a better fire lord." Azula crosses her arms, before she uncross them and looked at her doll. "Then his royal tea loving cookiness." She held her arm out that was holding the doll and burned it.

"Princess Azula was it necessary to burn the beautiful doll your uncle gave you." I was shocked at what she had said and done. "It was my ugly doll, so I can do what I want with it." With that said she left.

"Excuse me mam." A lady spoke. I turned to the voice, who was on my left. It was a female servant who was standing here empty handed.

"Yes, what is it." Zuko's mom asked politely.

"There is one more gift. But I was ordered to only present it when princess Azula is not in the room." She bowed while speaking.

"And who is the gift for." Asked Zuko's mom. "It's for (Y/N)." She replied." Ok. You may give it to her." Zuko's mom said. "Thank you mam." The servant stood up straight and started walking to me. I went and met her halfway.

She took what looks like a small box and a small scroll from her sleeve, and held it in front of her, for me to take. I looked towards Zuko's mom for reinsurance. She gave me a smile, which I happily returned. I faced the lady in front of me. I slowly took the gift box and scroll from her. But now I couldn't open them since I was still holding my doll.

"Come here (Y/N)." Zuko's mom saw my problem, and called me over to her. I did just that. I turned and walked over to her. She stretched her hand out to me, and I gave her my doll first. She put it next to her on the table before I gave her the small scroll. She unrolled it and read it for me.

"Dear imouto-chan. I know you like air bending stuff. So I got this made specially for you. I hope you like it. Lots of love from onii-sama Lu Ten." She rolled the small scroll again and place it next to my doll on the table.

I opened the small box and saw a necklace. It was a white gold chain, with an air bending symbol on it. The symbol is in my (F/C) colour.

"May I see it (Y/N)." She asked. I gave her the small box. She took it and looked at it. Zuko was leaning over the chair so that he can see it as well. "It's so pretty (Y/N)." She closed it and gave it back to me.

"It's best not to wear it now. My husband won't like it and if he sees it, he would want it to be destroyed, ok." I just nodded, understanding what she meant.

I took my doll and my small scroll, and ran back to my room while hiding the small box and scroll. When I got to my room, I put Kat on my bed and I hid the rest of the stuff with my old water tribe clothes.

Time skip brought you by Azula is not so innocent as you think.

It's been a few days now. Zuko hardly speaks to me. When he does its when he needs something, since I am his personal servant after all. But we haven't spend any time together at all. Not even after his training.

I'm now getting scared. When a royal gets anger with their servant, they execute them. I decided to go speak with his mom on how to get Zuko to forgive me for what happened by the fountain.

As I walked the corridors of the palace, looking for the person who knows Zuko very well. Since Zuko and Azula are now busy training to better their bending and fighting skills. This gives me plenty of time to do what I need to do.

After what felt like five minutes of searching I finally found her. "Mrs. Ursa." I called out to Zuko's mom. She stopped and turned towards me. "What can I help you with (Y/N)." Zuko's mom asked me.

I stood in front of her and bowed low. "Do you know how I can get prince Zuko to forgive me." I said, not standing straight.

"Why do you ask?" Her voice sounded concerned. "Because I think he might be angry with me after what happened at the fountain." I said still bowing.

"Why do you say so." She now sounded confuse. "Because he hasn't spoken to me as a friend for a few days now, and he has been avoiding me." I could feel tears threatening to fall out my eyes.

"(Y/N)." Zuko's mom sighed. Then all of a sudden I felt hands on my shoulders, pushing it to make me to stand up straight.

"I don't think Zuko is angry with you sweetie." She looked deep into my (E/C) colour eyes with her gold colour eyes.

"Then why is he avoiding me." I asked as a few tears rolled down my cheeks.

"I'm not sure, since I don't know what happened on that day by the fountain." She said. She let go of one of my shoulders and put it on her own chin to think.

We both remained quiet for a few minutes before she spoke. "Maybe you can give him something like a peace treaty." She said while wiping my tears away with the hand that was on her chin.

"Like what. I don't have any money to buy him something." I looked down at my feet. "I didn't mean you have to buy him something." She put her finger under my chin and lifted my face gently so that I can look at her. "He likes hand made gifts." She smiled at me.

I thought very hard on what to make, then an idea popped into my head. I slowly smiled, knowing what I must make. "Can I have some material in the clothes making room." I couldn't stop smiling, as my eyes sparkled.

"Yes you may." She said. "Thank you. Thank you." I said gleefully.

She just giggled at my reaction. "Your welcome sweetie. Come let me go with you." She said while grabbing a gentle hold onto my hand, before we started walking.

"Ok." I gave my closed eye smile. We both walked to where they make all the royal's clothes in the palace.

When we got there, we got everything that I need to make the hand made gift. Once I had everything, I went back to my room to get started. I was halfway done when a knock came to the door. "Come in." I called.

The door slowly opened and Zuko's mom's head appeared around the door. "Hi (Y/N). Zuko's training is almost over." She said.

"Ok, I'm on my way." With that said she left. When Zuko is done with his training, he will be in need of my service. 'I'll just finish off the gift tonight when everyone is asleep. ' I thought before I left my room.

Word count 1885.

Thank you all for reading my fanfic ☺