
Chapter 14: End of peaceful days

"I heard you like bad girls. Well, you are going to love me. Because... I am bad at everything..."

A certain NEET of FGO


(3rd person's POV)

Charles VII, or simply Prince Charles at the moment was sitting with his officials discussing the matter related to the hundred-year war.

For the past year, he has been doing nothing other than calling a meeting with his so-called government ministers to talk about raising the army and going on to war with British forces.

Now the situation has become even worse as the city of Orleans was in the blink of collapse.

According to the report, citizens of Orleans were fighting bravely against British forces and Burgdandians for the past 5 months but now as the resources keep getting exhausted, it was only a matter of time before the last fortress collapse, allowing Britain to enter southern France and take the control of the whole country.

And then there is our King or should be King Charles VII.

There was no French leader at the moment since the original King died after electing the current British King Henry, as also the king of France while the future king, Charles VII was deprived of holding coronation and taking the oath.

According to the traditions of the time, the king had to go to the City of Reims in northern France where coronation ceremonies were to be performed for the king to take the oath. The tradition had been going for ages but since the north was in British hands, Charles VII can't become a king recognizable by government ministers and officials.

So except for silently staying in the city of Chinon in the south, Charles was pretty much useless. People even didn't know who their real king was since King Henry had already declared himself to be the king of Britain as well as France.

"Prince Charles…"

In the admits of the silence, a person spoke. He was a foreign priest Francois Prelati who was one of the few foreign ministers who wanted France to regain their standing again since after France, it will be their number.

"What is it, Your Holiness?"

"I think you should at least consider the request of the girl."

"Not that again…"

Charles mourned with disappointment. He was well aware of the letters of Jeanne d'Arc and her claims to see angels.

He originally wanted to ignore the countryside girl since he had been hearing many other people with the same request but now Jeanne had been becoming a headache.

Then… again he had no choice but to agree since the priest himself was backing her. He can no longer ignore her since he didn't want to lose his final backing in these times. Besides, he didn't have any choice on the way but to rely on a fanatic miracle.

"Then let me meet her. I shall test her before arriving for the conclusion." Charles sighed and nodded.

"But Prince Charles-"


Other ministers were in disapproval to involve the countryside girl, a mere commoner in government affairs but one word from Prince Charles sealed their mouth.

"We will hereby test the so-called oracle guided by god for now." Charles announced and ordering his ministers to prepare for the stage before turning his head towards François and asked, "Your Holiness, I will leave her guide to you."

"Very well~" Francois smiled and nodded.


(Mael's POV)




Jeanne jumped and hugged me when I announced the news of her summon in the city of Chinon.

Thanks to that Priest Francois, Prince Charles finally decided to invite Jeanne for a hearing after her multiple requests.

To be honest, I emphasized with Charles since no one would ever want to rely on a countryside girl claiming to see angels when you are facing such a hard time.

Before her, many people have already claimed to see angels. According to Eliza, some of it was true while others were devils acting like angels.

"Hmm…" I also smiled and tightened my arms around her. Her hug worked like a refresher for my life.

Although we were at the required age of marriage where we could start a more intimidating relationship, I still wanted to confess after making a mood. I had plans but we had to deal with bigger problems for the time being.

However, we both forget the world around us we were in each other's embrace until someone decided to interrupt our romance.

"Mou! Just how long are you guys going to hug each other?!"

Eliza's voice brought us back to reality as we turned around and saw her cutely puffing her cheeks.

"You know, you can marry now and can do these kinds of things after it." Eliza coughed and remained us of the correct way to carry our relationship.

Jeanne and I looked at each other and chuckled.

"I think this has to wait," I said with a helpless smile while Jeanne nodded in agreement.

To be honest, I wanted to take another step in our relationship further as soon as possible. Who else didn't want to marry a beautiful girl, bed her and make lots of children? But we both know that neither the time nor the place was right to start the peaceful marital life we dearly wished for.

"By the way, Jeanne, I won't allow you to step in the field unless you prove yourself." I exploded a bomb on two of them.

"W-what do you mean, Mael?" She asked worriedly.

I smiled and explained her next course of action.

15 minutes later

"So I just have to prove my strength?" Jeanne muttered stretching her body while also holding a new sword given to her by Eliza.

According to Eliza, it was the Sword of St. Catherine. It didn't have any visible magic effects but it could give her a point to fill loopholes in her fight. In general, in addition, to make her a little stronger, the sword could convert the probability of odds in her favor.

Then we both took position standing against each other while Eliza was the referee for the spar.


Just as Eliza announced the beginning of our battle, Jeanne in front of me dashed towards me and delivered a vertical swing that I block easily.

"Not bad!" I smiled and began to get excited

I didn't have any high expectations from her since she didn't train like a proper fighter or a knight but I had to give her applause for the basic techniques she learned from Eliza. For the past few months, I was also giving her pointers since I didn't want her to go to battle like a greenhorn.

Even if only her charisma matters, I didn't want her to rely on others to protect her in life and death battles. Even I can't guarantee her safety where one arrow is enough to end your life.

Anyway, her task was to land a single strike on me. Sure I won't be using my Emperor's eyes or Full Counter. Also, we were wearing thick leather armor while Eliza also guaranteed our safety by her healing magic.

(AN: I am not well aware of testimonies of angels using magic in the Bible or DxDverse since it is called grace granted by God instead of Magic. However, there are some hints that they can indeed use magic and also taught it to others. So I am going to use the word 'Magic' instead of 'Grace' but it is not a permanent rule.)

I smiled and then kicked her abdomen with full strength pushing her a meter away.

Cough* Cough*

She began coughing by holding her stomach and looked at me with astonished eyes.

"Jeanne, even if you are the most important person in my life, I can't be easy on you. You have to be strong." I decided to encourage her a little since it was her first time fighting against a real person.

"I understand. Thank you, Mael." She got up and smiled.

She didn't make her move first again. Instead, she waited while moving sideways with her eyes firmly sticking on me.

'So she wants to play defensive? I see.'

She knew my weakness and that was my low stamina. If she can stall me for even 15 minutes, she could find a chance to strike me.

But I didn't have any intention of going easy on her.

I decided to make the first move this time.

"Ha!" I horizontally swung my sword to strike her but she ducked and dodged.

She then firmly held her sword and tried to strike my chest with a thrust but before her sword could even touch me, I raised my leg and hacked a kick directly on her face, sending her to fly a meter away.


She groaned in pain while holding her probably broken nose.

'Sh*t, please forgive me, Jeanne…' I felt a pain in my chest when I saw her bleeding from my strike.

"J-Jeanne let's call it a day, okay? I-"

I didn't want to continue and hurt her like that!

But before I complete my sentence, she yelled and stopped me, "Strop it, Mael!"

I was snapped back when I saw her standing again and holding her sword while ignoring her bleeding nose.

"Don't be soft Mael. I want to prove to you and myself that I can lead my country to a victory!" She said then smiled again, "For you, for my family, and my country! Let's do this, Mael! Vive la France!"

Her cry bestowed a chill to my heart removing every single negative emotion away. I looked at Eliza who in response smiled with pride. So that is why she was sure that Jeanne could lead France to victory.

"Yeah…" I smiled with a final satisfaction.

She leaped again but this time she didn't lose her stance at all.

Clang* Clang* Clang*

With every move, she began to solidifying her moves.

Feeling excited, I also answered her every strike. I punched or kicked her a couple of times but she just got up and continued with a better and better strike until she tried to kick me with a backflip but.

"What the?!"

She didn't kick me. Instead, she tossed dirt by her feat.

"Got you!"

Without waiting for a single second, she leaped forward and hugged my chest tightly. Unable to maintain my posture, I fell on the ground with Jeanne hugging me.

"Cough* What the…?" I coughed and looked at Jeanne's distorted face. There were several bruises on her face but her weak smile overshadowed all her wounds.

"…D-did I… win…?" She asked weakly.

Eliza also came near us and began applying healing magic.

"Why didn't you strike me when you had the chance?" I asked ignoring her question.

She could have kicked or punched me but instead, she just hugged me.

"So…rry.. but I can't just see you getting hurt, hehe…"

I palmed my face while Eliza shook her head with a smile. Although she had become strong, she was still a kind and soft woman from inside. After healing us, Eliza left us alone to give the couple time.

"Fine… You just made me look like a bad guy. I am sorry…" I apologized and hugged her while looking at the bright blue sky.

I was a little angry at myself for going hard on her but it was for her good. After all, we would soon be going to fight a lost battle.

"You are just my, Mael. My prayers will always be for your safety."

"Same here."

We both chuckled and remained in that position for a while. Who knows maybe it was our last moment to act like that? After all, she will be leading France soon as an oracle.

I then look everywhere and after not finding Eliza elsewhere, I asked, "Hey Jeanne?"


"Can I… touch your butt?"

She raised her head and looked at my eyes dry. She then blushed and puffed her cheek, "Mael, you are becoming a pervert."

I could only roll my eyes since I was suffering from puberty and it was getting hard for me to control my little dragon when my woman was that close.

She then smiled and nodded with a beat red face, "You can but… only touching, 'kay?"

"Yes!" I cheered and without waiting a second I firmly placed my hand on her soft butt. Ah~ that was the day when I realized her tasty and toxic a woman's body can be.

"Kya! Mael no echhi~"

Hence our peaceful days ended.


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