
Ain Soph Aur: The Holy Maiden's wish (DxD X Fate Fic)

Everyone is aware of the three-way war between angels, devils, and fallen angels but what sparked such bloodbath that leads devils’ annihilation. Read the story of a mysterious boy and his journey with Jeanne d’Arc, the holy maiden whose selfish wish became a disaster for the supernatural of the DxD world. ---- Now then here is my other work. I will try to write and make this story as much good as my previous one so please remain positive. I have no idea if I could even add a harem of DxD standard but I will try. Please note that most of the story will follow a timeline before 500 years old war. MC will be weak but soon become incredibly strong so don’t even try to complain about it. --- English is not my first language. Nothing in the story belongs to me. Even I don’t belong to society. Important!: Various mythologies will be discussed that include some religious figures so if you find anything inappropriate or offending, please let me know. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/J_Titan Discord: https://discord.gg/vfWgNbskJt

J_Titan · Komik
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47 Chs

Chapter 10: Farewell

(Mael's POV)

Cling* Cling* Cling*

The sounds of metal colliding can be heard in the closed chamber of the church.

The person responsible was a 15 years old the most handsome teen in the entire world, holding a metallic sword and fighting against a knight.

As for his appearance, he had radiating silver hair tied in a short ponytail and ocean blue eyes.

That personification of handsomeness was naturally me.

"Ha!" I swung my sword again that clashed with the sword of the knight that I was fighting.

The knight was covered in ordinary leather armor and an iron helmet covering his head.

The knight swung his sword again that I blocked with my sword and kicked his abdomen and threw him away.

He fell on the ground before rolling a couple of times before getting up again.

I then expanded my legs with my left leg in front and right leg backward and held my sword in a horizontal position.



The horizon changed as every object that has shape was making after images whenever I roll my eyes. But most importantly I was able to see the after images of the said knight who was running towards me holding his sword up to his right side.

1 second.

That was fix time lap where I could predict the future of anyone that was more than enough for me to move back in the price time the knight delivered an overhead slice, dodging the attack and moving my sword horizontally.

Full Counter!

Just after a millisecond, the knight blew away as his body severed diagonally into two parts.

"The winner is Mael!" I heard the result of my fight and clapping Eliza emerged in the room.

The dead knight also turned into dust a few seconds later.

I was finally able to learn and use Full Counter in a battle.

It was the usual spar where Eliza summoned a magic clone based on a strong human knight and I had to fight the clone and finish the fight using the full counter.

"Hah! That was a good warm-up." I smiled and took a deep breath.

"Fufu~. You have learned this pretty fast." Eliza came near me and wiped the sweat on my face.

Thanks to her training, I was also able to increase my stamina not much but enough to move for an hour.

I also grew taller around 165 cm, slightly taller than Eliza.

She then gave me a sack of water that I gulped in one breath.

I then bowed to her and thanked her for the support, "Thank you, Eliza."

I first used to call her Miss Eliza or Master but she insisted on being called by her name only.

"Hehe, you are so cheeky, Mael. Are you planning on striking some beautiful girls?" She chuckled and asked with a smug face.


"Yeah, Mael. Just say how many girls are you planning to make them fall for you?"

Before I could answer, I heard a very chilling voice and saw Jeanne looking at me with a sweet yet chilling smile.

She was none other than my first love, Jeanne d'Arc.

"Jeanne, when did you came here?!" I asked then my gaze met Eliza's smug face, and realized what was going on.

"Just now when you were about to explain your harem plan." She said and folded her arms and puffed her cheeks cutely.

She had also become quite mature for her age. She grew her hair long tied in a braid with short bangs surrounding her head. The most important part was her burst size that could already beat even Eliza in competition.

However, she didn't have such a kind of charm where people would only lust her body but instead had a natural charisma that makes people happy just by speaking to them.

She also sometimes grows an ahoge that swigs whenever her silly side comes out.

(AN: Alter alert!)

"Hehe, you are the cutest girl in the history of humankind. Why would I go for other girls when I have the personification of otherworldly beauty in front of me~' I chuckled and slightly pulled her soft cheeks.

"Humph, you better watch your flirtatious tone. I don't want you to involve with other girls." She then started caressing my cheeks gently, "Considering how charming you have become…"

I also smiled softly as we get closer and were about to cross the first boundary of our relationship when Eliza came between us.

"Okay, Love birds~. I know both of you are of 'that' age but please control your desires and refrain from doing anything indecent before marriage or standing on your foot, okay~?" Eliza clapped her hands and asked with a soft tone but only Jeanne and I knew how scary she looked at that time.

"Yes…" Both of us nodded before we would receive punishment from that angel.

"By the way Eliza, I am giving a feast to my family. Why don't you come too?" I asked Eliza.

Although she had met Jacques and Isabelle, she never came to our house. I always wanted to pay her for teaching us by inviting her to dinner with our family but for some reason, she was very shy to go to unknown places, a trait that even I share.

"Eh?! It's fine. I know you are concerned about paying me but-"

She was about to refuse when Jeanne interrupted her. "No buts! You should taste the food that my future husband makes. You will certainly regret if you miss it, Eliza."

"I-is that so…? T-then…" Eliza blushed and nodded.

Luckily we were able to drag Eliza to our house.

In the passage of those two years, Jacques and I worked hard and made a little fortune, and were able to build a solid house near the church.

We became good merchants by selling animal meat and fur along with some other miscellaneous odd jobs.

Anyway, for the feast, I prepared roasted chicken fried with butter along with custard for dessert.

"Hmmm~, this is so good~" Eliza dangled in pleasure when she took her first bite.

According to her, although angel doesn't need to eat, drink or sleep, they sometimes do eat food made by humans or drink tea. And yes, they can also eat the meat of any animal as long as not forbidden by the bible.

Jeanne and I looked at each other and smiled. We were happy that Eliza was enjoying her time with us.

After enjoying the heartwarming meal with us, Eliza left.

Then I packed my stuff for my journey before moving to my room. When we turned 14, Jeanne and I decided to sleep in different rooms since we were moving towards maturity and it was not right to sleep with each other anymore.

I was lying on the bed and was about to close my eyes when Jeanne entered my room.

She looked a little sad and I knew what she wanted. So I expanded my arm as she gently placed her head on my arm and hugged me.


"Yes, Jeanne?"

"Do you know what the ocean looks like?"

She asked. Although I didn't see the sea in this life, I faintly remember from my past life.

"Yeah, blue saltwater everywhere as long as you see. Toxic to drink but still carries life." I said as I was caressing her back. I was also fighting my urges to stop my hand from touch her round butt.

"I want to see it."

"Then it is my task to make your wish come true," I said and looked at her face but she was already asleep.

"Finally…" I smiled as I recalled some good memories I made with Jeanne, her family, and Eliza in the past two years, and finally, it was time to leave them to stand on my feet then.

I closed my eyes after kissing Jeanne's forehead.

The next day, Jeanne and her parents can be seen sobbing in front of me.

"You guys…" I sighed with a helpless smile but I felt warm that there were people who care about me.

I first went towards Jacques who was trying hard to stop his tears. We didn't say anything and hugged each other like real men.

Then I pay my farewell to Isabelle who was like my mother and supported the house no matter how hard the times were.

Then I finally came across Jeanne, the sweet first love of my life. Jacques and Isabelle also left to give the new couple some privacy.

"Sniff* Mael… please don't go…" Jeanne was continuously crying and begging me not to leave her.

We were inseparable for all these years and never spend even a day without each other. So it was hard for her to bid farewell to her love.

As for me, I remained calm since if I stopped there then there will surely be bitter consequences later.

I didn't say anything and embraced her in my arms. I also felt very warm in my chest.

'Mael, you idiot! Stop imagining dirty thoughts and control your little brother!' I tried to remain calm and somehow stopped the warm liquid about to leak from my nose.

After some time, I lift her face and stared down into her amethyst-colored eyes. "Jeanne, you are a strong girl. Stronger than even me so don't cry, okay~?" I asked while wiping her tears.

"Hmm." She smiled and nodded with rosy cheeks.

I then took out a pouch and handed it over to her.

"What's this?" She was confused until she opened it and saw several gold coins in it. She widened her eyes and looked at me, "Mael, this is…?"

"Jeanne, you are my world. What I do is for naught but you. Please use this to buy whatever you want in the meantime." I smiled and caressed her cheeks.

"No, Mael! This is your hard-earned money! How could I-"

She was about to refuse when I put my finger on her soft lips as I got closer.

"Shhhh!... As I said, you are the reason that makes me move forward. Making a girl happy is the ultimate goal of an honest man."

She blushed first before chuckling, "Mael, you are so cheeky. Don't use this way of speaking to other girls, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. Believe me; I won't even look at them." I smiled helplessly.

"Good." She nodded with a bright smile before raising her feet, getting closer, and kissed my cheek. "Become strong and never give up no matter how hard the time gets, Mael. I will always believe you."

"Yeah, same here." I nodded and kissed her forehead.

Kissing on lips was something both of us were not prepared for so we decided to wait for few more years when we turn a little more mature.

Then after giving a final hug and recharging my Jeanne energy, I finally bid farewell and left the village.

"Eliza?" I found Eliza waiting for me under the tree outside the church.

"Won't I get a farewell hug?" She expanded her arms.

"Of course!"

I hugged Eliza gently. Although she didn't lack any female charm, I never saw her as a person of the opposite gender. She was simply my good friend.

She then gently held my face and looked into my eyes. "Mael, be careful out there. Do not trust anyone other than yourself. Not even people from church."

She sounded quite worried and warned me.

From her tone, I knew that there could be some moles in the church too.

I was also taught all about the common sense of this era and politics by Eliza. She had trained me how to rely on myself in an unknown place so I already knew what to do.

"I will be careful." I nodded.

For the past two years, I had already sensed that there was something wrong within the underworld.

Demons or devils must have some influence in the church that's why she didn't want me to interact with people in the church.

"Then it is farewell for now. Be safe, my child. God may always protect you." She said with a warm tone caressing my cheek.

"Thanks." I nodded and after waving my hand I finally left the village.

My destination was the closest town to the village called Bourges, the territory of Baron, Gilles de Rais.


Cringe level is over 9000!!!!!

Anyone who wants to read omake can join the pat.reon and also help me a little. However, just like chapters omakes will eventually be uploaded although little late.

So throw all the stones on my face and help me write exciting content.

Lets set a goal: 1k for the end of this week.



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