
Aiden of Karlugos

War, magic, and a kaleidoscope of personalities await you in this tale of a prince who's not only slaying dragons but also his own inner demons. 'Echoes of Rebirth'—where even in a fantasy realm, family dynamics are as amusingly complicated as your math assignments.

Pyae_Sone_3600 · Fantasi
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14 Chs

A disturbance incoming

In the quiet corners of the grand palace, the ethereal presence of ancient heroes lingered, observing Aiden's journey with a sense of pride. As Aiden continued to explore the world with his captivating gaze, the spectral figures engaged in whispered dialogue.A white haired old man with a big body sat silently in the shadows chatting with two enchanting ladies who seems to be on familiar terms with him.

Valark: "He bears the weight of destiny in those eyes, a convergence of celestial and mystical forces and some kind of foreign forces mixed in as well."

Aria: "Aiden is a beacon of hope for the empire. We once fought battles to protect this realm; now, our duty takes a different form."

Lysandra: "His birth is a moment foretold in the revelation. We are here to witness, guide, and to protect."

As the past heroes conversed in their spectral realm, their inner monologues echoed a shared commitment to safeguarding Aiden. Unbeknownst to them, a sudden disturbance in the magical currents drew their attention. The heroes fell silent, their gazes focused beyond the palace walls.

As the heroes turned their attention outward, a malevolent force breached the protective barrier surrounding the palace. A figure cloaked in dark robes emerged, wielding formidable magical power. The heroes, bound by duty, materialized into a spectral form and moved to intercept the intruder.

Valark: "Alright, who's messin in here?"

Aria: "Ahhh...Seriously, this is a celestial birth, not a dark magic meet-up. Show some respect will yaq!"

Lysandra: "Pack up your shady magic, boy. The celestial heir doesn't need your drama and bull crapqq."

The dark-robed mage, unfazed by the heroes' banter, unleashed a burst of dark energy toward Aiden, who emitted a faint glow.

Valark: "Not cool, dude! Keep your dark stuff away from the baby."

Aria: "Boy.We're not letting you ruin the party. Back off before things get ugly."

The heroes, in a synchronized move that looked more like choreography than combat, conjured shimmering shields to intercept the dark magic. As their magic intertwined, fragments of energy danced in the air, resonating with the dark magic opposing it and extinguishing it completely.

Lysandra: "Nice try, but you're not crashing this event or else Seraphina and Valerius are gonna get angry."

The dark mage laughed maniacally as he unleashed his star fragments, the shards of cosmic energy that he had stolen from the heavens. He waved his hand and the fragments flew towards the three heroes who had come to stop him.

The two magic heroes, who were once a legend in the history of fire mage and a water mage, quickly formed a barrier of flames and waves to block the attack.Then without delay sword hero, a brave warrior with a silver blade, charged forward and slashed at the dark mage.

The dark mage dodged the sword and smirked. He flicked his wrist and the star fragments changed direction, following the sword hero like homing missiles. The sword hero barely avoided the explosion as the fragments hit the ground behind him.

The fire mage and the water mage saw their friend in danger and decided to use their ultimate technique. They chanted in unison and created a spatial territory, a pocket dimension where they could fight the dark mage without harming anyone else.

The dark mage felt the space around him warp and realized what they had done. He snarled and increased his power, making his star fragments glow brighter and more violently. He sensed the killing intent in his enemies and matched it with his own.

The three heroes and the dark mage clashed in the spatial territory, unleashing their full potential. The battle was fierce and intense, with sparks, flames, water, and stars flying everywhere in that spatial territory.

Despite their nonchalant demeanor, the heroes' eyes gleamed with determination as they held the magical barrier firm, deflecting the malevolent energy that the unknown dark mage continues to pour out by resonating his fragments of stars.

The dark-robed mage, realizing he's outmatched, made a hasty retreat into the shadows no later before valark drew his sword to cut his hands down while he was focused on escaping.

No longer than that after some time the emperor appeared with his crimson eyes gleaming dangerously

"Did it happened? I thought it wouldn't but he dared....!"Valark asked frowning.

Valark: "Yah mann..Some party crasher tried to mess with Aiden. We showed them the exit thou"

The heroes, their spectral forms slowly fading back into the unseen, exchanged casual nods.They had known Valerius for a long time and knew that it wouldn't bring any good to be with him when's his eyes are gleaming.

Valerius: "Well, that was expected but they really dared to do it huh....."

Valark: "Life's full of surprises. Well....We'll stick around, just in case."

Aria: "Can't let the cosmic party end on a sour note."

Lysandra: "Exactly. We're on guardian duty, whether it's from dark mages or diaper changes."

As the grand palace resumed its celebration, the heroes lingered in the spectral realm, watching over Aiden with a sense of nonchalant vigilance.


In the tranquil days preceding Aiden's birth, the Emperor and Empress, their eyes filled with both anticipation and trust, sought out their old friends – Valark, Aria, and Lysandra. The grand palace gardens, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, became the backdrop for a reunion that transcended time.It was a group of people who was once called the heros of the area .

Valerius: "My friends, we have something to ask of you."

Valark: "Cut to the chase, old donkey. What do you need?"

Empress: "We want you here, by our side, as Aiden comes into this world. Will you watch over him? Be his guardians even for a month?"

Aria: "A guardian at a baby shower? That's a new one. But, of course, we're in cuz we ain't got much to do."

Lysandra: "Consider it done. We'll be there for the little one."

As the moonlit night witnessed their pact, the Emperor and Empress expressed gratitude, knowing that the past heroes, bound not just by duty but by deep friendship, would stand watch over the joyous occasion.

Emperor: "Thank you, my friends. Your presence means more than words can convey."

Valark: "No need for thanks just get me something nice to drink in return . We've faced demons and danced with destiny together. This is just another chapter eh?."

Seraphina: "Aiden is lucky to have guardians like you."

The echoes of that heartfelt exchange lingered in the cosmic dance as Valark, Aria, and Lysandra stood guard during Aiden's birth. Little did they know that the favor they willingly accepted would soon evolve into a cosmic showdown, where the bonds of friendship and the duty to protect would be tested in unexpected ways....