

Glenn life was very ordinary in the human realm until he suddenly awaken a system with power which gives him ability beyond his imagination. [Scanning planet...] [Analysing Environment...] [Scanning the host full body status...] [Checking host mental and emotional health..] [Downloading Data and Awaking AI...] [Rechecking brainwave after download...] [Date download successful. Awaking AI successful...] [Creating system interface... Visualizing the system... confirming all tasks, tips and tutorials] [Requesting final approval... Approval accepted...] [Merging system with host...] [Successful.] [Now returning to Galaxy X260. Wishing new Unique System User best of lucks in his future adventure] ----_---- {Sup host, ready to become the best?] Glen stared at the words floating in his vision and the voice speaking in his head. After such a harsh attack, he began seeing things... {Hey, host, you're still in there??} Glen slapped himself. This must definitely be a dream. **************** Edited version. Might contain certain difference from the original Thanks for clicking, hope you stick around. Chapter Release ~ every (2) day(s)

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9 Chs


After a hearty meal of rice and vegetable soup from the morning, Glenn sent Mac off to do his assignments.

He however, doesn't do his yet and rather goes around the small wooden house to arrange it. There wasn't much in the house or many rooms for that matter.

From the living room, there was a small hallway. On the right was the kitchen and on the left, their parents room, now Glenn's. Next to that room was the one Mac slept in.

Glenn's last stop after cleaning was his bedroom. The small room only had a foam, a small wardrobe, a bookshelf and a reading desk.

The foam was placed at the left side of the room from the door and the reading desk stood close to the window.

Although there was nothing remotely valuable in the house, it was all the two had and they were quite happy with it. At least it beats living on the streets.

Glenn went to the reading desk. It was neatly arranged and he took off the bracelet and dropped it in front of him, on the desk.

The bracelet shone under the lays of light that came in through the window. The bracelet looked pretty ordinary except for how perfectly curved and crafted it was. It had a mysterious aura about it that made Glenn question it's very existence.

"Open Status" Glenn said

The bracelet glowed and the blue screen opened above it. On it, Glenn's status was on display.


[Name ~ Glenn Beck

System ~ Unique System 0041]


Strength ~ 4

Speed ~ 6

Agility ~ 4

Defence ~ 2

Intelligence ~ 5

Perception ~ 4

Endurance ~ 5

Stamina ~ 6


Method ~ None

Level ~ None

QI ~ 20/20

[Awakened Attribute]

01 ~ Space & Time Manipulation (SSS)

02 ~ Universal Art & Design (X)

03 ~ Unawakened


01 ~ Advance Leadership Skills

[Info Scan & Storage]

No Information Scanned or Stored


01 ~ Twin Moon Curve Swords

[Wheel of Fortune]

0 spins available

[Sub system users]

10/10 Slots


Glenn didn't notice earlier but his perception had increased by one point making it a total of four points.

Scratching his chin, Glenn thought back at the events of the day. He couldn't recall getting a notification that his stat had increased.

"Was I too concentrated during QI gathering that I didn't hear the notification or was there no notification at all?" Glenn asked himself

He didn't get any reply from Zero since the question wasn't directed at the AI. Besides, Glenn didn't want to question Zero about every other thing

Glenn decided not to think of this matter any longer and instead focus on more important things.

"How to get stat points"

Glenn had a few ideas how his stats work. Strength and Speed were self explanatory and getting stat points for those two could be easily done.

On the other hand, Agility, Defence, Perception, Intelligence, Stamina and Endurance were, in his word, Complicated.

"Perception has to do with all my scenes. Early today, I was in meditation and it increased by one point." Glenn said thoughtfully, "I guess that means I'd have to meditate to increase perception"

With that realization, Glenn was met with another problem. At school, he had mediated for one and a half hour and his perception only increased by one point. If it took almost two hours to get one point, it'll be awhile till those points could actually make a difference.

Perception out of his mind for now, Glenn moved to Defence. He could be right or wrong but no matter how long Glenn thought of it, he couldn't figure out what could possibly increase that stat or how he could use it.

"Moving on, Endurance. That is definitely how long I can last or endure different situations. It seems to be the same thing as stamina?" Again, Glenn discovered something new.

Stamina and Endurance were so closely related they could be mistaken for the same thing however, the former determined how long he can mentally continue an activity but the later determined how long he can physically last.

"Confusing stuff" Glenn said and moved on.

Another 'confusing stuff' was the two identical stats 'Speed' and 'Agility'.

"They'll probably increase the same way" Glenn said putting a stop to that train of thought.

He didn't want to asking Zero every single but also didn't want to spend exercises amount of time thinking of these things. He'd rather actually experiment than crack his brain over these things.

With that in mind, Glenn picked up the bracelet, slipped it on and turned around to leave the room. However, the person at his door almost gave Glenn a heart attack as he jumped from shock.

At the door, Mac stood, leaning on the frame, hands folded and an expression of confusion on his cute face.

"Uuuu" was all Glenn could come up with as he stared at his younger brother in shock.

"For the first two minutes, I thought you were doing an assignment or something but then, I saw your bracelet actually glow" Mac said with a serious expression "What's going on?"

The expression on Mac's face almost made Glenn question his age. Growing up without knowing their parents and learning to about sensitive things at such a young age couldn't be good for any kid. It took away the fun of being a kid.

Glenn knew he had been caught. There was nothing he could make up and his brother would believe. Lying was out of the options. Does he then say the truth?

[Warning. Hostile Emotions towards you picked up in your environment]

'Hostile emotions?' Glenn became alert at once and pulled Mac into the room, startling the boy. 'From where?'

"What are you doing?" Mac asked after he stabilized himself

[Outside the house. Your door will be knocked down in 3, 2, 1]


A loud crash sounded throughout the house making it's occupants jump from fright. Glenn, without a missing a beat summoned his drawing tablet.

"How many are they?" he asked, totally forgetting he was talking out loud "Can you show me a visual display of them?"

Next to him, was confused an alert, even more when he saw the bracelet glow again and a blue screen appeared above in.


!Drop a Power Stone to support Mac and Glenn!

Okay, I couldn't upload yesterday but I guess an early upload today can grant me forgiveness?👋