

Glenn life was very ordinary in the human realm until he suddenly awaken a system with power which gives him ability beyond his imagination. [Scanning planet...] [Analysing Environment...] [Scanning the host full body status...] [Checking host mental and emotional health..] [Downloading Data and Awaking AI...] [Rechecking brainwave after download...] [Date download successful. Awaking AI successful...] [Creating system interface... Visualizing the system... confirming all tasks, tips and tutorials] [Requesting final approval... Approval accepted...] [Merging system with host...] [Successful.] [Now returning to Galaxy X260. Wishing new Unique System User best of lucks in his future adventure] ----_---- {Sup host, ready to become the best?] Glen stared at the words floating in his vision and the voice speaking in his head. After such a harsh attack, he began seeing things... {Hey, host, you're still in there??} Glen slapped himself. This must definitely be a dream. **************** Edited version. Might contain certain difference from the original Thanks for clicking, hope you stick around. Chapter Release ~ every (2) day(s)

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9 Chs


It took over half an hour for the teacher's to bring order to the ground floor of Silver Lane Mixed High School.

The year one students, after a lot of efforts, were sent back to their classes.

The news of what had happened spread like wild fire and soon reached the ears of people in year 2, 3 and 4 classes.

Without a doubt, the school headmaster will hear of it wherever he was. Such a thing have never happened before. It caused a commotion in the school

In Class 1A now known as the classroom of the elites, ten people sat on the ground in a wide circle.

Miss Lauren had called for a meeting after they awakened

"I'll leave you all to familiarize yourself a with the basics of your attributes. When you're done, I'll see what kind of materials you'd need to cultivate in the future" Miss Lauren said. She was all smiles and her eyes were sparkling as she spoke.

"My attribute is pretty simple" Sam said with a rare thoughtful expression "I can turn water to ice and vise versa. I can also manipulate ice into any thing I want however, there is one limitation. I can only freeze water that I'm touching or very close to"

Miss Lauren nodded and wrote something down on her notebook.

"Perhaps it's just a level limitation" she said "Your second attribute is fire. This might become a challenge in the future as fire and ice can't mix. Trying to cultivate both of them might damage your body"

"Does that mean I'd have to give up one?" Sam asked with a sad expression.

"Not necessarily" Miss Lauren said "I have a friend who had similar problems. I'll speak to them and see if there is any solution but until you have enough soul force, you can't cultivate both attributes"

"Really?" Sam's face lit up again "Thanks Miss Lauren"

Miss Lauren nodded and turned to Emily who was the one of other persons with problematic attributes

"I just don't get it. Using is self explanatory enough but how am I supposed to create and enhance magic?" Emily asked

Miss Lauren frowned a little

"There is actually very little knowledge of witches who can enhance spells and those who can create spells are rarer that singing donkeys. It'll be a while before I can find any information on this attributes" she said

"Class Rep, what about you? What does your attribute do?" Mike asked

Everyone turned to Glenn for his answer. In the past few hours, it seems they've graduated from calling him by his name to "Class Rep".

"Yeah, I've never heard of your art and design attribute before" Sydney said

"It's quite simple actually" Glenn replied "I draw and bring my drawings to reality"

"Wait, so you can like, draw a building and bring it to real life?" Mile asked with wide eyes

"I'm pretty sure that's what he meant, Mike" an identical voice said before Glenn could reply

With a glared targeted at his brother, Mike snapped

"Shut up Miles!"

Glenn didn't pay anymore attention to them. He saw Miss Lauren pick out small booklets from the things she had with her and wave it around, catching the students attention.

"These are the basic QI gathering handouts. Everyone pick one and begin practicing according to the method listed in it. Anyone who can't gather at least 20 QI energy by the end of the day will have to stay extra hours" Miss Lauren got up "If you have any questions, I'll be at the front desk"

The students picked a handout each. The small five paged booklets had brown colored papers hard covers. The booklets looked old, as though they have passed through many hands.

"20 QI energy? A beginner cultivation can only gather 10 QI! Isn't miss Lauren too cruel?" Sam asked and got shushed by the others.

"It's just 20 QI. An SS class beginner can store up to 20 QI" Glenn said, standing up "It shouldn't be a problem"

"Class Rep, you're saying that because you have two X Ranked Attribute. Even if you wanted to gather 50 QI, you'd still be able to do it" Brian argued

Glenn nodded in agreement. He sat few few feet away from the other.

"That's why you guys need to work hard. Don't allow yourself to be left behind" he said and opened the booklet signalling he was done with the conversation

The others created more space between themselves too and began studying the booklet. Slowly, everyone enter a state of unconsciousness.

'Zero, how effective is this method of QI gathering?'

Glenn read the QI gathering handouts. The method was very easy to understand. One needed to set in a lotus position and concentrate. The harder part was connecting to the universe and feeling the free QI around them. Then, the person would need to draw those small particles of QI into their body, and direct them into their Blood Vessel and straight to the QI cores in their body. By doing so, they accumulate enough soul force to break through levels.

For a beginner, there was no much risk involved but as on level increases, the risk of hurting the QI cores during the QI gathering process increases and becomes harder to accumulate soul force to break through.

The handouts clearly stated as this.

{The QI gathering method is quite effective but slow and the risks are too high. There is a better method which increases the speed at which QI is gathered and reduce the risk of hurting the cores}

Glenn quickly lost interest in the manual he was holding 'Can you give me that method?'

[Yes but you have to be at level 2 to use this method. I shall send the information to your mind when that time comes]

Glenn frowned but doesn't ask for more. He adjusted his sitting position and began concentrating to connect with the qi universe.

With time, his mind became clear and he felt his body weight reduce until he felt like he was floating in the air.

Glenn opened his eyes and looked around. He was in the dark space filled with stars again.

This time however, Glenn didn't see any attribute orbs but small strands of glowing threadlike energy.

Without a doubt, Glenn recognized the white strands of energy as QI.

He closed his eyes again and concentrated on drawing those energy into his body


In a large living room, a man in his late forties sporting dark brown hair and eyes with an exceptional large muscles sat opposite another man who appeared to be the year one overseer of SLMHS, Mr Argent.

The bigger man had a weird expression on his face as he thought about something.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked after thinking for some time.

"You don't need to doubt me. I'm sure some students must have recorded and posted videos on the internet already." Mr Argent said with a serious expression, his former carefree attitude gone.

"Mm, this is shocking" the bigger man said rubbing his thick but short beard. "A whole class of duel attribute awakened. Silver Lane has never seen such"

"It's not that they all awaken as duel attribute users" Mr Argent said "It's that one of them actually awaken two X Ranked Attribute. And he somehow knew what was going to happen"

Mr Argent was silent for a moment as he remembered the event that had occurred at the school

"No matter how I think of it, that kid is definitely not normal. He said it was just a lucky guess. Who is stupid enough to believe that?"

The big man stood up

"Okay, I'll look into that kid's background. You go back to the school first." he said to the overseer

Mr Argent stood up with a frown

"Are you not coming back to school with me?" he asked

The man three his head back and laughed before moving closer and giving the overseer a pat on the shoulder

"My old friend Walker, don't you know, as the principal of SLMHS, I have the duty of 'not' coming to school on the first day? Do you want those rich people to oppress me too much?" he asked

"So you prefer them oppressing your teachers?" Mr Argent asked with a glared

"Ah" the man, now revealed as the principal of SLMHS laughed again. "I'll see you at school tomorrow"

That was the end of the conversation and Mr Walker Argent walked out of the principal's house shaking his head.

So freaking sorry for not updating yesterday. Had a tough day and totally forgot.

Hope this chapter is better

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