

In a realm where might is right and the scales of power teeter precariously, the strong bask in glory while the weak are left to languish in obscurity. Yet, the wheel of fate spins in mysterious ways. Enter Ye Chen, an unassuming soul from Earth, whose life was cut short in its prime. As his consciousness flickered on the brink of oblivion, he found himself reborn in a world beyond his wildest imagination. Armed with an advanced AI companion named Xiao, Ye Chen embarks on a thrilling journey that pits him against formidable adversaries - ancient martial artists, enigmatic cultivators, omnipotent magicians, fearsome demons, and savage beasts. With Xiao by his side, the universe becomes their playground, each challenge a stepping stone on their path to greatness.

Frost_16 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
48 Chs

Origin Source

The scroll divided the levels into eight stages for the mortal realm. This was the maximum it could handle before he had to leave and go for a higher realm.

And each step was divided into three more sub-steps that is, the Early state, Primary State, and the Peak state.

The first stage would be the White level, Yellow level, Orange level, Green level, Blue level, Purple level, Red level then the Dark level.

All these divisions were to determine the strength of the practitioner and level of understanding.

After understanding this whole theory part, it was time to put it into some practice.

Seating cross-legged, he focused his mind, ready to run the energy cycle.

The second energy cycle for channeling out the energy.


'This time, am going to make it to the top, woah!'

Ye Chen clenched his fists tightly as he resolutely steeled himself for what was to come.

Although all this was virtual, it would still apply for him outside very soon after he mastered it.

Channeling his Origin energy from the core, he slowly visualized the process in his mind before trying to summon the energy with his will power.

A small stream of energy pulsated from his abdomen as it rose slowly by slowly towards his upper body as more and more energy streams followed.

Within just a few moments, all the energy within the core had been summoned.

Origin energy coursed through his cells, right from his heart to all other parts of the body.

Just then as he wanted to stop, it grew more berserk and violent.

'Hey, stop!' He shouted in his mind as he frantically tried to stop.

"Hey Xiao, what is wrong with me?" He turned to Xiao to seek for answers but unfortunately for him, there was no response at all.

Just then, a blinding light hit him before he felt a sleepy sensation overcome him.

'Strange, I've never felt sleep in the virtual space, unless!'

That was a creepy thought. He suddenly stopped all his movements and tried to open his closed eyes but when he did.

Let's just say he was beyond shocked this time.

What was before him was no longer virtual but more than real.

Before him was desert with yellow sand but strangely enough, there was no scorching sun or some violent winds.

It seemed just calm like some abandoned part of space with no life.

It had the kind of chilling sensation that seemed creepy.

He was standing here all alone as he overlooked over the sandy terrains.

"What place is this?" He asked vigilantly as he tried to scout around. But this desert seemed to be endless and with no sign of any border. Only an echo of his voice reverberated through space.

As his instincts kicked in, he slowly started taking steps forward.

A minute, an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year, a decade, a century, a millennia.

Time passed as he walked without stopping or looking back.

His mind had stopped to think completely and now, he was just like a headless man going forward with no sense of direction and destination like some zombie.

He had completely lost his mind into it and was no longer sane.

"You made it!"

A voice sounded in his head before a frail looking child in yellow robes appeared beside him.

They did not say anything to each other and just went on for years before meeting a slightly older teen.

Millenniums passed and the group of travelers grew bigger until they were uncountable.

All would say, "You made it!" before joining in.


"Welcome to the Arena friends..."

And then at the end, the desert finally halted.

Before them was just a vast sky with stars blinking as they rushed back and forth through space.

"What the hell is this place and why am I here?"

It was only at this moment did he realize that he was here without even having any idea of how he made it here.

The only last thing he could recall was the endless desert then silence and darkness.

Just then, he heard a voice.

"This is the source of Origin. The place where chaos began and you have just stumbled in."

"That means you are trying to practice the ways of Origin, but!" The voice halted for a while in a very ominous way.

"But what?" Ye Chen asked, not sure if this was really some hallucination or something real.

"This is not something that can be handled by a mortal, you better stop when it is early enough or, you will be the cause of the next cataclysm just like you did last times. Take care!"

The voice had trailed off and before he could react, he was there all alone.

The ones he had come with were all gone just as the voice vanished.

And he was just right at the point he had started.

"What is really happening?" He had tried to summon Xiao occasionally but there was no response at all.

"And what did he mean last time, does the owner of the voice know me?" He had a lot of questions but there was no time for answering them.

And this did not seem like a dream or some kind of virtual reality, it was very real.

This was probably not a good place. He immediately started looking for a way out but still found nothing.

'This is very strange, no matter how I move, am just at the same place. This is spooky, no I need to get out of here...'

Unfortunately for him, he was too late.

The previous calm sand started churning violently before coming his way.

"No! No! Don't come here please!" He cried out in panic as he felt the sand swallow him.

But then he realized it, the sand was not swallowing him at all, he was the one swallowing it or rather absorbing it.

Slowly by slowly, it started to coalesce towards his Origin core before it circulated around it completely.

Within just a few moments, all the sand had been sucked in leaving behind the vast space.

Stars started to fall one by one, then space started to distort from one corner to another.

From one direction to another, booming sounds erupted as the void filled the previous starry space.

This was a space collapse, a full cataclysmic event that had caused the end of the universe.