
Ah really?

Starts off in danmachi, basic transmigration and wishes scenarion. I'm currently writing on it now. Suggestive criticism is welcome.

Ryan_Colman · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
47 Chs

5. Comfortable.

"Alright Valerie, I've had enough training for the day." I call to the vampire who was trying to walk on water.

Currently my arms are both swollen and sore from pouring too much chakra through them. Surprised I didn't blow a blood vessel or something.

"Perhaps I should learn some healing jutsu." I flinch after touching my forearm. "Or just not get excited about chakra and overtrain."

The swelling is going down very slowly though which is nice.

"It is starting to get dark so you should probably grab a shower and then head to bed." Valerie says looking at the sky.

"True I suppose." I stand up and pat the dirt off my clothes. "So what are you going to do about all the downed trees?"

The training area really was wrecked.

"I'll probably just have someone come and take care of them. Then do a little work back here since you'll be training here and I've decided to train with you." She says with a smile.

"Could probably turn those trees into things like striking posts and targets." I offer.

"Faster just to get rid if everything and buy what you need." She says ignoring the mess. "I'll put in an order tonight to have someone come and clean up everything."

Her house, her money I suppose.

"Alright then, well I'm going to take a shower." I tell her before heading into the house.

I'm rather eager to try out a hot spring, never been to one before.

Sure enough the bathroom is large and looks amazing. There are multiple shower heads and stools I can use to wash off first.

I doubt they have washing machines so I guess I'll be washing my clothes by hand later on. That's going to be a new experience. Kind of.

I take my clothes off and toss them into a wicker basket on the side before walking to the shower and turning it on.

"Atleast there is soap. Good enough for me." a quick scrub down and rinse and then I'm off to the large steaming hot spring. Wonder if it's made by magic or something?

"Well it helps ease the sore muscles which is nice, though I think cold might have been better." I need like ice packs or something.

A bit later i pull myself out of the hot spring before drying off, dropping a set of clothes from the gate to wear, i hang up my towel.

I'll wash my clothes later.

Right now I'm just eager to lay down, maybe go over a couple of scrolls, I'd like to find the one about silent killing. Not making any sound when I move seems like it would be beneficial.

The room I was given looks really nice, there is a large bed, a dresser for my clothes, a big window that shows outside. There is even a bathroom with running water. Nice!

Before I plop down on the bed I open my gate and step through.

All of the scrolls I have are labeled, so it doesnt take me long to find the one with Assasination techniques, sure enough silent killing is inside.

I grab it and head to my new bed to relax and get some reading done.

Technically my training is a bit skewed, I have larger than average chakra reserves and they regenerate at a fast pace. With the Rinnegan part of my eyes being able to see chakra, and the Sharingan part memorizing everything I do, it's not that hard to control my chakra to make it do things like leaf balancing. Which is the exercise I'm supposed to do for genin. However it doesnt help a person who has pretty much perfect control.

"I'll need to tweak my training some. It would be nice if I had the paths, that way I could increase my training times 6 or is it 7? However I would need dead bodies." I look at my hand for a second before a black rod suddenly pushes it's way out from under my skin. Chakra rods.

"Well that was a weird feeling." I dont really have any wounds on my body from the rid exiting my skin but it still felt weird.

These chakra rods can be used as weapons, if they are stabbed into a person it causes immense pain and even disrupts the flow of chakra making it near impossible to use jutsu, they can also be embedded into dead bodies to make the paths which all have special abilities. I would then gain control of the dead bodies and be able to see what they see.

"Something to worry about for another time. I'll also try out shadow clones and see how those work." I toss the chakra rod into my gate.

I could probably fire it at people with the gate now that I think about it.

Looking out the window I could already see people fixing up the back yard, there were a lot of, I dont know? demi-human? Beastmen? Nocturnal people with animal traits. Probably the least offensive sounding.

"Seems Valerie works fast." I could see her pointing and giving instructions to the workers.

However I doubt I'll be able to sleep with all the noises and flashes of light going on outside.

"Should I try to learn shadow clones to increase my training?" I ponder out loud before opening the gate once more.

It didn't take long to find shadow clones as there was an entire list of clone jutsu, earth, fire, wind, lightning, water, blood, wood, shadow, exploding, the list went on.

It only took a minute to memorize the list however the only one I was going to try right now was the shadow clone.

Thay however turned out to be a major mistake. As soon as I was able to summon the clone I got double vision. I could see through the clones eyes and control it like normal which was neat.

However once I popped it, I got a massive migraine from the double vision and memory. Kind of like a feedback loop and created confusion which gave me motion sickness.

"So no shadow clones, got it." I grumble rubbing my head.