
How It Began

"Hell is were all the bad people go."

"Fallen angels always end up in Hell."

"Go to Hell."

Common phrases used in today's world. Hell is the polar opposite of Heaven. It is a place where sinners awake in once they die. And the fallen angels along with ghastly creature go. Its not just like a world similar to the simple fernace. No, its a place of screams. Torcher. Regret. Abandonment. Neglect. And most of all, agony. Its not some world of fire. It is another world, hotter than fire, dryer than Atacama desert, colder than Antartica and the Ice Age. Its a world of many faces, none in which you should trust. A place of lies, murders, disgustingly action. Some would give anything to get out, even their life. But since no one is strong enough, the only one able to pass the barrier between earth and Hell are Lucifer and those who are right underneath his foot, causing people on earth to commit crimes in Heaven's view. No one ever got out of going to Hell when they had sinned. But even though someone was sent to Hell, doesn't mean that they would love it there. Even most of the fallen angels hated it. And luckily for one, he had the opportunity to see earth for some time.

Azrael played with fire as Abaddon & Amon fought for space. 'Oh what a joy this is, just lying around & not doing anything... I thought Hell was way much cooler than this,' Azrael thought in a sarcastic tone before being intrupted. As Abaddon's feirce laughter shook throughout the scalding cavern, Azrael looked over to see Amon in a crispy cover of ash. He glared at Abaddon and started to yell.


Azrael tuned him out while staring at the abyss of fire. The was no escape, feeling the sun, no justice. You had freedom from the strict rules of Heaven however there was... sacrifices. Bored from listening to Amon cuss him out, Abaddon went over to Azrael, who looked deep in thought.

"How's the little fallen angel doin', ey?"

Azrael jumped a bit and glared at Abaddon, trying not to show her was spooked, trying to show no weakness. Abaddon smile, knowing the fallen angel in front of him was fearful of the guardian of the death abyss itself.

"Oi, don't be a wimp like this demon here!"

He pointed to Amon, who stopped cussing and was in a corner, rocking back and forth with his legs close to his chest. Once he noticed Abaddon was pointing to him, Amon, once again, started to scream at him after jumping up. Azrael groaned and turned away, in which Abaddon merely apparated infront of him, picking up Azrael's head so he stared into the yellow, snake pupiled eyes of Abaddon.

"What's going on in that little head of yours, ey?"

"Fuck off..."



Abaddon stared at him before running his claws against Azrael's cheek.

"Ah... But its no fun not knowing what on your mind."

Azrael huffed as he got up and walked off. While passing Amon, he picked him up and threw the demon on a rock that looked somewhat like a mattress. He really hated him. Just 37 hours ago, Abaddon took Azrael on a "walk," in which he would be stuffed into a bag and be dragged around before he was able to unknowingly apperate somewhere else or tore up the bag. Once, he had apperated to the door of the lair, in which was were the Devil stayed. No one ever made it out alive, no matter if they went in openly or secretly. Those who did go in and come out alive were those who devoted everything to him. They laid under his feet and never said a word to anyone about what or who he was. Everyone under him were silent, seriously, and careful. Abaddon was one of these demons. However, for Azrael, it was always flirty actions or comments. Azrael asked if this was normal for others that came across Abaddon but they all described him as someone silent but deadly. Never speaking unless it was important and never failed following out the Devil's commands, killing anyone in his way. It bugged Azrael that he was basically getting harassed by the demon of the death abyss. As his gaze caught Amon curled up, sleeping in his earth form, Azrael gently snickered. It was really weird. The face looked like a bird with big eyes, the head as a monkey's, the body like a wolfs, and the back half like a serphant. Amon was concidered as a leader of many demons of Hell but it wasn't exactly true. With his soft nature, demons took pity on him. They supported him any way them could, boosting his ego and making him vicious in a fight. Amon was really kind but when it came to battles, he was like a ferret, cute yet had a hell of a bite. It was the same for territorial and property of Amon. He wasn't one to share. And Azrael himself?... Well he was nothing. Nothing but a fallen angel. A angel that would spend eternity in Hell, no matter what he did. He was practically useless in many ways, he couldn't even record. As he was thinking about the two demons he had stupidly befriended, Abaddon picked him up and threw him on another rock bed. As Azrael scrambled to get up, he started to back up, Abaddon inching closer to him each time with a phychotic grin on his face. Besides backing up, Azrael's face showed no fear. However, that little detail changed when he had felt something firm and solid behind him. A wall... This was it. He was gonna die. As Abaddon licked his lips with his serphant-like tounge, he opened his mouth to speak

"Aw... Come'on, dontcha wanna see the sunlight?..."

Panicking, Azrael clawed at the walls behind him. He would neve-...

Wait what?

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