
Under the Hood.

As soon as David left the Siren's bar, he made a B-line straight for Amusement Mile. An old, abandoned amusement park on the Northern Island of Gotham, near the water. It was popular in the early nineteen hundreds. But went under around the mid to late nineteen hundreds. It had before been turned into a death trap by none other than the Joker himself, but after Batman took him down, Luthor has assumed ownership of the former Gotham attraction.

Either way, it didn't matter to David. He wanted to gut Wheelan and if Luthor got in the way, he'd die to. But hopefully it wouldn't come to that. David doubted that freak from Metropolis would take happily to him killing someone in his town.

David surveyed Amusement Mile from a distance. And sure enough, David spotted armed men, walking around the abandoned park.

" They're walking in a triangular pattern. Keeping an overwatch near the old candy store. This is quite a lot for one man, don't you think Mr. Luthor?" David checked his pistols, two magazines and only twenty-seven bullets remaining. " Should be enough. Time to go to work." David dropped from his perch on the nearby tower of babel, a small attraction from the old days, and landed right on top one of the armed gunmen.

The landing was hard, hard enough to kill the man in an instant.

David's head snapped up, he took a deep breath and started running. David, wanted to play things smart, not too loud. But certainly not quiet.

He maneuvered past the security guards, guarding the candy store as quietly as he could.

" What was that?"

" What was what?"

There was a quiet pause for a moment as one of the guards looked over to where he believed he saw a body. " Eh, guess I'm just feeling paranoid. Never mind." The man spoke.

" Dude, you need to relax a little, we're almost done here. Just a few more days and we'll be out."

" Yeah... Right. My bad."

David watched as the two men walked past him, from above. And when he was certain they were no longer within ear shot, he dropped down to the ground.

And just like that, he was in.

The inside was dusty and dirty. It definitely fit the theme of an old, abandoned candy store. But there was a small light coming from the floorboards, and as David leaned down closer, the sound of music coming from below could be heard.

" Okay, let's make an entrance." David felt around for the hatch in the ground, looking for the way down into the lower levels.


" Ah, there it is." David Muttered. The small metal hatch opened up slowly and David dropped down into the lower levels.

Inside it was completely different than the floor above. It was stylish, clean. Exactly what David was looking for.

David without word or care strutted his way down the tunnel leading further into the underground basement. He had no need to hide at this point. And down here, no one was coming to help. Least of all, Batman.

David walked straight towards the opening along the tunnel, he reached into his pocket and pulled out four smoke bombs. " Three guards, plus Wheelan. This'll be easy."

" Hey, man. When's Luthor supposed to be coming to get me? I know he wants me to lay low after Arkham, but if Black Mask ain't found me yet, then he ain't ever gonna find me." Wheelan's voice was familiar. Hard to miss.

" Mister Luthor is busy with other things right now. Shut up and stop complaining. We'll bring you to him when we are told, and not a moment sooner. Got it?"

" Right. Sorry, man. I'm just getting bored being holed up here all the time."

Just as Wheelan was about to go back to watching tv, three small balls rolled across the floor and exploded in the room.

" Cough! Cough! what the fuck?!" Wheelan shouted.

David entered the room in a flurry, the smoke barely disrupted his vision, making it easier for him to pick his targets out.

The three Gun men reached for their weapons, but before they knew it, the dropped to the ground.

David reached the first man in seconds, he took out his large bayonet and jammed it in his throat. He jerked it out violently as the man flopped to the floor clutching onto the draining hole, trying to keep himself from bleeding out. David then turned around and launched the knife across the room, and hit the next guard in the middle of his forehead, dropping him. The last guard managed to raise his gun at David, but before he could fire it, David lunged across the room at the man and used his metal arm to grab the barrel of the gun. He snatched it away from the man and used it to bash his head in.

When the dust finally cleared, Wheelan was on the ground holding onto a pistol.

" Dude, what the fuck?! What the fuck is going on?!" Wheelan cursed.

" Wheelan. I've been looking for you. We need to talk." David grabbed Wheelan from behind and slammed his fist into the side of the man's skull, knocking him out cold. David then pulled out the rope he brought with him and tied Wheelan up. " We're going to take a little trip."


It was a dark and cold night; the wind was blowing hard over the streets of Gotham.

Wheelan was beginning to wake. His skull was pounding. Whatever hit him must have been very fucking hard.

And then he felt the wind blowing past his face and that caused him to open his eyes a little further.

" AGHHHHHH!" Wheelan let out a scream of utter terror when he realized where he was. He was currently upside down.

" About time you woke up. My arm was getting tired." David told the man.

" What the fuck?! Who do you think you are?! Do you know who I am?! You're fucking dead! Do you hear me?! Dead!" Wheelan shouted.

Savid gut checked Wheelan, so hard Wheelan puked up his lunch.

" Shut the fuck up. Now, you're gonna tell me everything you know and maybe I won't drop you. Got it?" David asked the man.

" Fuck you!" Wheelan shouted.

" Okay." David let Wheelan go and watched as he plummeted towards the ground.

" Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" Wheelan's shout was loud. Luckily for him, David snatched back the rope in his hand, preventing Wheelan from falling further.

Wheelan sobbed as he was slowly pulled back up to the top of the museum building.

" You feeling cooperative now, Wheelan?"

" YES! YES! I'll tell you what you want to know! Just don't kill me!" Wheelan shouted.

" Good girl. First things first, who were those men that sprung you from Arkham? Where did they come from?" David asked the man.

" I don't know! Okay! All I know is, they were hired by some guy working for Lex Luthor. I don't know where they came from." Wheelan told the man.

" Why is Luthor trying to get his hands on you? What do you have to offer him that's so important?"

" Something to help him deal with the boy scout. That freak from Metropolis. Black Mask has been doing some digging around recently, using his resources to expand his horizon. Well, he believes he found a ship floating around the sun, something crazy. I-I'm not sure what it is exactly. But it had a symbol on it, similar to Superman's." Wheelan explained. " I was supposed to give this information to Luthor and tell him how Black Mask was planning to retrieve it, but he's been busy the past few days, so I haven't had the chance to meet with him. But he sounded very excited when I told him what was found. That's all I know, I swear. I don't know nothing about those men, or what Luthor is up to right now. That's all I know, I swear to god!"

" SWEAR TO ME!" David yelled.


" Okay.... Last Question Wheelan, and then I let you go." David told the man. " Maria Morales." David muttered.

" Maria Morales? Who the fuck is that?" Wheelan asked the man.

" The Arkham guard you raped and beat to death. Remember her?" David asked.

Wheelan's face went pale when those words left David's mouth.

" That bitch?!"

" Morales had two children at home, one daughter and a son. Now, because of you, they'll never see her again."

" I'm sorry. I didn't mean to kill her! I only wanted to make her pay! I swear!" Wheelan shouted.

" I know. You're gonna spend the rest of your life atoning for what you've done Wheelan." David muttered.

" I will, I swear. Now let me go please." Wheelan begged.

David smiled underneath his mask, he pulled it down and as his face became clear Wheelan's eyes widened. Then he pulled it back up. " If you insist." he released Wheelan's foot and watched as the man plummeted straight towards the ground.

" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjhhh-" Wheelan screamed in terror as he fell until he finally smashed into the roof of a car. He was dead on impact. And as David looked down at Wheelan, a feeling of peace washed over him. His mission was done.

But as David finally began to relax, a kick to his back knocked him to the ground.

" I don't know who you are, but you better stay down. I'm not in the mood tonight." The man pointed a gun at David's face and wore a red mask with a red hood.