
Age of Megasaurs

The curse had been laid, the beasts are free, the fight has changed pace. In a magical land that had always been peaceful, bloodshed is the new reality. Will Xiao ever know peace again?

kushfee_anjum · Fantasi
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7 Chs


Leaping in front of me, with it's huge paws in the air, the megasaur looks life-threatening. It is the color of the moon – pale white, dull. Bigger than the ones I saw in the books, this one has spikes on its back. It's hump looks like it can tear through layers of Junan flesh. I focus on my chakra, trying to build it up in my palms. I push the megasaur back with all my might. It hits a tree trunk and a spike breaks off, falling on the ground. The beast turns it's head to take a look at it's back, licking the wound as if it will miraculously heal. It's tongue is pink like ours, but it twists weirdly and is shaped like a very long spear. There are tiny bumps on it that look like they can easily scar you for life. Shaking it's head violently, it charges towards me. I feel my energy drained. I reach for my sword. The hilt feels good to touch, reassuring that this isn't the end. I pull my best mate out, years of training flash before me. I take a step back waiting for the beast to come closer. Focusing my power on the metal, I aim for the megasaur's belly. As it comes for me, I slip from under it's huge body. It halts and turns at once. I take my chance, hitting it's belly, slicing it open. The beast winces in pain. There's blue blood all over my sword and fingers. I push it in the sand and the blood crystallizes to fall down. Pulling my sword out, I ready myself, waiting for him to attack again. It doesn't. It is only crying while looking up at the sky. That is when I realize, it's looking at the moon – the third moon, drawing power from it. I dash towards it, my sword out. This is my only chance. I can not fight a beast as powerful especially when the moon is out. Before I can get any closer, it thrashes me with it's tail. My sword flies off as I fall to the ground. The megasaur is over me. With terror in my eyes, I stare as it's wound begins to heal.

A week ago :

The temple is huge. I have come here before, but I was 4 back then. I barely have memories that old. The sandstone monument, atleast six times as tall as me looks magnificent as it blocks the huge orb in the sky. The sunlight leeks from the sides of the biggest dome. The smaller ones hang lower, bathed entirely in golden glow. There are 5 domes in all, similar in appearance and texture. The biggest one lies in the middle and looks the most majestic. I stumble on the stairs as Mama ushers me forward. We walk in after Baba. The outside of the temple had me ogling all over it already when the insides left me dumbfounded. The ceiling was way up. Breathtaking paintings adorned the walls and the ceiling, covering every inch, coloring every bit. It looked marvelous, and for once, I was so awestruck by something that I forgot what I was there for.

"Bow Hua."

Baba's voice brings me back to my senses.

Mama slaps my head, unable to hold at my dumbfoundedness, the giggle bubbling inside her.

I clasp my hands and bow enthusiastically. "Mu li a Xiang. Junan ala."

"Mu li a Xiang" I repeat after Baba.

'Mu li a Xiang' is the Xiaoin for 'Thank you for everything Lord Xiang'. 'Junan ala' is 'Junans we are grateful/we are grateful Junans'.

Mu li a Xiang / Mu li a Zhao are the most frequent phrases that you'll ever hear in Xiao. It's kind of seen as an offense if you don't thank the Lord when you enter a temple.

Stories say that there was a time when we thanked Lord Xiang and Lord Zhao alike, but since Lord Zhao cursed the Junans, the brotherhood broke apart. I have never seen a Megasaur in my life. Baba says that great, great grand-dad and his brothers confined the Megasaurs to the Forbidden Forest. I want to explore the Forbidden Forest, I want to walk the path that is now hidden by leaves, the path nobody took since a century ago; but as the name suggests, it is forbidden to enter the forest. It's a secret but I, along with Zin tried to climb the fences but as soon as I touched the white metal, it burnt my hands. There's still a scar that I say I got from roasting fish.

I close my eyes to say my prayers, to ask for Lord Xiang's blessings. I don't want this to go wrong. I want them to believe in me. I want them to believe in a united Xiao.

"Let the sermon be a success" I whisper in my heart. I plead the Lord to be with me, to help me. He wanted a peaceful Xiao, I want to make it happen. He created us from the Juns' heart so we could help build Xiao with them. This can't go wrong. This has to be a success. This is going to be the biggest sermon of the year. I'll be the voice of 7000 Junans. I'll be their hope.

Walking out feels like waking from a dream. The beams of the sun greet me with the bitter truth of reality. Outside, two young Juns have a Junan pinned to the ground by their knees. He isn't using his powers, he isn't fighting back, he is only pleading. His eyes glitter with tears in them and his right cheek has a slick cut. I feel rage inside of me. I feel his pain. I feel the injustice Junans face just because they are more blessed. Never did I ever come across a Junan who wanted to hurt a Jun. In a fraction of second, the kids are both hanging in the air with their hands stretched apart, their legs kicking.

"Let us down you ignoble Junan."

Raising people in the air is level 6 magic. A Jun must be 6 or older to learn the spell for it. The kids are barely 5.

The other kid is horrified. His face says it all. He's scared.

"It's not him. It's I, who has you pinned up in the air." I walk into their line of view.

"How does it feel now? He could've done it easily too, but he didn't."

I raise my palm and their hands are stretched further. I hear them scream in extreme terror.

I hear Baba come beside me. He gets the children on their feet.

"I wasn't going to hurt them Baba."

"You say that all the time. That's not how you lead Hua."

I feel my nails dig into my skin. That again.

Baba sits on the earth in front of them, holding their hands. They are scared, their faces pale.

"Good children of Zhao and Xiang, we can not win by fighting among ourselves. In unity is the power of Xiao, in unison we shall fight."

He tells them the tale he always told me.

He tears a piece of his robe and holds it up. With his index and middle finger joined, he tears through it. Then, at some distance, he does the same with one finger each.

"Together, they are the Juns and Junans" he explaims showing his fingers joined. "doing more damage to the enemy piece of cloth. Singulared, they are less powerful" he says pointing towards the smaller holes.

The kids look intrigued.

"Juns are a community of blessed people. Junans are just a little more blessed. But you see, if the Juns never existed, Junans wouldn't either. Its like saying you like the tree more than the ground because the tree bears fruits. In truth, its the ground that bears the tree, which in turn bears the fruits. Junans were created from the heart of Juns so that the Xiaoan army becomes more powerful. Juns and Junans are both brethren communities and brothers don't fight."