

Stars spilling the skies that night with beautiful colors and the sound of horns and drums and gongs can be heard all over the camp and the tents.

The celebration is ongoing like it would never stop. Arial stop in front of the tent and he look at it for a while, thinking of many things.

Then taking a deep breath he takes a step forward.

Arial step into Velamina tent. Slowly he walks. Slowly he steps. Almost wishing this day never comes.

Arial spotted her. She seems to be sleeping. Arial came closer and sit himself beside her bed, sitting on a chair and look at her.

Her mysteriousness and charms is enough to stir the heart. The beauty of a High Elven. Tonight their game ends.

Velamina stirred and as she slowly become awake, her hand moved and her fingers touched Arial fingers and slowly she opens her eyes, those beautiful green eyes that seems to be able to ensnare any hearts she wants.

'Arial?' she asked as she rubbed her eyes.