
Duel Invitation I

Among men, he is like a giant. 

No one notices his height before as he was riding his warhorse but now that he stands there alone, one could see how tall this old man that had all the archers on the wall feeling like they just have stepped into some kind of the tall tale of the faeries.

The commander awe did not stop him from doing his duty. He looks at the soldiers around him and ordered

'Fire!' the soldiers pull the bow string like a well-oiled machine and then release it almost all at once.

Once again the volley of arrows flew toward him. The cheering crowd from behind shouted cursed expletive to those people on the wall. 

'Hideous ill-bred maggot worm' Some of the curses does not even make sense. 

The arrows that is flying toward the old man seems to cover him that it seems there is no way but for the old man to become a human shaped porcupine.