
Against The Tide

Mark comes from humble beginnings. Watch him go against the tide of heaven and ascend in the cultivation world!

Angry7919 · Fantasi
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14 Chs

Qi Weapon

Chapter 9

Mark picked up the spear planning to test it out and to see its power. He looked at its design in his hand, it being a silver and red spear, a gleaming spear point, leading down to a metal handle wrapped in red leather. He swung it at the tree, only to receive a shock vibrating through the spear back to his hands, and it nearly fell out of his grasp. 

He looked to the tree to see a nice portion of bark, crushed and falling off the tree. 

"You are using the weapon the wrong way," Elder Hao said, seeing his progress, "That spear is not a normal spear, it is a low grade Qi Weapon," 

Elder Hao continued, "You must infuse your qi into the spear to reveal its full power, as well as to mark yourself as its owner." 

Listening, Mark infused some Qi out of his hands, and into the spear.

He immediately felt the Spear suck the Qi up and almost latch onto his hands, its weight nearly dissipating, its spear feeling even more sturdy, and giving him the feeling of a weak Qi Infusion despite wasting almost no Qi. Testing it out, he tried to infuse himself with Qi and the strengthening stacked. 

Elder Hao decided to not give his guidance, letting Mark figure it out on his own. 

Mark then tried to use the spear again, swinging it sideways into a tree at the point to cut a shallow slash against the tree, cutting an inch or two in. Satisfied, he tried to use the spear again with its intended point, getting a windup and thrusting the spear forward. 


The spear embedded itself into the tree, a full foot in, with a heavy cracking sound, slightly tilting the tree and spraying wooden scraps everywhere.

Mark took out the spear, the tree gradually healing and the wooden scraps dissipating, Elder Hao setting up the formation behind Mark. 

The spear was perfectly fine, not even a scratch, despite being embedded into a tree just moments earlier. 

Mark staring into his spear was interrupted by a voice behind him. 

"While I might not have a basic spear technique for you to learn, I have some basic techniques that can be used on mostly every weapon that I can teach you." Elder Hao spoke, a book appearing almost out of thin air.

Mark stopped supplying his Spear with Qi, letting it fall to the ground, taking the book that Elder Hao gave. 

"While I will give you guidance, the path of Cultivation is one that is mostly walked alone, I expect you to learn this technique in a week." Elder Hao stated, turning away. 

"Oh, I almost forgot, the most precious thing you will have in your possession other than that spear," Elder Hao threw over a ring, "This is a weapon ring, able to just barely store most weapons, something that while is easy to get in the outside world, I can not replenish."

Mark received it and bowed down in thanks. When he looked up Elder Hao was gone, leaving to continue cultivating. 

Unsure on how to use the ring, he thought quickly and decided to infuse it with Qi, such as what worked with his spear. He tried to infuse the Qi but the ring did not accept it, leaving the Qi to simply dissipate.

Confused, he grabbed his spear and tried again, only to have a weight quickly lifted from his hands. He was happy before quickly realizing that he didn't know how to remove the spear to quickly figure out it would appear when infusing the ring again. 

He prepared to learn the new book he got in the forest, but realized that the formation flags were missing, and headed home to read comfortably, instead of in the forest, before testing it out tomorrow. 

While walking home he took a quick peek of the book in his bag. The technique was called,

"Impaled Explosion"