
Against The Paradox

KingJet · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Chapter 3: The Fire Kingdom’s Prison!

Arc 1: The System Of Unlimited Cunning

Chapter 3: The Fire Kingdom's Prison!

As Jett sat cross-legged, attempting to meditate and sense the scroll, the martial artist who had spoken earlier observed him intently. He was puzzled by the fact that this person seemed devoid of qi yet was in a meditative state. Intrigued, he decided to question Jett. "Young man, what are you trying to do?"

"First of all, I am not young. Why do you want to know?" Jett replied.

"Ha, you seem young to me, maybe early 20s," he replied, then added, "Let me introduce myself. My name is Jack. And yours?"

"My name is Jett. You still haven't answered why you want to know," Jett said, still cross-legged.

"I'm curious because you don't strike me as someone who practices, yet you're currently in a meditative posture," Jack replied, rising to his feet and positioning himself in front of Jett.

"Alright Jack, it's true that I haven't practiced, but that doesn't mean I can't cultivate," Jett responded, growing somewhat annoyed with all the questions.

"Ha, why are you doing this now, while you're in prison?" Jack asked, looking puzzled.

"If you want to know, it's because I lied to the guards about my identity. I can't just sit here doing nothing. I need to figure out my cultivation to escape," Jett explained. Before Jack could respond, Jett added, "You're a martial artist. How did you unlock your cultivation?"

"I..." Jack began, but was interrupted when one of the martial artists chimed in, saying, "Ha, serves you right for lying to the guards."

Upon hearing that, Jack immediately snapped at his friend. "Shut up. It was your fault we're even in prison to begin with." Jack's friend groaned and looked away in response. Jack then sat himself in front of Jett to engage in conversation.

"I received guidance from my father. Though it's not technically the optimal way to begin cultivation, it's the simplest. He infused his Qi into my dantian. All I needed to do was circulate that power through my dantian to reach the first level of the Qi Refining stage."

"Then what are the alternative methods? If I want to escape from here, I must first reach the Qi stage. Once there, I should be able to escape even if I'm less powerful than them," Jett replied.

Upon hearing this, the earlier martial artist laughed, then said, "How can you even do that when you don't possess any cultivation to begin with?" This time, Jack didn't argue but looked at Jett in the same manner.

"I have my methods. I just need to attain Qi to escape," Jett stated, giving the martial artist a sidelong glance, which visibly angered him. Meanwhile, Jack observed Jett for a moment. After a while, he finally made up his mind and spoke.

"Turn around. I'm going to infuse you with my Qi. The only thing I ask in return is for you to assist the three of us in escaping."

"Jack, why are you aiding this nobody?" the earlier martial artist snapped angrily. Even the third one wore a perplexed expression.

"I believe in him. None of us want to remain in this wretched place, so what do you say, Brother Xiao, Brother Bai?" Jack asked, his gaze shifting between his two companions. Both of them exchanged glances, then both turned back to Jack and affirmed, "We trust you, as always."

As all of this unfolded, Jett couldn't help but wonder why Jack would propose such a deal. How could he have so much trust in Jett? As he contemplated, he realized it was a gamble. Could he truly sense the scroll, or did he even possess it? If he could harness its power, he was confident he could escape. However, if not, these three martial artists, not to mention the guards, might pose a serious threat. Just as these thoughts swirled in his mind, he overheard their expressions of trust in Jack. He glanced up to find all three of them gazing back at him. Deciding to take the risk, knowing he couldn't envision that "god" deceiving him, Jett met Jack's gaze and said, "Let's do it," then turned around, presenting his back to Jack.

"Alright, when I begin infusing you with Qi, you should feel a sensation. At that moment, follow the path until you locate your dantian. Once you find it, attempt to gather the Qi I'm supplying, then strike the wall with all your might until it gives way. Move on to the second one, and repeat the process. Continue this cycle eight times to fully charge your dantian," Jack instructed, placing his hands on Jett's lower back.

Jett entered a meditative state, focusing on sensing the Qi. Almost instantly, he felt it and located its source. Just as Jack had described, he traced the path of the Qi until he reached a wall. Jett concentrated, gathering the Qi into a single point, then forcefully struck the wall.

"Yes, exactly like that. Keep going," Jack encouraged.

Immediately after Jack's words, the first wall crumbled. The Qi surged to the next, which also yielded instantly. This pattern repeated for the remaining five walls.

"Yes, excellent work. Breaking through all eight walls in succession like this indicates a promising future in cultivation for you," Jack exclaimed.

Jack withdrew his hands from Jett's back and stood up, distancing himself slightly. The air around Jett crackled with newfound energy. It was a breakthrough he could feel. Jett had officially embarked on the path of cultivation and now stood at the Qi refining stage. After a few minutes, he rose, stretching his body, then turned to Jack and offered a bow.

"Thank you for your assistance. I'll make sure to help you all escape," Jett said, elated that his gamble had paid off. He could finally sense the power of the scroll. With a glance around, he saw things he hadn't before, discerning weak points in the walls that even the martial artist likely couldn't perceive.

Jack, Xiao, and Bai stood, laughing joyfully. Jack approached Jett and placed an arm on his shoulder. "Good, you said you can escape and help us escape as well, so was that the plan?"

"First, I do need one more thing. I require a movement technique so we can flee together. Since I currently do not possess one, it would be immensely helpful if you could allow me to learn yours. This will also serve as proof of my intentions, further establishing trust with all of you," Jett responded.

All three exchanged glances, nodding in agreement. Jack retrieved a manual and passed it to Jett, explaining, "This manual contains my family's cherished movement technique. I'm entrusting it to you so you can grasp the fundamentals and learn how to use it effectively. However, you must return it immediately after."

Jett eagerly took the manual and dived into its contents, pleased to find it to be of high quality. He was also glad that this gesture would enhance their trust in him, showcasing his talent. After reading for a short while, he looked up and nodded to Jack, who then demonstrated the technique. Utilizing the scroll, Jett swiftly comprehended the technique in its entirety, mastering it.

Jett stood up, perplexing Jack. While Jack was still puzzled, Jett handed the manual back to him. He then proceeded to demonstrate the technique, matching Jack's proficiency, leaving all three of them astounded and stumbling back in surprise.

"How... How did you do that? Even my sister, who was the most brilliant person in our family, took a year to become as proficient as that," Jack exclaimed, astonishment evident in his voice.

"Ha, I told you I would demonstrate my ability to help us escape. I possess exceptional intelligence and can perceive things others may not," Jett chuckled.

Just as Jack was about to respond, the five guards— one of whom had been leading earlier—entered the prison and headed towards Jett's cell. Jett immediately turned to the other three and stated firmly,

"You need to trust me and strike at this point on the wall. Don't speak, just do it." Jett then pointed at a certain point on the wall.

Jack nodded and began making his way over. However, before he could reach Jett, the head guard barked, "Hey you four, why are you standing up."

If you want to contact me for any reason please contact me at kingjetsoar@gmail.com