
Against The Paradox

KingJet · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Chapter 11: Test

Arc 1: The System Of Unlimited Cunning

Chapter 11: Test

Waking up the following day, Jett first had breakfast and then prepared for the test. He grabbed the sword Jang-mi had given him and left the weights before leaving the house. Quickly, he arrived at the elder hall, the designated meeting place. Upon arrival, Jong and Jack were already present. Jett placed the sword at the entrance as weapons weren't allowed inside.

"There are a few people who will come, but we won't intervene unless you can't handle the beast. Also, remember, we'll eliminate any beast above the Golden Core Stage," Jong said.

"I understand. I've prepared for this, and while I can't guarantee success, I'll give it my all to pass this test," Jett replied.

After a while, everyone who was joining had gathered. Most of them were elite clan members, with only two other elders. After retrieving his sword, they left the hall to enter the forest. While walking, Jack and Jett engaged in conversation until Jack stopped and noticed Jett's sword.

"You got that from Jang-mi, right?" Jack asked

"Indeed, you must have seen this before," Jett replied, then asked, "Why do you ask?"

"That sword was given to Jang-mi for her to give to her significant other. She's supposed to give it to the person she loves and her future husband," Jack explained.

Hearing this, Jett was stunned. He looked down at the sword without thinking, lost in thought. He snapped out of it when he heard Jack snicker and then walked away. After a few seconds, Jett looked down at the sword again and couldn't help but smile.

After about an hour of walking, they stopped at the test site location. People began to take their positions, and Jong and Jack approached Jett.

"You better pass this test so you can put that sword to good use. Also, due to you having that sword, we will now change the consequences. If you fail the test, we'll still cripple your cultivation, but instead of leaving the Speed Clan, you'll become a member, but that's because you will be forced into marrying Jang-mi," Jong said with a stern expression. He then handed Jett a bottle.

"When you're ready for the test, open the bottle," Jong instructed.

"Yes, sir, I won't let you down," Jett replied.

"You should say, 'not let Jang-mi down,'" Jong advised, then walked away to take his position with Jack.

Jett watched Jong walk away and shook his head. He knew he didn't want to let Jang-mi down, but he also didn't want to say anything about it just yet. After a few minutes, Jett opened the bottle of medicine. A strong odor filled the air and spread into the forest. A few minutes later, Jett could hear many beasts roaring. He unsheathed his sword and assumed a fighting stance.

A few more minutes passed, and Jett felt the ground shaking, indicating the beasts were approaching. He spotted multiple beasts, around 20 of them, all in the Qi refining stage or Foundation establishment stage. Jett employed his movement technique, swiftly reaching the first beast and dispatching it. Hopping from one beast to another, he quickly eliminated all 20.

As he began to run towards the forest to return to the village, Jett encountered a pack of wolves. While most were in the Qi refining stage and the Foundation establishment stage, the pack leader was at the Core formation stage. Jett stepped back and executed <Sword of Wind> move 1, slashing an air blade at several wolves to the right, beheading them, and provoking the remaining wolves to howl and attack him.

Jett struck down at the wolves, managing to take out most of them, but a few managed to bite into Jett's leg. He countered by stabbing the biting wolves, dispatching them. The only one remaining was the wolf at the Core formation stage, which lunged at Jett swiftly. Using his movement technique, Jett swiftly moved behind it and struck down, but the wolf evaded the blow by pouncing back.

Jett employed the wind sword move 1 once more, sending an air blade at the wolf. Again, the wolf evaded by pouncing away, but this time, Jett combined his movement technique with lightning. He appeared instantly behind the wolf, driving his sword into it and killing it. After the battle, Jett started to breathe heavily. He retrieved bandages from his bag, wrapping them around his injured legs.

  Stretching, Jett resumed running. After a 10-minute sprint, he was nearly back at the village due to his full-speed pace. Just as he approached the edge of the forest, Jett halted in his tracks. He spotted a wolf at the Golden Core Stage. Jett's eyes narrowed, his expression growing serious. Then, he heard Jong's voice in his ear.

"This is your final test, though it's at the Golden Core Stage. It possesses the body of one, but it doesn't have the power of one since we've injured it. You should be able to defeat it, though it might be a bit challenging. You've got this."

Jett released a deep breath, calming himself. He felt more composed now that the wolf was weakened. However, he couldn't dispatch it instantly like he did with the others due to its formidable body. Jett initiated the attack, infusing his sword with wind and executing <Sword of Wind> move 2, creating an airflow around his blade. He lunged at the wolf, slashing down. The wolf evaded but still got grazed by the extended blade due to the wind.

The wolf growled and lunged at Jett, swiping its claws downward. Jett raised his sword to block, the force causing his knee to bend. The wolf's strength was overwhelming, and Jett had to release his grip on the sword, allowing the wolf to rake its claws across his chest. Using his agility, Jett moved in closer beneath the wolf and delivered a strike to its stomach with the <Thunder Fist>. Thunder crackled, searing the wolf's fur and propelling it away. Jett leaped back and retrieved his sword from the ground.

The wolf coughed up blood and then glared at Jett, growling. It lunged forward once more, attempting to strike with its claws. This time, however, Jett moved slightly and used his sword to sever the leg that was descending. The wolf tumbled and whimpered. Without hesitation, Jett stabbed the wolf in the neck, ending its life. Staggering back, coughing up blood, Jett knelt. Blood seeped from his chest, but he pushed himself up and retrieved a pill that Jack had provided. It was a healing pill, and it was his only one.

After healing up for a bit, Jett resumed running. He eventually emerged from the forest and returned to the village. Upon arrival, Jong and the others were already waiting for him.

"Good job, Jett! You've passed the test and officially become a member of the Speed Clan," Jong exclaimed joyfully. He then handed Jett a badge and some medicine, adding, "This is your badge signifying your membership. You should head home and rest up. Tomorrow, come to the elder hall for congratulations and final remarks."

Jett nodded and set off for Jang-mi's home. Upon arrival, he spotted Jang-mi and offered her a smile.

"I've already filled a tub with water. Just add the medicine and get in," Jang-mi instructed.

"Thanks," Jett replied, walking to the bathroom. He undressed and added the medicine. Jett got into the tub and began to feel the effects. Medicine baths were the most effective way to treat outer wounds, as the skin readily absorbed the medicine, promoting faster healing. While Jett continued to heal, Jang-mi entered the bathroom, prompting Jett to instinctively crouch down and partially submerge himself.

"I've brought you a new set of clothes. I'm leaving them here," Jang-mi said before promptly exiting.

Jett shook his head, trying to clear his mind. He couldn't continue absorbing while his mind was unstable. After a few minutes, Jett finally calmed down. Quickly absorbing the medicine again. After finishing healing, he exited the tub and donned the clothes. In the kitchen, Jang-mi was putting the finishing touches on a meal. Jett sat down and ate in silence. 

After dinner, Jett got up and returned to his room. He started polishing the sword Jang-mi had given him, cleaning the blood off and washing it with cold water. Jett knew that blood could make a sword rust, so he wanted to clean it as much as he could. After cleaning it, he put the sword next to his bed. Jett lay down and started drifting into sleep after a challenging day.

Before he could fully fall asleep, Jett heard Jang-mi knock on his door.

"What's up?" Jett asked.

"I am wondering if you're alright," Jang-mi responded.

Jett nodded and smiled at her, giving her assurance.

"Then, goodnight," Jang-mi said.

"Have a good night also," Jett replied, then went back into his bed and fell asleep.

If you want to contact me for any reason please contact me at kingjetsoar@gmail.com