
Against the Fate

The God Child Messiah was dead, and the Devil Master of the North drenched the world in the blood of his enemies. He had saved the world once, and he would destroy it this time. His enemies were no more, and only his nemesis left. He died before he could pay back his agony. Before he could accept his fate, he was regressed in time. Back to when he was a renowned Child of the Heavens that would soon become the God Child Messiah. In this timeline, he would surely get everything right. He would protect his family and those dear to him by building his own king realm with the strongest legacy, make friends with countless experts, nurture successors, create unparalleled profound arts and finally, eradicate the dragons. This time, he would fight against the fate itself. It is the story of Yun Che in another timeline. Against the Gods fanfiction, Against the Fate. It takes place after the soul of Jasmine's brother, Heavenly Star Wolf Xisu, told him about the truth of the Absolute Star Soul Barrier. I advise you to read the original before reading this, as it contains spoilers up to the latest published chapter available. The cover is not mine, if you want me to take it down then please, shoot me a dm! Also, if you don't like chapters that don't have fights in them, then maybe this is not your cup of tea. I'd like to explore more about Yun Che's relationships with everyone he knew, so it will be somewhat slow-paced and won't have that much fight scenes until the later arcs. It focuses more on Yun Che's relationships, internal struggle, kingdom building, and politics. If you're into that, then you're in for a ride. The release rate is 3 chapters a week, unless something happens IRL and I can't write.

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26 Chs

Supreme Ocean Palace is Destroyed

Yun Che looked at Ji Qianrou's condition and frowned. He bled from all seven orifices, his left hand looked as if it was skinned alive, and half of his face was charred black.

He looked closer at Ji Qianrou's wounds and examined them closely.

He was bleeding from severe overuse of his profound veins, most likely due to activating some sort of forbidden art. His left hand looked as if it was skinned alive, but that was it. It wasn't bleeding or anything, revealing a grotesque sight of muscles and flesh. It was really strange.

There was a strange, black light on his face. The black light seemed to be alive, devouring his face slowly. It reminded him of the decaying attribute of darkness profound energy, but different somehow. It was like a wriggling worm, it was disgusting.

Jasmine and Mu Xuanyin also noticed how strange Ji Qianrou's wounds were. Even they had never seen a sight like this before.

Yun Che quietly regulated his profound energy and kept healing Ji Qianrou with his light profound energy.

"At least it works. It's gonna take some time until he recovered and we can ask what happened."

The light profound energy seemed to be effective. JI Qianrou's left hand slowly regenerated new skin, covering the grotesque sight bit by bit. It also prevented the encroaching black light from devouring his face any further, shrinking the black light little by little.

Jasmine and Mu Xuanyin went on to search for any potential clues, enveloping the entire planet with their carefully made aura so that the God Realm people wouldn't notice.

After searching wide and far for the last two hours, they finally found something.

It was an abnormality that they failed to detect before. The aura they detected was overwhelmingly strong, even stronger than God Emperors. Both of them became alerted and took this matter seriously, ready to flee at any given moment with Yun Che.

Whoever or whatever this aura belonged to, was something they couldn't deal with. They became wary of this potential threat, especially since it had evaded their search the first time before. They only learned about it after focusing solely on searching every nook and cranny for the last two hours.

"Yun Che, there's something dangerous on this planet. It was beyond the level of God Emperors, and I don't think even the Dragon Monarch himself could deal with this thing. Let's get your family out of here and go back to God Realm."

Mu Xuanyin said with her eyes fixed on the direction of the wretched aura. She wanted nothing more but to get Yun Che and his family to safety. Yun Che could make the Star God Realm investigate it on his behalf later on and there's no reason to brace the danger himself.

Jasmine knew what Yun Che was going to say, so she didn't say anything.

"It's okay, Xuanyin. I have the Primordial Ark, if push comes to shove, I could just do what you said and evacuate everyone with us. It's fine for the time being, otherwise, we wouldn't even have this conversation right now. Let's wait until Ji Qianrou recovered and ask what happened. I don't believe all of this isn't connected to Yuechan and Wuxin's disappearance."

As much as Mu Xuanyin wanted to just take him back with her with force to safety, she couldn't bring herself to do it. She felt that something, somewhere, was fundamentally different about Yun Che right now, and she couldn't predict what he might do later if she does.

She knew how important Chu Yuechan and his daughter were for him, after all.

And besides, what he pointed out also made sense. It's a potential threat, sure, but if it wanted to harm them, they wouldn't even have the time to think about what to do like this. Even more so that it took them a full two hours to discover its presence.

So they settled down by the clearing of the river, waiting for Ji Qianrou to recover. Yun Che was the only one who can heal Ji Qianrou, so that left the two of them nothing to do. Aside from keeping an eye out for the aura, they didn't have anything else to do.

They sat down next to each other and do nothing. Mu Xuanyin was staring at the beautiful crescent moon in the sky while Jasmine watched the flowing river. It was peaceful, but felt a bit awkward.

The two of them wanted to chat with each other, but none of them was the type to strike a conversation first.

A long time had passed, and Jasmine grew really bored. Ji Qianrou's condition was getting better but it will take some time until he recovered. He decided to kill the time waiting by chatting with Mu Xuanyin.

"You, ice girl. How did you become Yun Che's master?"

Mu Xuanyin looked calm and she answered as she keep staring at the moon.

"Haven't you heard that already from Yun Che? Why do you ask?"

"Just because. I heard it from him, but I want to know it from you myself. I may not look like it, but I'm his master, you know. I was the one who helped him cultivate from a cripple mortal until he was at the pinnacle of the Mortal Profound Realm. You are his master in the Divine Profound Realm, so I'm curious whether you're worthy or not."

Mu Xuanyin had heard a lot about Jasmine from Yun Che and knew her personality, so she didn't find it strange. My Xuanyin answered casually. "So? Do you find me worthy of being his master?"

Jasmine looked at Yun Che still patiently treating Ji Qianrou's wounds in the distance. The bright moonlight shined on him, accentuating his presence. Jasmine wanted to burn this image in her eyes.

"I guess so. That man, he's an idiot, isn't he?" Jasmine's mouth arced in a way she thought was impossible for her. She could smile like this for Yun Che, and although she would never admit it, she knew why that is.

"He is. Unbelievably so." Mu Xuanyin'z gaze followed the moonlight and also fall on Yun Che. There was a rare warmth on her usual cold expression. Anyone from the Snow Song Realm would drop their jaws if they could see their Realm King make a smile like this.

"But we are a bigger idiot than he is, you know."

"I can't argue with that."

They giggled after realizing the ironic fact.

The two of them eventually warmed up to each other and casually chat to kill time. They talked about a lot of things from mundane, useless things to girls' talk. They found each other's company to be pleasant, and they became a best friend that night.

Yun Che was patiently treating Ji Qianrou's wounds all this while. After another hour, the black light has gone completely. Fortunately, his face was intact after Yun Che removed the black light. It faded into nothingness, and his hand also came back to normal.

His previously weak life force became better after hours of treatment. He could wake up anytime, so all Yun Che had to do was wait.

Five minutes later, Ji Qianrou was awake. He opened his eyes slowly, and what greeted his blurry vision was the sight of Yun Che. He thought that he was dead that he began to hallucinate.

Otherwise, how could the Spiritual Master Yun be in front of him?

"That's right, I must be dead. Ah, how vexing. I'm sorry I disappointed you, Palace Master."

He had accepted the cruel and bitter fact that he was dead. Maybe the reason why the image of Spiritual Master Yun popping in front of him right now was the heavens pitying him for such a fate.

"I don't regret this pointless life, but one thing that lingers in my heart is the fact that I couldn't make you my plaything before you become such a powerful figure, my Little Cheche."

Ji Qianrou kept blabbering nonsense and Yun Che had enough of it. He slapped Ji Qianrou's forehead as he trembled in fear. Even the Devil Master of the North couldn't get over his trauma and feared this man.

"You can't spit out this kind of bullshit if you're dead, Ji Qianrou. Get yourself together."

Yun Che's slap to his forehead stings. It jolted him awake and he hurriedly kneeled in front of Yun Che. He realized now that he wasn't dead, and that Yun Che is really in front of him. He was the one who saved him from the jaws of death.

"Firstly, I want to thank Spiritual Master Yun for saving me. Please forgive my offense, Spiritual Master Yun. I thought I was dead, and I couldn't control my thought. Of course, I will accept any punishment you wish to give me. Anything, anything at all."

Ji Qianrou emphasize the word 'anything' a few times, and it sent a shiver down Yun Che's spine. He thought it was best not to associate with this man longer than necessary, so he wanted to hurry things along.

"It's fine. More importantly, why are you here, and why are you in such a state? What happened?"

As soon as Yun Che finished his sentence, Ji Qianrou's face changed. His relaxed expression from before was replaced by absolute terror. His face lost all color, and his eyes lost focus.

"It couldn't be real, it couldn't be real, it couldn't be real, it couldn't be real, it couldn't be real!"

Yun Che was shocked by Ji Qianrou's sudden change. 'Is it the side effect of the healing? Or is it because there was still some lingering power that still remained in his body or soul?'

Before he could answer those questions, however, Ji Qianrou began to bang his head against the ground hard until it was bleeding all over. His eyes were crazed like a madman as he smashed his head against the ground, all the while mumbling the same words over and over again.

"It couldn't be real! Aaaarrgghh!"

"Ji Qianrou!"

Yun Che had no choice but to restrain Ji Qianrou with force. After knocking the man out, he finally calmed down. Yun Che healed his injured head with his light profound energy once again. This time, however, he made sure to take a look at his soul.

Sure enough, there was a speck of black light in his soul. It was the same black light that was covering his face, and it seemed to be the reason why Ji QIanrou behaved in such a way.

Jasmine and Mu Xuanyin were also alerted by the commotion and run over.

"What happened to him?" Mu Xuanyin asked after making sure that Yun Che was okay.

"His soul was invaded by the enemy's power, that was why he behaved that way. I've got rid of it now, so he should be okay."

After making sure that no black light or other foreign powers remained in Ji Qianrou's body and soul, he treated him again with his light profound energy. It didn't take long until Ji Qianrou regained his consciousness again.

"Are you okay now?" Yun Che didn't rush him this time. He was afraid that the man might go crazy just like before, so he constantly pour the light profound energy to cleanse his body and soul as Ji Qianrou talked.

"Yes, I'm fine now, thank you so much, Spiritual Master Yun."

Ji Qianrou's eyes have returned to normal, and his face had regained color. His eyes weren't crazed anymore, and his breathing had returned to normal, as well.

"Do you need more rest? You can rest a bit if you want to. You can tell me what happened later after you got some rest."

Ji Qianrou sat on the ground lifelessly, he looked defeated.

"That's okay, Spiritual Master Yun. I can tell you what happened right now." Ji Qianrou paused for a while after he said this. He stared at the beautiful crescent moon above and sighed a heavy breath before continuing.

"Supreme Ocean Palace... is destroyed."

Third weekly chapter. Last chapter of the week. The next chapter will be posted on Monday, as usual!

Thank you for reading everyone, and have a great weekend!

If you like this book then consider giving feedback as it motivates me to write even more chapters! Your feedback is what helps keep me motivated to finish the book! And for those of you who do, thank you so much! I appreciate every single feedback you guys give! And lastly, thank you all for reading!

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