
Against the Fate

The God Child Messiah was dead, and the Devil Master of the North drenched the world in the blood of his enemies. He had saved the world once, and he would destroy it this time. His enemies were no more, and only his nemesis left. He died before he could pay back his agony. Before he could accept his fate, he was regressed in time. Back to when he was a renowned Child of the Heavens that would soon become the God Child Messiah. In this timeline, he would surely get everything right. He would protect his family and those dear to him by building his own king realm with the strongest legacy, make friends with countless experts, nurture successors, create unparalleled profound arts and finally, eradicate the dragons. This time, he would fight against the fate itself. It is the story of Yun Che in another timeline. Against the Gods fanfiction, Against the Fate. It takes place after the soul of Jasmine's brother, Heavenly Star Wolf Xisu, told him about the truth of the Absolute Star Soul Barrier. I advise you to read the original before reading this, as it contains spoilers up to the latest published chapter available. The cover is not mine, if you want me to take it down then please, shoot me a dm! Also, if you don't like chapters that don't have fights in them, then maybe this is not your cup of tea. I'd like to explore more about Yun Che's relationships with everyone he knew, so it will be somewhat slow-paced and won't have that much fight scenes until the later arcs. It focuses more on Yun Che's relationships, internal struggle, kingdom building, and politics. If you're into that, then you're in for a ride. The release rate is 3 chapters a week, unless something happens IRL and I can't write.

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26 Chs

Going Back to Blue Pole Star

Hearing it coming from Jasmine, Yun Che didn't doubt it in the slightest. Jasmine had even said that she had searched the entire Blue Pole Star for their traces, but found none.

She did say, however, that Chu Yuechan and Wuxin's house was there. The two seemed to be having a meal before they suddenly vanished. When Jasmine found the house, there was food on the table.

Yun Che frowned when he heard this. With Jasmine's power, there is no way they could escape her senses.

There was only one explanation left, and unfortunately, it was the worst one.

Chu Yuechan and Wuxin were there, but had been kidnapped at one point. The kidnapper also had to be stronger than Jasmine because she couldn't even sense their tracks.

"When do you think they're gone, Jasmine?" Yun Che asked as he gritted his teeth, his voice tinged with worry.

"Based on the house's condition, I'd say it's about a week."

A week. That's exactly the same amount of time he had been living his current life.

'Is it a coincidence? Did someone target them explicitly to lure me out? But that can't be. No one could know that I was regressed back in time. And even if they do, I still don't understand why they would go for Yuechan and Wuxin instead of going for me. They clearly have the power to do so.'

Yun Che was confused. He couldn't wrap his head around their reason for kidnapping Yuechan and Wuxin. They are stronger than Jasmine at the very least, and they could easily kill him in his current state.

"Do you want to go there right now?" Jasmine knew how important Chu Yuechan and his daughter were for him. She was ready to accompany Yun Che back to Blue Pole Star and help him search for them.

"No, not yet. It's too risky if I go now, I have everyone's attention fixed on my back."

"That's true. So what do you want to do?"

What Yun Che said was true. He had attracted practically everyone's attention right now. It would only be a matter of time until Blue Pole Star's whereabouts are leaked to the world if he goes to the Blue Pole Star now.

He couldn't keep the Blue Pole Star a secret if that were to happen, no matter how well he used the Eastern Divine Region's King Realms to cover it up.

"We need to prepare first. I'm sorry, Jasmine, but can I ask you for another favor?"

Jasmine's eyes glinted in happiness knowing that Yun Che still trusted her and depended on her. "Hmph! Since when do you need to ask to depend on me? Tell me what to do. Storming the Star God Realm back then was really selfish, and you don't get to be selfish ever again."

He felt his heart being tugged when Jasmine said this. He could never forget it. It was similar to someone else's last words.

Yun Che smiled bitterly as he said, "Can you bring Xuanyin here? I need both of you to accompany me to Blue Pole Star. In the meantime, I'll have Tumi and the realm to prepare for our departure so we don't draw any suspicion."

"Okay. Don't run off on your own and wait for me and the ice girl here. If I don't see you here when I get back, I swear I will bust your balls next time I see you!"

Jasmine stormed out of Yun Che's palace and head to the Snow Song Realm right away. Yun Che called Tumi and ordered him to make a diversion for him, to which he happily obliged.

With Yun Che's permission, the Star God Realm hosted a grand festival and a martial competition a few days later. People didn't know what this was all about, but they still flocked to the Star God Realm anyway.

Something held by a King Realm was impossible to be less than the best of the best, and they wanted to try to experience it for themselves. The festival had so many games that even ordinary people could participate in, with grand prizes that made even realm kings salivate.

Any profound practitioners with a modicum of power set their eyes on the martial competition. They were hoping to catch the attention of Star God Realm or any other King Realms. It was a grand opportunity to change their life for the better.

All sorts of people from all across the world flocked to the Star God Realm, and there's a reason for it that not many people knew. The fact that Yun Che has become the Star God Realm's new successor was a secret that only people with high status or connections knew about.

They also knew Yun Che's ability to open all profound entrances, as well as his ability to wield the light profound energy. Yun Che had ordered Tumi to spread the rumor that Yun Che was looking for young and talented people and help them open their profound entrances.

Naturally, they were all skeptical about it because it sounds ridiculous. But after witnessing for themselves through the Star Gods and Elders, they were convinced about Yun Che's ability.

They were scrambling to secure a spot in the upcoming competition in hope of proving themselves to Yun Che. If their young elites were lucky enough to catch the attention of Yun Che, there's a chance that their profound entrances could be opened.

It was also the best opportunity to curry favor with the Star God Realm and Yun Che.

At the opening of the festival, Yun Che demonstrated his ability in front of everyone. He healed an old man suffering from an incurable disease and dementia with his light profound energy. The old man's family thanked him profusely as they drowned in their own tears of joy.

The festival officially began after that. Yun Che said that he would make some time after the event ends to heal everyone in the capital city for free. This made people really happy and the atmosphere of the festival was good.

A few skeptics that thought the Star God Realm was bluffing now could do nothing but shut their own mouth. Everyone was looking forward to the festival and martial competition, and the hype was high.

"Your Highness, the plan has been carried out successfully. Thanks to Your Highness' action at the festival's opening, people's attention is drawn to the festival and martial competition completely. It was even more than we thought it would be."

Tumi was kneeling in front of Yun Che, reporting that the plan was going well. Tumi really admired Yun Che by now, and he never regretted even for a second that he acknowledged Yun Che as his new master.

"Good. Now proceed to the plan and stretch the martial competition as long as you can. It's okay to end the festival in a week."

"As you command, Your Highness."

In order to not draw suspicion, every Star Gods, Elders, and Star Guards tended to their respective roles and run the events. Now that people knew the real prize of winning the martial competition was the profound entrance opening of their young elites, people don't find Yun Che's absence to be odd.

Yun Che's skills and favors were the rewards, so it made sense that he won't show himself until the event ends.

"We're ready, Yun Che."

In the dead of night when people were still enjoying the hustling and bustling festival, Jasmine and Mu Xuanyin landed in Yun Che's garden.

Under the glittering starlight above, Mu Xuanyin was as pretty as he remembered her to be. From the cold expression on her face to the warmth hidden beneath that layer of ice, it was the same. She was Mu Xuanyin, alive and in the flesh, standing before him.

Yun Che stared at her for a long time without realizing it. Seeing Yun Che's abnormal reaction, Jasmine and Mu Xuanyin looked at each other. Jasmine nodded and said nothing, and Mu Xuanyin did the same.

Jasmine had already told Mu Xuanyin that there was something wrong with Yun Che. She told Mu Xuanyin that there's something on his mind, and that's the reason why he behaved differently than usual.

Mu Xuanyin just brushed it off at first. He knew how mischievous Yun Che could be, and she thought it was another one of his tricks to prank her and Jasmine.

But looking at Yun Che's eyes staring right into her own right now, she knew she was wrong. She didn't know how to describe it, but his entire being feels different now.

"You've come, Xuanyin. It's been too long since I met you."

Yun Che smiled. It was the brightest and most genuine smile of his that Mu Xuanyin had ever seen. She didn't like it. It gave her goosebumps and felt like her heartstrings were being tugged. His smile felt lonely.

Jasmine noticed this too, but she didn't say anything.

Indeed, Yun Che has changed a lot. Behaving differently is an understatement. Not to mention that he so casually address her with her name, something Yun Che would normally never do or even dared to do.

"Let's go, then. You've probably guessed why I need both of you for this. So let's stop wasting more time."

After that, he disguised and hide his aura as best as he could. With the help of Mu Xuanyin and Jasmine who excelled in the art of stealth and disguise, he doesn't have to worry about anything. The three of them flew in the direction of the Blue Pole Star.

After flying for a few hours, they finally arrived at the planet. Everything still looked and felt the same. It was still looking blue from afar, and its atmosphere was still murky compared to the God Realm. It felt like home.

The three of them headed to the forest near the Phoenix Village. There was a house crudely built by bamboos. There were holes and patches all around the walls. A bed, a small table, and two chairs were the only thing that decorated the house.

Just like Jasmine had said, there was food on the table. The plates were half empty, indicating that the kidnappers seem likely to abduct them when they were eating.

There were no signs of struggling in the house, and even Mu Xuanyin couldn't detect a track left behind by the kidnappers.

What they did find, however, was a cherry blossom flower that seemed out of place. It was located near a big boulder a few hundred meters away from the house. The forest was full of bamboos and green trees, so the lone cherry blossom flower really stood out.

It wasn't there last time when Jasmine was here.

"I can feel a life force identical to the flower from over there, about a few kilometers."

Jasmine and Mu Xuanyin practically said at the same time after they look at the flower. And sure enough, although it took him longer than the two of them, he also sensed it.

'What is he doing here?'

He frowned after recognizing the life force. It belonged to a person he personally knew, and there should be no reason whatsoever that this person would end up in this place. Even stranger is that the life force was weak, indicating that the owner was dying.

After making sure that there were no more clues in the vicinity, the three of them followed the life force they detected.

Near a flowing river was someone lying on the ground, his entire body bathed in blood. All of his bones seemed to have been broken, and he was clearly dying. His breathing was weak, and he could hardly feel any profound aura coming from the dying man's body.

Without hesitation, Yun Che walked closer to the man and squatted down, healing him with his light profound energy. Seeing this man right here doesn't make any sense.

Yun Che frowned as he mumbled to himself, "What is happening here? Why is Ji Qianrou here?"

Second chapter of the week.

Thank you for reading!

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