

Started with a simple "wait" I was asked to do it. I was doing the task patiently while being rushed. After I finished it I was accused rebelling. Questioned about the past argument then I got cursed after answering. I thought it all passed but here it is again. I was misinterpreted, I guess. I was cursed to death, accused of things I do not even think of. I was bleeding, knives thrown at me. I can only respond by silently sobbing hearing all those painful words. I just wanted to go become deaf. My ears were numbing. I can't take it anymore. I can only endure and let it pass. It stopped. All those words were killing me. I don't know what to do. I just wanted to disappear. I calmed down after that and then soon received three messages right in the evening the last was in morning eve. My tears my sob I can no longer contain. I was suffocating. I cannot breath from crying. I searched for methods on how to suicide painlessly. The methods were nearly impossible for my circumstances so I decide to look for any blade and I did slashed my wrist but it didn't bled for the blade was rusty and cannot cut anymore. It just left me few scratches. A brand to gain pity to those people I've shown kindness. But nevertheless all my friends are gone. They do not care. My boyfriend just left me. He woke up again I opened up. I decide I wanted to leave, to die. Asked me what was wrong I can't tell for I was forbid. Again, I was misunderstood. In the morning I wake up looking for message from him but there was nothing. What was I expecting?. I waited all day but there was none. I received nothing. God knows how much love I am giving him. I felt betrayed. I hacked her account red the message which left me teary eyed. She wants me to get checked. She thinks my mental faculty is messed up. But I can't see what is wrong with my responses. Im not angry at all. I'm just sad. Hoping to be understood. I just want to vanish. End this cycle.