
After Rebirth, The Scum All Cry For Forgiveness

NOT MY NOVEL. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHOR. (Just wanted a goodish English translation of it also didn't get paid or asked to do this so I will take it down if asked by the author/web novel staff.) Zhong Youyou went into a book. With a good mind in real life, she became well-known in this book and soon became a schoolmaster. At the same time, her reborn parents, brother, and fiancee began to regret, regretting that they did not treat Zhong Youyou well in the previous life, and must make compensation in this life… But will she allow them?

lil_warrior · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
180 Chs

Chapter 73 (Part 2)

Five days ago, Zhong Youyou saw Zhong Guoqiang coming out of the court to deal with his competitor Shen Chi. He was full of spirits, wearing a black trench coat, walking in big strides, and shooting stars. He laughed proudly in front of reporters, his hair was dyed black, and he seemed to be ready to fight with the twenty-year-old young guy.

He said he was so old that he was about to enter the land of death...

When Father Zhong saw a silence on the phone, he was a little embarrassed immediately and seemed to realize that his bitterness was too much.

He was in his early fifties when he was making great plans. It was an exaggeration to say that he was safe in the soil.

Father Zhong's face was embarrassed, he coughed and said, "When will you have time?"

Zhong Youyou said: "Wait for the end of the unified exam next week."

This is regarded as a promise. Father Zhong, who has not even had a chance to have a meal with his daughter in the past year, was so excited when he heard this, it was almost as if he had made a hundred million. Tears filled his eyes.

He repeatedly said: "Okay, okay, and also, Qin Yao can also come too."

The Qin family allocated a large sum of money to the Zhong family this time, even though he didn't want to let Zhong Youyou become part of the Qin family, but there was nothing he could do about it.

The funds flowed in according to the method of equity investment. The board of directors has already held a meeting. Qin Yao has not urged, otherwise, the procedures should have been completed as early as last week. From now on, the Qin family will own 8% of Zhong's shares. And Qin Yao is also a member of the board of directors.

Father Zhong has a faint worry about this in his heart. Qin Yao is too smart. It seems that he doesn't care about Zhong's family now, but he is afraid that he wants to play with Zhong in the future. Then his little son who has the courage and does not have an IQ cannot be his opponent at all.

Father Zhong who hung up the phone sighed.


On Sunday, outing activities.

The weather was perfect this day, the flowers and trees on the mountain were lush, and the breeze blew through, making people feel refreshed.

Qin Yao drove to the villa early in the morning, and Zhong Youyou couldn't leave the group activities. The class had to call her name. Naturally, she started to climb up from the bottom of the mountain together with the people in the class.

The whole school came together, with grades and classes as units, and the mountains and plains were all over the place for a while.

In this outing, people from the opposite vocational high school and another school also came. Everyone was wearing their own uniforms, and for a while, the students had mixed up between each school.

But Zhong Youyou is still very conspicuous, and the beautiful and outstanding people are conspicuous wherever they go.

Yuan Yuan walked with her and was noticed by boys from other schools and struck up a conversation several times. Yuan Yuan is rather restrained and shy, not good at dealing with this kind of conversation, and her face flushed with embarrassment.

Xu Xiaoyue saw it. Although she was a little dissatisfied in her heart, she still followed and took Zhong Youyou's arm. As a result, Xu Xiaoyue was more likely to be noticed. After a while, three boys whom they didn't know came over and laughed with her.

She blushed shyly, pulling her deliberately hanging hair behind her ears, feeling that she was so charming.

She also covered her mouth and smiled shyly. God knows she opened her mouth and laughed wildly in the classroom.

Zhong Youyou saw it, thinking she's being quite ridiculous.

When Xu Xiaoyue saw Zhong Youyou laughing at her, she blushed and whispered: "Why are you laughing? You have a boyfriend. You don't know how sad others are, other people have been single for so many years! High school is almost over. I haven't talked about it yet. When I am in love, what's wrong with me taking the initiative?!"

"It's okay, you continue." Zhong Youyou held back a smile.

At the beginning of the mountain climbing activity, she was still talking and laughing, and it was very comfortable with the breeze. But immediately when the dean saw that the other two schools were also coming, he suddenly shouted among a dozen classes with a loudspeaker, saying which class was the first to climb to the top of the mountain and get the flagpole, and then awarded the class a certificate of honor!

It's already the end of the last semester of high school, and the girls are still complaining about this trick, but the boys are immediately aroused, and they are climbing faster!

The head of Class 19 was of course Shi Yimeng's back row boys. They were tall, strong, like tigers, and suddenly disappeared.

Ren Zian and the boys in the competition class barely hanging behind them. Although they are also boys, the physical strength of these schoolmasters is not as good as the boys who can fight and play basketball.

Most of the girls are left behind.

The dean saw the boys and girls talking together and separated them this way.

No, the boys who Xu Xiaoyue had finally chatted with ran up all at once and couldn't stop shouting. Teenagers at this age are the most competitive, and it is more important to get to the top than to find a girlfriend.

Zhong Youyou's stamina is considered good among the girls. She quickly drove the relatively delicate Xu Xiaoyue and others forward for a while, but when she reached the middle of the mountain, she finally couldn't hold it anymore and sat down on a bench. She thumped his heavy leg.

Yuan Yuan was sweating profusely and lay down beside her, so tired that she felt like she died.

"How does the school let us have outings? This is clearly a marathon. They want us to die."

It's also because of their petty-headed dean who thinks it out all the time.

Just when the two were about to rest for a while, Xi Yuqi spotted them sharply, and immediately walked over in surprise.

Since the last time Zhong Youyou went to Xi Yuqi and her class to teach her experience and left unhappily, Xi Yuqi hadn't seen Zhong Youyou for a long time. The main reason is that she is too busy studying, and now Xi Yuqi is on the right path. Instead, she put on a school uniform today with her hair tied into a clean ponytail. At first glance, she looks like a good student.

"Youyou, your school is also here?"

Zhong Youyou said: "Yes, too tired, taking a rest."

Xi Yuqi is particularly good at fighting, and of course, she won't feel tired. She joked: "Do you want me to carry you?"

Zhong Youyou has helped her so much. It is not too much to say that it is the life mentor who guides her at this stage. She is willing to fight for Zhong Youyou, and she is also serious when she says she wants to help others. She also wanted to give Zhong Youyou something back, but after thinking about it, she couldn't get anything.

Xi Yuqi was so sincere, and Zhong Youyou was a little surprised. She chuckled, "How can your weak body move me? I weigh ninety catties."

Before the words were finished, another person came, standing in front of Zhong Youyou dumbly, as if there was something to say.

Zhong Youyou looked up, it was Xiao Mei who kept questioning her that day.

Xiao Mei was a little confused when she saw Zhong Youyou, and she later realized that she was too much that day. The main reason is that she did not expect that the great god she had always worshipped in the competition was Zhong Youyou. If she had known it, she would have been so provocative, she would have gone up and hugged her thighs.

Seeing that Xi Yuqi has become the first student in their class, Xiao Mei feels regretful. She is embarrassed now. The memory of that day seems to have not faded. As she met Zhong Youyou, that kind of hatred and embarrassment and, the feeling of not being able to get into the hole came again.

Both Zhong Youyou and Xi Yuqi did not mention that matter tacitly.

But Xiao Mei took the initiative. She hesitated to pass the ice cream in her hand and said, "Zhong Youyou, I don't know what flavor you like. I bought you a strawberry flavor. I apologize for what happened last time. I really apologize."

Zhong Youyou glanced at her and then at Xi Yuqi, only to find that Xiao Mei has changed a lot in the past. It seems that she has learned from Xi Yuqi, cut the haircut, and left a crisp bob of short hair.

This caused her to come to her, but she didn't even recognize her for the first time.

The little sisters in these vocational high schools have indeed changed a lot, how to say they seem to have matured.

"I accept your apology." Zhong Youyou generously accepted Xiao Mei's ice cream and said: "That's nothing, just don't be so impulsive in the future."

Xiao Mei nodded quickly. She understands that her stinging temperament will definitely suffer when she goes to society. She didn't understand it before, but she finally understood this truth after being hit by Zhong Youyou so thoroughly.

I'm a sarcastic person, I'm proud and show off in front of my schoolmates, but so what?