
After Rebirth, The Scum All Cry For Forgiveness

NOT MY NOVEL. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHOR. (Just wanted a goodish English translation of it also didn't get paid or asked to do this so I will take it down if asked by the author/web novel staff.) Zhong Youyou went into a book. With a good mind in real life, she became well-known in this book and soon became a schoolmaster. At the same time, her reborn parents, brother, and fiancee began to regret, regretting that they did not treat Zhong Youyou well in the previous life, and must make compensation in this life… But will she allow them?

lil_warrior · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
180 Chs

Chapter 72 (Part 1)

A few days later, Zhong's stock gradually stabilized, and the turbulence in the market completely disappeared.

The lawyer is preparing for the second trial, and the evidence is solid. Shen Chi hasn't run away or been able to bribe to reduce sentencing. He got years for his crime.

Father Zhong finally breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed from the strained state of tension, but he still stayed late at the company every day before coming back. After all, there was still a lot of mess to deal with after that incident. A lot of people in the company should be promoted.

That is, after the crisis, he has not been able to talk to Zhong Youyou.

If it weren't for Zhong Youyou, this matter could not be resolved so smoothly. Zhong's father wanted to talk to her about the issue of sharing inheritance, but he never had a chance.

However, this matter was not as good as Zhong Youyou could not leave the city before the college entrance examination.

As for Mrs. Zhong, she didn't bother to go shopping with her group of wealthy wives and friends. The Zhong's crisis had just passed, and her mood had not been completely relieved. In addition, she was betrayed by Meng Shixuan. Her heart has been so heavy that she can't breathe.

Therefore, she simply took a private jet to go abroad for vacation.

This resulted in only Zhong Xiyou in the house. His plaster was hung for more than a month, and finally, it could be removed, but the driver and Jin Ming accompanied him to remove it. Zhong's father and Zhong's mother could not take care of him.

There have been too many things lately, and Zhong Xiyou's mood is a bit unhappy, especially the cut on his face that can't see the water, which makes him feel very troubled.

They are afraid that he will go to the bar to drink and have fun with another rich second generation, but fortunately, his family's education is more strict, and he has not touched on this idea.

And he was still worried about the incident that someone hit him with a brick on the old Taijin Road.

The brick was hit very accurately, and if he didn't hide in time, he would be properly hit.

He always felt that someone had done it deliberately, but he couldn't find a clue for a while. After all, it was too chaotic that day. With so many workers crowded together, even in the surveillance, it was hard to see who caused the damage and couldn't find it. When the evidence is reached, there is no alternative for the time being.

He rested at home for two more days, and finally went to school.

After being kicked out of Zhong's house, Meng Shixuan limped to the hospital. As soon as she arrived at the hospital, the mobile bank prompts that the card that Zhong's mother gave her was completely frozen, and then went to the apartment she disliked. She couldn't get in even if she wanted to but was stopped by the security guard.

What was her reaction Zhong Xiyou didn't know or care.

It's just that Zhong Xiyou finds it funny that Meng Shixuan was crying and making trouble at Zhong's house the day before, and she was dying to live. The next day she actually attended an advertisement for a promo, her injured knee was long-skirted. Blocking it, just smile like a healthy person-this recovery ability is also strong enough.

It turns out that that sister actually moved to the entertainment industry.

Where do people stay in the entertainment industry? There are not many monsters to provoke, what on earth does she think?

But Zhong Xiyou didn't bother to take care of it. Anyway, now Meng Shixuan has nothing to do with his family, and the household registration is clean. Now, what Meng Shixuan wants to do is death or life, he can't control it.

Zhong Youyou naturally noticed the recent movement of Meng Shixuan, and suddenly walked very close to the advertiser, Mr. Jin. Not only that but also started to run Weibo deliberately. He posted a lot of photos from the competition period and had a lot of fans. After all, Meng Shixuan's face and figure are still quite attractive. (Translator notes: not sure how Youyou was close to the advertiser to see all this as not stated in the Chinese version)

Perhaps after retiring, planning to take the path of the entertainment industry?

However, Zhong Youyou felt nothing to envy, and she didn't even open Weibo.

All the way through the competition, it is not that people without entertainment circles throw an olive branch at her. However, she can neither act nor sing, nor do these things, so she is unwilling to waste her ambitions for the popularity of vain bubbles.

As for which path Meng Shixuan chooses, naturally, it has nothing to do with her. As long as Meng Shixuan does not trouble her, she will not do anything to Meng Shixuan.

It was May when she went back to school. The weather is very hot. The students in the school have put on short skirts and short sleeves, and the college entrance examination is about one month away. The learning atmosphere is even tenser.

The electric fans in the classroom were very noisy, and the sticky air made the students' necks covered with sweat, but a large group of people in Class 19 could quietly study.

Zhong Youyou's promise to give them make-up lessons is not a joke. People who are willing to take the make-up lessons every day after school will follow Zhong Youyou and Ren Zian to a quiet water bar nearby.

Just one thing was very troublesome. After the rematch, Zhong Youyou became an Internet celebrity. She walked to the alley opposite the school to buy ice cream. Someone would recognize her and come over to chat. Zhong Youyou naturally turned her head and left, not wanting to talk much nonsense. However, no matter how hot the Internet is now, it will calm down after a while. There is no doubt about this.

The reason why she chose this water bar is because the boss is the cousin of Sun Man in the class, not like other stores, because Zhong Youyou comes here, an Internet celebrity, it suddenly became crowded.

Zhong Youyou was studying the competition questions there to prepare for the next national finals, while the other students in the class put together a few tables, doing papers for various subjects nearby.

Regardless of the results of the college entrance examination in a month, the dead horse will be treated as a living horse, and finally fight for it.

While sucking a cold drink, Zhong Youyou turned her pen, stared at the topic, thinking quickly, thinking that, as expected, it was the best time to calm down when writing the questions. There are too many miscellaneous things these days, and she has delayed her study.

Then there are the research institutes.

Zhong Youyou took out her mobile phone and confirmed the date again. The invitation to visit the research institute was on the third day after the college entrance examination.