
After Rebirth, The Scum All Cry For Forgiveness

NOT MY NOVEL. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHOR. (Just wanted a goodish English translation of it also didn't get paid or asked to do this so I will take it down if asked by the author/web novel staff.) Zhong Youyou went into a book. With a good mind in real life, she became well-known in this book and soon became a schoolmaster. At the same time, her reborn parents, brother, and fiancee began to regret, regretting that they did not treat Zhong Youyou well in the previous life, and must make compensation in this life… But will she allow them?

lil_warrior · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
180 Chs

Chapter 68 (Part 2)

What is Meng Shixuan doing? A few days ago, Meng Shixuan also participated in the national semi-finals, but she and Zhong Youyou were in different competition areas, and there was no interaction, and Zhong Youyou did not specifically inquire about her, so she knew nothing about what happened to Meng Shixuan.

It turned out that she had a conflict with a player before entering the top 20 in the country and was pushed down the steps by the impatient player. The cameraman was present at the time and recorded it all. The player was fine, but Meng Shixuan sprained her left ankle and was sent to the hospital with unbearable pain, which made it impossible to continue the game!

After that, the player was also dismissed. The player panicked and said he was framed, but no one listened to her.

This matter was also heated up in the competition a few days ago. If Zhong Youyou pays a little attention to what the surrounding people are talking about, she will know.

Everyone said that Meng Shixuan was really unlucky. She finally made it to the semi-finals. The performance in the first ring match was so good, maybe she could enter the top 20 finalists in the country! At such a critical juncture, she was pushed down the stairs! Many people sympathized with her.

However, the fact is that Meng Shixuan, who was lying in the hospital having interviews, did not feel unlucky.

After the reporter left, she even curled her mouth.

In the first round of the competition, she barely made her way out, but she knew that if she wanted to win the second round, it was very difficult. At her level, it is very hard to get here, not to mention that she is really not sure if she continues to rush to the national finals.

If she continues to participate in the competition, she will definitely end in failure, and like most of the losers, she will leave without any attention.

But now it's different.

She realized that she might not be able to get in at all, so she deliberately made a big noise. Before going on stage, she had a conflict with the girl and was pushed by the girl.

Everything was like divine help, and it was a matter of course, her retirement was vigorous.

Sure enough, as she expected, the original entanglement between her and the Zhong family has already brought her a lot of popularity, coupled with the competition, and this retirement has spread her popularity. On the day she retired from the competition, an advertising company contacted her, and a funder planned to invest in her to make an advertisement.

The cost of this advertisement is not high, but there are also several other girl group members who have just become popular, which will definitely bring more popularity to Meng Shixuan.

It may not be an instant success, but after the advertisement is over, the brokerage company will hand over the business card.

This is just the beginning.

Originally, Meng Shixuan's purpose for participating in this competition was also here.

She has no money and power, and she has nothing left after leaving the Zhong family. What she has is only the temperament she has cultivated in Zhong's family for many years, as well as this delicate face and figure.

She was able to use Shen Chi to overturn the Zhong family, but Shen Chi was unwilling to provide her with a better environment.

If she wants to live an extravagant life before, she can only give full play to her most valuable things. In the past, she was the one who looked down on the entertainers most in the entertainment industry, but now, this is a shortcut for her.

Now Meng Shixuan has returned to Z City. She is in the hospital. Although her ankle is only slightly sprained, she has to do a full set of dramas. She simply stayed in the hospital for a few days.

In the past two days, the Zhong family is about to go bankrupt, and many nurses in the hospital will also talk about it in private.

On the lower floors of the hospital building, there lived a group of troubled relatives like Wu Dajiang and Li Hai.

She stood at the window watching the troubled relatives chase someone out from the hospital door, grabbing Zhong Xiyou until he got into the car, and the group of people continued to abuse him.

She only felt irony in her heart.

Look, now this is the end of the Zhong family.

The cold-blooded people of the Zhong family sent her biological mother to prison and drove her out of the house like a dog. This was what they deserved. Now she will watch the Zhong family go towards destruction step by step.

But when she was doing all this, she didn't feel happy in her heart.

She even hopes that the Zhong family members will apologize to her, as long as they apologize to her and tell her that they are wrong because they did not care about the eighteen years of family affection and treated her so coldly and ruthlessly. Then, she Will forgive them and tell them the secrets that they have come into contact with in the past few days that can bring down the Shen family.

But no, since the accident, none of Zhong's family members have contacted her.

She thought Father Zhong would guess sooner or later or had already guessed, that the project information might have been leaked out by her. But what about it? There is no evidence that she has leaked trade secrets.

Meng Shixuan stood here alone until night fell, and the cold spring wind blew, looking at the lights on the opposite building, there were faint shadows of a family of four eating by the window, she felt boundless loneliness.

It wasn't like this before. At this time, Mrs. Zhong had already ordered her servants to make delicious meals. Zhong Xiyou would sit beside her affectionately, holding her arms and calling her sister, and put all kinds of delicious food into her bowl. Although he was serious, Zhong's father would take off his coat after getting off work and ask how she was doing at school and said that she was his pride and that she scored so well every time.

But now, she has lost everything.

Before she knew it, tears were already in Meng Shixuan's eyes. She wiped away the tears and still gritted her teeth, not knowing whether the expression on her face was pure or hateful.

She turned on the phone, dialed Shen Chi's number, and said coldly: "President Shen, now your goal has been achieved, can you give me the money you promised me?"

Here, Shen Chi wrapped a bath towel from the bathroom and came out with a glass of red wine. He was so uncomfortable, that he smiled, and said, "Little girl, don't be so anxious. I promised it to you. I will definitely not break my promise."

Meng Shixuan said: "I believe Mr. Shen has a great promise, but now that you have seen it, the Zhong family has no chance to stand up again, so I hope you can promise me as soon as possible."

Shen Chi raised his eyebrows: "Now that the Zhong family has become like this, what is your mood? I'm very curious, they have raised you for 18 years, don't you feel guilty?"

"Guilty?" Meng Shixuan sneered: "Do you know how they drove me out? My face was thrown in the gutter, and everything about me was taken away by Zhong Youyou. Do you think I would be guilty?!"

Shen Chi laughed twice and did not continue the topic.

He said to Meng Shixuan: "I have ordered the assistant to transfer what you want. I still have customers on my side, so I won't say more to you, and the cooperation is happy."

He hung up the phone, drank the red wine in a happy mood, sat down, picked up the pen, and stroked out the head of Zhong Guoqiang on the cover of the business magazine Finance and Economics with black pen, smiling with a win.

After a while, the assistant opened the door and came in, telling him that Chen Qiao, who had just jumped over, had arrived.

Shen Chi raised his eyebrows: "Arrange a room for him, let him stay there, and see him tomorrow morning."

The assistant hesitated.

This person can be regarded as Zhong's manager at any rate. In the past, several million dollars of annual salary could not be dug out. Now Mr. Shen is like this, is he a bit too negligent?

But now Shen Chi is proud of the spring breeze and has no thoughts or time for Chen Qiao. Just one Chen Qiao is nothing, he doesn't care about a dozen Chen Qiao's. As long as the Zhong family can be annexed this time, are you afraid that the Shen family can't walk sideways in the market?!

Here, Chen Qiao waited from six o'clock in the evening to ten o'clock, but he couldn't even see Mr. Shen from the Shen family. Shen Chi was clearly in the hotel but asked his assistant to tell him that he was tired tonight and to see him tomorrow morning.

This assistant's attitude is very casual, one can imagine how better Shen Chi's attitude can be.

When Shen Chi digs himself at a high price, it is not such a face! Now that he sees that the Zhong family is about to fall, he swells up, thinking that the future world is all his Shen family.

Chen Qiao was irritated, and after forbearing, he was suppressed, and there was no attack.

He said: "Then you will work hard. Arrange a room upstairs for me. When Mr. Shen gets up tomorrow, he will introduce me."

The assistant nodded and arranged a suite for Chen Qiao at will.

Chen Qiao walked into the ordinary suite and regretted seeing the courtesy that was not the presidential suite he had imagined.

He is an old employee of Zhong's, and he followed Mr. Zhong to enter the world and expand the market. In the Zhong family, he can get far more than the Shen family. If it weren't for Zhong's crisis, why did he bother to switch to a Shen who was unfamiliar with him? But then he comforted himself again.

Zhong's is almost falling! It is wise to get out in time! Those who are still staying with Zhong's are just foolish!