
After Rebirth, The Scum All Cry For Forgiveness

NOT MY NOVEL. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHOR. (Just wanted a goodish English translation of it also didn't get paid or asked to do this so I will take it down if asked by the author/web novel staff.) Zhong Youyou went into a book. With a good mind in real life, she became well-known in this book and soon became a schoolmaster. At the same time, her reborn parents, brother, and fiancee began to regret, regretting that they did not treat Zhong Youyou well in the previous life, and must make compensation in this life… But will she allow them?

lil_warrior · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
180 Chs

Chapter 61 (Part 2)

Zhong Youyou was stunned. Although Zhong Xiyou had a bad temper, he was not a person who would fight easily. After all, the Zhong family taught him strictly. If he fights, his father will definitely remove his limbs. What happened that made him so angry that he beat three people into the hospital? Although Youyou has long been separated from the Zhong family, if Zhong Xiyou was also injured, if she really sat and watched, it would indeed be impossible.

She frowned, went back to explain to Li Dongping, and quickly went to the hospital with the second-year high school student named Jin Ming.

Along the way, Jin Ming described to her the tragic situation at the time, saying it was fierce, and she frowned.

Because Zhong Xiyou is a high school sophomore competition class, most of the top students keep their duties. It is a place where the teacher will not patrol especially during class. This caused Zhong Xiyou to fight with the three people and beat the three people to the ground. Only the classmates pulled away, and no teacher rushed there.

This led to the fact that when the dean of education pushed aside the crowd to squeeze in, it was already too late. One of their classmates was beaten so that his nose was crooked and was bleeding all over the floor, which looked terrible.

"Why fight?" Zhong Youyou asked.

Jin Ming couldn't figure it out. Zhong Xiyou had a bad temper and an impulse, but he was really not a troublemaker. He said: "I don't know, I only know what gossip the three people said in the toilet. Zhong Xiyou couldn't listen to it, so, he started to fight. After this is over, if his family doesn't show up, the school must remember it."

Zhong Youyou went to the hospital. In the orthopedics emergency department, two teachers from Zhong Xiyou's class waited there anxiously. Zhong Youyou walked over and found that Zhong Xiyou's injuries were not minor.

There was a plaster cast on his right arm, it should be a slight bone fracture, a piece of adhesive tape was stuck on the bridge of the handsome nose, and there were bloodstains oozing out beside it, completely ruining the value of his entire face.

Zhong Youyou was really in a mixed mood. Although she didn't have a good impression of this cheap brother, seeing him be beaten like this, her heart was still a little upset.

At this moment, seeing Zhong Youyou coming over, his face changed, softened, and mixed with a little grievance, and he quickly stood up: "Sister, why are you here? Which brat called you over?"

Jin Ming rolled his eyes and walked aside to stand out of the way.

Zhong Youyou took a look at his plaster and asked: "Why don't you contact your father and mother?"

"It's our father and mother." Zhong Xiyou corrected: "There seems to be something wrong with the company. Our dad was in a bad mood. He was on a business trip yesterday and I couldn't get in touch."

Zhong Youyou was too lazy to care about his words in front of so many people.

Zhong Xiyou is not an adult on his ID card, and there must be an adult family member in the school when a fight has occurred. Zhong parents were not at home, so Jin Ming brought her here.

She was a little helpless but seeing that Zhong Xiyou was seriously injured and couldn't be too indifferent at this time, she went with the two teachers to pay the medical bills, and when passing by, glanced at the other three who were said to have been beaten in the hospital.

She didn't know how bad they were beaten, but she was shocked at first glance.

Zhong Xiyou, the stinky boy, was quite fierce. One of the people he beat was seriously injured and had to be hospitalized for observation and CT scans. The other two were colored in varying degrees, with blue noses and swollen faces. In comparison, Zhong Xiyou has only a slight bone fracture, which is considered good.

The teacher was annoyed at Zhong Youyou: "Zhong Youyou, you can persuade your brother to answer why he was fighting! He won't say anything, this attitude is too rampant, even if our teacher wants to protect him, how can we maintain it?! "

Zhong Youyou frowned: "Okay."

Zhong Xiyou followed behind with a plaster, and he felt ashamed when he heard the teacher criticizing him in front of Zhong Youyou.

The reason for his shame was not fighting. These three people have such a mean mouth and so many stinky words, he doesn't regret hitting them at all. The reason for his embarrassment was that he had a fight, and he couldn't get out without getting hurt, and he broke his bones! No didn't even have a wallet with him! So Zhong Youyou has to pay for his medical expenses! He was embarrassed about this.

He felt unable to lift his head and then glared at the self-assertive Jin Ming.

Zhong Youyou turned her head and glanced at him: "Zhong Xiyou, tell me, why are you fighting?"

"I..." Zhong Xiyou looked sullenly and said nothing.

He glanced at Zhong Youyou weakly. Does he have to speak out? Because the three people were saying bad things about Zhong Youyou behind their backs, he couldn't hold it back at the time, so he rushed out and beat someone! How does this speak out like a pupil in a kindergarten?

Zhong Youyou stared at him, and Zhong Xiyou anxiously changed the subject: "Sister, what should I do? Dad will kill me if he knows it, or should I live in your house?"

These words blurted out, Zhong Xiyou was moved by his wit, and his eyes lit up-yes, the injury was a blessing in disguise. If Zhong Youyou was willing to let him go to her house, wouldn't it be a big step forward?

"Are you still going to have to take an inch?" Zhong Youyou was smiling angrily, and said: "When I leave the hospital, I will call the assistant and ask him to pick you up."

Zhong Xiyou was immediately sad, and dropped his head, like a frustrated elementary school child.

The two teachers next to him and Jin Ming were all taken aback. Zhong Xiyou usually has a different personality. He is usually arrogant and indifferent to people. He doesn't have a good face at all. It can be said that he is a rich second generation who is unkind. Being with friends is also the style of Master Leng Ao.

This has never been so... so... so improvised and pitiful.

The three people came back after their examinations, one or two with white gauze wrapped around their heads, hanging plasters, their noses, and faces are swollen, and they looked very miserable. When they walked over, Zhong Xiyou glanced over, and they all trembled, not daring to stand too close. As soon as they saw Zhong Xiyou, they recalled that his fists were smashing their bodies like rain, and the pain was unbearable.

They really can't understand the rich people like Zhong Xiyou and Zhong Youyou who were born with a golden spoon, so they will inevitably get a few dirty words behind their backs. But they never thought they were hitting the gun today! What was even more unexpected was that Zhong Xiyou would be able to protect Zhong Youyou, the sister who entered the house halfway.

When the two teachers saw that the three students were now afraid of Zhong Xiyou, it was almost like a mouse meeting the King of the Mountain, and they couldn't bear it. You said that the young master of the Zhong family has beaten all the classmates and also made these classmates frightened, for fear that it might not leave a psychological shadow!

One of the teachers said: "Zhong Xiyou, you apologize to your three classmates."

Zhong Xiyou said angrily: "Apologize? No way!"

The teacher looked at Zhong Youyou for help, meaning to let Zhong Youyou come forward and ask Zhong Xiyou to apologize.

Zhong Youyou didn't speak yet, Zhong Xiyou glanced at the three of them.

The three classmates shuddered suddenly, and suddenly, unanimously, "We bow to Zhong Youyou" all three heads brushed like green onions: "Sister Zhong Youyou, I'm sorry, our mouths are too dirty!"

The one with the worst injury even shook his legs and knelt down with a soft foot.

Zhong Youyou: "..."


The author has something to say: Zhong Youyou: How can the cheap brother be too overbearing?

Zhong Xiyou: I want to be nice to my sister! I want to buy a crystal apple through the window and give it to her! Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

Jin Ming: Give up your heart, your sister doesn't even look at you!

Zhong Xiyou: I want to beat up all those idiots who talk bad behind my sister's back! Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

Jin Ming: Give up your heart, your sister doesn't even look at you!

Zhong Xiyou: Sister, I am injured, can I live at your house? Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

Zhong Youyou: Get out.

Zhong Xiyou: Hee-hee my sister took a look at me. (*/ω\*)

Jin Ming:...This kid is either stupid or crazy...