
After Rebirth, The Scum All Cry For Forgiveness

NOT MY NOVEL. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHOR. (Just wanted a goodish English translation of it also didn't get paid or asked to do this so I will take it down if asked by the author/web novel staff.) Zhong Youyou went into a book. With a good mind in real life, she became well-known in this book and soon became a schoolmaster. At the same time, her reborn parents, brother, and fiancee began to regret, regretting that they did not treat Zhong Youyou well in the previous life, and must make compensation in this life… But will she allow them?

lil_warrior · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
180 Chs

Chapter 59 (Part 2)

The program was put on the Internet.

The hot reviews below are all incredible-

"Absolutely, I haven't seen such a vicious person since the last babysitter arson. What does this woman named Meng Qian to look like? Just for the sake of prosperity, she stole other people's children and treated them like that. Does she still want to live happily? After the incident, she actually instigated people to harm that little girl?"

"I can sense my scalps numb. I don't know what to say. If this happens to me, I will have the thought of killing Meng."

"The little girl who was dropped is so pitiful! She didn't know anything, so she was robbed of everything!"

"What else is this kind of person interviewing? Go straight to jail. If you don't follow the heaviest sentence, I'm not convinced!"


The stone stirred up waves, and things were still fermenting. At this moment, it was far from the tip of the iceberg.

At the same time, Zhong Youyou and Qin Yao returned to City Z and met with the lawyer Qin Yao had invited. The lawyer told Zhong Youyou: "Generally, this kind of case will be sentenced to more than three years and less than ten years, and all property will be confiscated. However, public opinion at this time is obviously beneficial to Miss Zhong. If the court is interfered with by public opinion, the sentence will generally be heavy. The video recorded by Meng Qian has taken the initiative to explain the crime, which will also make this case a lot easier."

Zhong Youyou said mercilessly: "I hope to follow the heaviest sentence."

The lawyer nodded: "Of course, I understand. Don't worry, Miss Zhong, I will try my best."

Qin Yao couldn't help holding Zhong Youyou's hand from under the table.

The two sent the lawyer away, but he still held Zhong Youyou's hand.

Although Zhong Youyou didn't feel that Meng Qian's affairs had had much impact on her, she felt at most just a chill behind her back, angry that Meng Qian wanted to go to the media and beat her back. But at this moment, with Qin Yao's hand in hers, she still felt silently comforted by Qin Yao's warm palm.

It is as if you are standing on the edge of a cliff. Although you are not afraid of anything, there is still someone behind you who builds a wall for you, to accompany you in everything.

Zhong Youyou thought to herself, Qin Yao is as reliable, cute, and reassuring as ever.

She pulled Qin Yao and sat down on the sofa, playing with Qin Yao's slender fingers, suddenly raised her head and asked, "Do you think I have done too much?"

There are many people like Reporter Yang, not a few.

Qin Yao put his hand on her hair and shook his head and said, "It's not too much, what's too much? You don't let me intervene, otherwise, I will do it harder, you are too kind."

"Really? Are you brainless?" Zhong Youyou was amused by him, too kind. Saying she is smart and witty, and saying she is kind, then she doesn't match the word at all.

Qin Yao smiled when she saw her, and asked, "Are you hungry, do you want to eat something?"

When Qin Yao said this, Zhong Youyou only remembered that the two saw the lawyer when they came back from City A, and they hadn't eaten yet. She touched her stomach and was really hungry.

Qin Yao also touched her stomach, and said, "Well, you must be hungry. I'll cook for you."

Zhong Youyou was surprised: "Do you cook?"

The novel never described Qin Yao's cooking and was written that Qin Yao felt like his ten fingers did not touch the spring sun water. She really never thought that Qin Yao could cook—instead, she cooked instant noodles. Noodles are still a small expert.

Actually, he learned it recently. He will cook and find an excuse to stay at Zhong Youyou's house and eat, but Qin Yao wouldn't say this.

Qin Yao coughed, and his cold expression when he saw she was completely relieved, and the roots of his ears were still a little red. He turned his head and looked away, with a faint tone that said: "I know everything, Zhong Youyou, you just know this now? "

Zhong Youyou chuckled.

But the refrigerator was empty, and the two picked up their coats and went shopping at the nearby supermarket.

Qin Yao pushed the cart, Zhong Youyou naturally hugged his arm, and Qin Yao's body suddenly stiffened.

Zhong Youyou thought, how long has it been? Why are you not used to physical contact? So, she couldn't help holding him tighter again, and Qin Yao became even more rigid now.

He asked stiffly: "Are girls used to holding arms when they walk with others?"

He saw that the girls walking in the school were holding hands. He wanted to confirm whether Zhong Youyou was affectionate to him, or whether he acted subconsciously.

"No." Zhong Youyou said: "I never do this with others. You are the first and only one."

Qin Yao raised the corner of his mouth: "What do you want to eat?"

Zhong Youyou said: "Anything will do, buy some beef, I want to eat meat."

The two walked towards the frozen food area.

As soon as this news was broadcast, several people in the supermarket immediately discovered that Zhong Youyou seemed to be the "Zhong" mentioned on TV and could not help but look at her. For a while, this situation must have existed. After all, this time the trouble was so big, that it was all on the legal news.

Zhong Youyou frowned. Before she could say anything, Qin Yao suddenly unbuttoned his trench coat and held her head: "Come in."

Qin Yao's breath came to her face, it was the smell of a young man, clean, mature, but still youthful. Zhong Youyou's cheek was pressed against his chest, warm and she could almost feel the sound of his heart beating-Qin Yao's heart was not beating steady at all, but as fast as a drum, like a young hairy boy.

During this quarter of an hour, Youyou felt at ease and joy in her heart.

She hid in Qin Yao's windbreaker jacket, Qin Yao carrying beef, and the two of them walked towards the exit of the supermarket.

Zhong Youyou bends the corners of her mouth, stands on tiptoe, and gently pecked Qin Yao's throat, "Qin Yao, thank you."

Qin Yao didn't speak...he...he suddenly flushed from face to neck...the second time and Zhong Youyou took the initiative to kiss him. If only he had just bowed his head just now, then she could kiss his mouth, Qin Yao was very regretful...but then he felt sorry for his greedy thought...Now that Zhong Youyou likes him, he has spent all his luck in exchange. It's coming, don't be too greedy, don't be too impatient...

He can wait...

Qin Yao's face was feverish, and Zhong Youyou was tripped by his left foot.

Fortunately, Qin Yao stopped and pulled her back.

"What are you thinking about?" Zhong Youyou was confused.

Of course, I want to kiss you!

Why don't you let me kiss you! I am greedy for more!

Qin Yao turned his heart back, closed his eyes, bowed his head abruptly and kissed her on the cheek, and then quickly ran home with the beef.


The video recorded by Meng Qian was forced to be held firmly in Zhong Youyou's hand, just in case. At this time, all the development of public opinion is beneficial to her, and she has no intention of releasing this video. But here, He Chunsheng and his son He Yikang, are completely messed up.

He Chunsheng has a lot of relatives. It can be said that his small-cost businesses are entirely supported by his relatives. When he wanted to marry Meng Qian back then, he would go his own way. His relatives all disagreed. But now, just after he learned about Meng Qian's amazing past on his forefoot, the TV station unexpectedly exposed this in prime time. Such a thing!

He Chunsheng was stunned!

Who is this Zhong family? Actually, reached out to City A?

He watched the misdeeds of Meng Qian's past being broadcast on TV. Although in his heart he felt that Meng Qian was an unforgivable woman, at the same time, after all, he had been married to Meng Qian for so many years, he couldn't bear it.

By doing this to the Zhong family and the Qin family, wouldn't it be equivalent to completely severing Meng Qian's back path? Then after she comes out of prison, she can't be a human again. She can only live in the shadow of the past for the rest of her life. It's really cruel.