
After Rebirth, The Scum All Cry For Forgiveness

NOT MY NOVEL. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHOR. (Just wanted a goodish English translation of it also didn't get paid or asked to do this so I will take it down if asked by the author/web novel staff.) Zhong Youyou went into a book. With a good mind in real life, she became well-known in this book and soon became a schoolmaster. At the same time, her reborn parents, brother, and fiancee began to regret, regretting that they did not treat Zhong Youyou well in the previous life, and must make compensation in this life… But will she allow them?

lil_warrior · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
180 Chs

Chapter 51 (Part 3)

Once Xi Yuqi got her results, she was so excited that she couldn't speak, and she couldn't even calm down and look at her wrong question. She hasn't slept much for a while, so she is writing questions every night memorizing knowledge points and writing questions, occasionally going out of the school, passing by the opposite school, she will stop and take a look at the top of the banner at Zhong Youyou.

She has to admit, that she is envious and yearning for a spot up high.

The classmates in Xi Yuqi's class gathered around to see her grades and were shocked: "Sister Xi, did you really take any medicine this time? Your grades—no, it shouldn't be a miscalculation. Well, how could you?"

Everyone was shocked!

Xi Yuqi looked at the shocked expressions of everyone around her, couldn't help showing some pride, rolled the paper into a circle, knocked on the man's head, and smiled: "What is wrong? Your sister got so many points on the exam!"

Xi Yuqi finally felt that relying on her own efforts, stepping forward step by step, after making progress, she was watched in astonishment by the people around her, what it felt like.

This taste is so wonderful.

It makes people feel extremely steadfast, as if the road ahead is getting wider and wider, stepping on that road, as long as you keep your head down, you can keep making progress.

After school, the little sisters in several classes mix together, and the feeling of emptiness and secret anxiety when wandering around the street with nothing to do is much better!

From the bottom of Xi Yuqi's heart, she was grateful for Zhong Youyou, and thought, that when she was free, she must treat her to a big meal. She was led back from the wrong path this time, but it was all due to her!

The little sisters of Xi Yuqi are circled around each other, and their mood is also very complicated.

For a while, Xi Yuqi has been immersed in learning, and they all saw it. Afterward, they also learned that the material she has was from the number one in the city at the school next door, Zhong Youyou specially compiled it for her.

The eldest sister who used to mix with them suddenly became other people's little sisters. They felt a little uncomfortable while feeling complicated. Xi Yuqi abandoned them in this way. Then what should they do to kill time?

One of the little sisters who played well with Xi Yuqi even had some resentment towards Zhong Youyou in her heart. She quickly pulled out the material that had been ripped up by Xi Yuqi from under the stack of textbooks and said with a deliberate smile: "Sister Xi, this is the first question compiled by you in the city from the school next door. Not bad, I think you are smart and capable of doing well in the exam."

"It's not a big deal to ask me to be No. 1 in the city. The girl who was No. 1 in the province on the recent competition show was really awesome. Don't be misled by the girl from the school next door, she may be half-hearted"

Who expected, before finishing the words, Xi Yuqi's face suddenly became dark.

For a while, Xi Yuqi suppressed her temper, rarely got angry, and tried her best to turn herself from a gangster to a normal girl. The group of people in the class were not angry and treated her as a sick cat.

She stared at the girl and said with a cold face: "Please keep your mouth clean for me, and dare to say a word to me, or ill break it!"

The girl didn't expect Xi Yuqi to help Zhong Youyou in this way, and she dared not speak immediately.

She returned to her position in a jealous manner. Although the group of people around was still thinking of booing, it could be seen that Xi Yuqi's face was cold, and none of them dared to laugh anymore.

The eldest sister deserves to be the eldest sister, even if there is the idea of ​​retreating from the world, it is still scary.

It was Huang Mao who got close to Xi Yuqi after the crowd was gone, glanced at the material on Xi Yuqi's desk, and said enviously: "Sister Xi, in fact, your grades have improved very well. If I had the beautiful girl who was number one in the city. That kind of friend would be fine."

Yes, then his grades can also improve, but how did he know such awesome characters?

Around him are a group of people who are as unlearned and with no skills same as himself, playing games all day, and empty-headed like idiots.

Is it too late to listen carefully now? Huang Mao was a little mournful, and he thought blankly, it must be too late.

When the atmosphere in the classroom was freezing, the headteacher Ma Zheng came in.

He has concealed the excited expression on his face, but the corners of his eyes and brows are still uncontrollably happy.

He glanced at Xi Yuqi, with a very approving look: "Be quiet, I will say something."

When the classmates saw Ma Zheng's expression of appreciation when they looked at Xi Yuqi, they were very complicated in their hearts.

In a class like theirs, if everyone's grades are not good, then it doesn't matter. They usually laugh at themselves and say: "You look like us, people who want grades but have no grades and have no family background. After graduation, where are you going? Is it possible to really help the group of people at the school opposite to wash their cars and move bricks?"

When they laugh at these things, they actually feel a little uncomfortable in their hearts. But this is already the case, the grades are so bad, high school only has more than half a year left, their brains are so stupid, and there is no chance to get up, so let's break the pot, just like this.

But now, Xi Yuqi, whose grades can be regarded as the worst in the class, can improve so much in a short period of time, which makes them feel very complicated and confused. Is it really possible to rush into two and three books?

I have to say that with such an improvement in Xi Yuqi, a small flame has been ignited in the hearts of many students in the class, but no one wants to show it first.

After all, in the class, everyone said that playing is the right way, and learning is what the group of decadent bookworms from the opposite school can do.

The class teacher Ma Zheng coughed and pulled everyone's thoughts back, and said: "This time, everyone knows, that Xi Yuqi in our class has really improved! I heard that she was taught by the first in the city by the school next door. With the help of a famous classmate, I was thinking about whether to invite the city's No. 1 from the school next door to teach you how to study."

Zhong Youyou is in Li Dongping's class. He and Li Dongping are classmates. If he opens his mouth, Li Dongping should help him, he is still a little sure.

There have been such things before. All the seniors who did well in the college entrance examination came back to pass on their experience and give back to the younger brothers and sisters.

But Zhong Youyou is just in the same class as them, what qualifications does she have?

Many people in the class were not convinced, especially the little sister who was struck by the Xi Yuqi just now. She immediately covered her face with a textbook, buzzing, yin and yang, and said: "Which green onion is the number one in the city? She just took the test. It's just the first place in the city once. If you have the ability to invite the province's first place in this knowledge contest, that's really awesome."

Someone immediately agreed: "Yes, I don't agree with her anyway..."

The author has something to say:

Zhong Youyou: In the next chapter, I will let you be convinced to call the big brother:)