
After Rebirth, The Scum All Cry For Forgiveness

NOT MY NOVEL. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHOR. (Just wanted a goodish English translation of it also didn't get paid or asked to do this so I will take it down if asked by the author/web novel staff.) Zhong Youyou went into a book. With a good mind in real life, she became well-known in this book and soon became a schoolmaster. At the same time, her reborn parents, brother, and fiancee began to regret, regretting that they did not treat Zhong Youyou well in the previous life, and must make compensation in this life… But will she allow them?

lil_warrior · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
180 Chs

Chapter 43 (Part 1)


Translator note:

So sorry everyone didn't realize it would take as long as it did to fix the laptop. Here are a few of the chapters that are late updating. Hope you all enjoy and ill get the others up shortly too.

Thank you all for your patience and understanding.


Mother Zhong is at a spa with a few ladies and friends

These rich and powerful wives gathered together, and the topic they talked about is nothing more than what branded bags they bought today, where they plan to travel, and what luxury goods are they looking at. In addition, talking about their husbands and where they are taking them for a vacation. After boasting about several hundred million projects the husbands are working on it changes how good their son and daughter are.

Mother Zhong looked particularly radiant today, and even the technician who applied her face was surprised and flattered her: "Mrs. Zhong, your skin is so good these days, is there any happy event? People have a good spirit when they are happy."

"Where is there any happy event?" Mother Zhong smiled, but she felt proud in her heart. She remembered the text message sent by Xiyou this morning, which was a screenshot of the city's third-grade competition exam ranking, saying that Zhong Youyou had taken first place in the city!

This was like a thunderbolt; she was too shocked to speak. The last time Zhong Youyou took first place in the class, their family was already surprised and delighted. Unexpectedly, after moving out and leaving them, this girl was completely on the right track, becoming more excellent as time went on.

Now she can get a score like No. 1 in the city.

With emotion in her heart, Zhong's mother became even more proud of her own daughter. See, Meng Shixuan's best grades were only second in the city before, but the children she gave birth to could make leaps and bounds in just three months. Youyou leaped to first place in the city, which shows that she really has a better gene in the Zhong family!

So early in the morning, she walked into this spa and saw these wealthy wives and friends. They all smiled without saying a word. She was proud, but she didn't show it.

Mrs. Jiang next to her was talking exaggeratedly with others.

"The boy in our family actually took the competition exam this time. Alas, it's a pity that he only took more than 80 candidates. It's really useless."

"There are more than 80 in the city, that's pretty good! You know there are so many people in the city, Mrs. Jiang, your son is promising!"

Mrs. Jiang showed complacency, and quickly smiled: "It's nothing, it's nothing."

Seeing that mother Zhong didn't say a word, these women felt a little bit of ridicule in their hearts. At such times before, Mrs. Zhong would definitely take out Meng Shixuan's achievements and show off in front of them intentionally or unintentionally, but who knew that the Zhong family had such a big scandal, that girl of Meng Shixuan was not biological daughter of Zhong family at all!

As far as they know, Zhong Youyou, who was replaced, has poor grades and is still a bad girl. Now Mrs. Zhong has nothing to show off, right? Ha, she still has a young son in her family, but after all, the youngest son is a sophomore in high school, which is still unknown, and there is nothing to show off.

Mrs. Jiang deliberately provoked the topic: "Mrs. Zhong, how did your two children take the exam this time? Did they participate in the city-wide competition?"

Mother Zhong almost couldn't help it, she was about to confess the joy in her heart, but she still smiled reservedly and said, "Of course, Youyou participated."

The bad girl from her family actually participated in the competition. Doesn't Mingde have a lot of top students and fierce competition? Even Mrs. Jiang's son was squeezed into the top 100 in the school. This time he performed extremely well, and he was admitted to an earth-shattering 80th place in the city!

Could it be that the Zhong family walked through the back door and sent Zhong Youyou into the competition exam, right?

"How about her exam?" Mrs. Jiang asked with a slightly proud and disdainful mouth.

Mother Zhong is waiting for her to ask.

At this moment, mother Zhong felt extremely proud. Meng Shixuan had never taken first place in the city before, and no matter how hard she tried, she was overwhelmed by the boy from the Shi family. But this time, Youyou was directly ranked first in the city and overwhelmed Shi Zhitang! Why not make these people dumbfounded and envious?

Mother Zhong pretended to be nonchalant and calmly opened the phone page: "Here, see for yourself. Mrs. Jiang, look at you, patronize and care about your son's grades. Didn't you look at the rankings from top to bottom? Take a lookup, where do you see my Zhong Youyou line up?"

First in the city!

"How can your girl get the first place in the city? Which tutor did you look for?" Mrs. Jiang was taken aback and took a breath of air. Several other wealthy wives also tore off their masks, and looked around, shocked.

Mother Zhong closed her eyes and calmly said: "It's nothing great, this child in my family, follows her father and me, she is smart in her bones. These are all engraved in genes, so it's useless to find a tutor."

Bah, just blow it.

Mrs. Jiang was a little dull, and she changed the subject whisperingly: "It's really amazing, but I heard that this competition is not difficult..."

And even if the other wealthy wives hate Mrs. Zhong's behavior, more are envious and jealous, her husband is capable, and now her biological daughter is so promising.

Of course, the other wealthy wives did not know the actual situation of the Zhong family, let alone Zhong Youyou, who was boasted by Zhong's mother for her excellent performance, had long been separated from the Zhong family, and it was almost three months since she moved out to live.

When Mother Zhong returned home in the evening, seeing that the villa was still deserted and there were only a few servants cooking in the kitchen, she couldn't help frowning: "Mr. Zhong hasn't come back yet?"

Yu Ma hurriedly poked her head out of the kitchen and said, "Madam, Mr. said that there is something wrong with the company tonight, and he will be back later."

"Why is there something wrong with the company?" Mother Zhong immediately turned moody, things were still fine before now, and her face was a little ugly. She threw the handbag on the sofa and stomped upstairs.

I don't know what happened in the past few days. Zhong Guoqiang came back day by day, saying that the company had business meetings, but Zhong's mother knew, where is Zhong Guoqiang busy with the company? He clearly doesn't want to go back to this home!

Since the last time Zhong Guoqiang pretended to be ill and called Zhong Youyou to the hospital, she didn't know what happened, Zhong Guoqiang was angered because of her, and a gulf between the couple was born.

When they came back that day, the two had a big fight.

Zhong Guoqiang accused her: "Look at how you became a mother? I brought Youyou back because I was busy with work, so I didn't have time to deal with her! I thought that if I leave the matter to you, you will take care of her, but what did you do? Don't treat her as a relative at all! If you hadn't just favored Meng Shixuan, could Zhong Youyou be like this now?"

Zhong Youyou is still unwilling to go home now, mother Zhong is also sad, not less sad than father Zhong, she also feels guilty that she didn't treat Zhong Youyou well in her previous life, and a bowl of water was not even at all, often for Meng Shixuan, to Youyou she did something unforgivable.

But seeing Mr. Zhong blame her like this, she was also a little angry: "What about you? When did you assume the responsibility of being a father? Do you think you can give her money and you can leave it alone in the end? You are so guilty now, then what did you do in your last life? Being busy with work is not your excuse!"

The two accused each other, and in the end, they both felt a deep sense of powerlessness and sat down on the head of the bed.

"It's been so long, and Youyou has moved out for three months." Father Zhong calmed down and his voice became a little numb.

Yes, it has been three months, they don't know if she eats and drinks well, if she is a picky eater if she gets sick, and if she lives alone in a big house at night, will she be scared. Father Zhong can only pin his hopes on Qin Yao, the young master of the Qin family, hoping that he can take good care of Zhong Youyou.

And Mrs. Zhong remembered that she didn't even look at her at the door of the hospital ward, and her heart was cut like a knife.

Now that Zhong Youyou's life is on the right track, she has become outstanding and dazzling. Wouldn't she have had a better life without them?


Since that quarrel and complaining about each other, the couple has created a slight gap. For several days, father Zhong used the excuse of company affairs and did not go home.

At the moment, Mother Zhong was also a little stuck in her heart, and she sulked and went to sleep under the quilt without eating dinner.

In addition to Zhong Guoqiang not going home very much, Zhong Xiyou often stayed away at night and ran to a classmate's house to stay at night. Compared with Zhong Guoqiang and her argument, clearly, her son is more like a silent protest against the cold violence she committed against Zhong Youyou in her previous life.

Mother Zhong rubbed her temples and sighed for a long time, only feeling dull in her heart.

Meng Shixuan returned after 7 o'clock in the evening, and it was more than 5 o'clock after she left school. Now she doesn't have a driver to pick her up, so she can only return by bus. It was dark when she came back. She walked into the door tired and sleepy, put down her schoolbag, and started rushing to help Yu Ma and the others clean up: "Aunt Yu, let me help."

"Eh, eldest lady, don't get in the way here." Yu Ma snatched the broom in her hand and said, "You can quickly finish eating and rest."

Meng Shixuan pursed her lips and went to help another servant clean the window.

The servant glanced at Yu Ma, who really didn't know what to do, so she threw the rag to Meng Shixuan. She wanted to help with cleaning, so I let her help.

Since this time, Meng Shixuan has been like a little white flower in this villa, not only helping them clean but even actively helping them wash dishes and clothes, and do rough work, you said that there is a dishwasher for washing dishes, washing clothes, there is a washing machine, you, a dignified eldest lady, what do you touch? She doesn't know how to do it and always breaks a bowl. Isn't that pretending to be pitiful?

Yu Ma was annoyed when she saw it, and the other servants also consciously avoided Meng Shixuan, for fear of causing some trouble, and got kicked out like Zhang Ma.

But this Meng Shixuan really has the perseverance, she has persisted for a little over half a month and appeared alive in a single show under the fence!

It's a pity that Mr. Zhong didn't go home at all these days, and no one could see her performing, so she showed it when Mrs. Zhong went down several times occasionally.

The first two times the wife showed some pity and intolerance in her eyes, but after a big quarrel with Mr. Zhong, the wife seemed to be a little angry about Meng Shixuan again. She returned to the room after eating every night, so she never saw Meng Shixuan clean up again.

Yu Ma looked at Meng Shixuan stubbornly holding a rag to wipe the window not far away, thinking to herself, I didn't know that Missy was so tolerant before. The eldest lady who suddenly changed from aloft to the servant of this villa, might not be able to bear this sense of difference, but Meng Shixuan's life is so bad, that she can still bite her teeth and stay here.