
After Rebirth, The Scum All Cry For Forgiveness

NOT MY NOVEL. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHOR. (Just wanted a goodish English translation of it also didn't get paid or asked to do this so I will take it down if asked by the author/web novel staff.) Zhong Youyou went into a book. With a good mind in real life, she became well-known in this book and soon became a schoolmaster. At the same time, her reborn parents, brother, and fiancee began to regret, regretting that they did not treat Zhong Youyou well in the previous life, and must make compensation in this life… But will she allow them?

lil_warrior · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
180 Chs

Chapter 27 (Part 3)

What about her?

Is her birthday going to become Zhong Youyou's birthday?

Meng Shixuan only felt as if she was being splashed from head to toe by cold water for a moment, and her whole body felt like it had fallen into an ice cellar. Her nightmare came. Since the attitude of the Zhong family has changed, she has tried her best to please Zhong Xiyou, giving games to Zhong Xiyou, and thumping her leg at home, but there is no way they can change their attitude towards themselves...

At this moment, she finally realized that to some extent, her place in the hearts of Zhong's family had been replaced by Zhong Youyou.

So, what is the actual status? Is the reputation of Miss Zhong's family about to be replaced by Zhong Youyou?

Yin Qiuqiu finished packing things and came out. Seeing Meng Shixuan still standing at the door, she couldn't help asking, "What's the matter, Shixuan, are you uncomfortable?"

Meng Shixuan was shaking slightly all over.

She bit her lip and raised her head to look at Yin Qiuqiu. Yin Qiuqiu was shocked by the look in her eyes, which didn't look like the usually gentle and amiable Meng Shixuan. On the contrary, with a bit of resentment.

"I'm fine, you go first, I still have something to do." Meng Shixuan turned around and left, almost biting through the skin for blood to slide out of her lips.

She walked to the shadow of the tree and made sure that Yin Qiuqiu hadn't followed. She, with trembling fingers, opened the phone book and found a phone number. The owner of this phone number, like Zhong Youyou, is another nightmare in her life.

Zhong Youyou, who returned to class from the cafeteria, planned to take a good nap.

In the past two days, Qin Yao has gone abroad for meetings and is not there for the time being. She feels that the fun has been much less. Last night, she fumbled and registered the game developed by Qin Yao and his company and created a new virtual character. She originally planned to upgrade to a higher level. She asked Qin Yao to play with her. But she didn't expect it to be really fun. She almost forgot to sleep until the early morning...

There are not many games that interest her, which shows that there must be a market for this game!

Today she was a little slouched. She returned to her seat and put her arm under her head, her eyelids almost couldn't open. After a few minutes of sleep, there was a student at the door of the classroom: "Zhong Youyou, the headteacher is looking for you!"

Zhong Youyou: ... Li Dongping, I think you are my enemy!

She yawned, put her hands in her sweater pockets, and went out casually.

Li Dongping called her, but Xu Xiaoyue was much more nervous than her! The whole person tensed, staring at her vigilantly, without turning a page of the book in her hand, until she stared at her and walked out.

I don't know why, Xu Xiaoyue's eyelids are jumping, and there is always a bad premonition! After the last exam, she has been very nervous, repeatedly checking the answers with Ren Zian and the others, confirming that her grades are not bad. Moreover, Chinese and English are both higher than Ren Zian. In this way, even if Li Zong does not have Ren Zian, her total score is very good!

She took the initiative to find Sun Man to get the right answer. She said to Sun Man, "Ah, I was wrong with this question too, it's over", and she was secretly refreshed in her heart. She was right about this question! Seeing that Sun Man made so many mistakes, she knew that Sun Man's score was not as high as her own.

So, who else in the class can compete with her?

Li Kai? That unstable guy? She was a little disdainful.

However, once Zhong Youyou was dangled under her eyelids, the self-confidence and hope of victory she had finally built up were completely broken for no reason. She felt for no reason that this time Zhong Youyou might make a big move...

At this time, seeing Zhong Youyou being called out by Li Dongping, she was nervous, and even staring at Zhong Youyou holding her breath, feeling uneasy in her heart, going up and down, what do you think Zhong Youyou did super well again, Li Dongping was pleasantly surprised...

And Xu Xiaoyue never expected that what she felt ended up as the truth of the matter.

Before Zhong Youyou approached, Li Dongping took a few steps forward, slapped Zhong Youyou's shoulder heavily, his face was full of ecstasy and incrediblity! This slap completely awakened Zhong Youyou: "You student, did you use your feet in exams before? Why did you pretend to have bad grades before you have this level?!"

When the results came out, the teachers of all subjects in Class 19 were shocked.

Except for Zhong Youyou, she was blindly doing a few exams before, and they didn't use 5% of their brains to take the exam. They couldn't find any other explanations.

Zhong Youyou finally lost a bit of sleepiness, not to mention how annoying Li Dongping was, and said, "The headteacher, that's it? You called me out especially. I thought I was doing something wrong again."

"Isn't this a big deal?!" Li Dongping looked at Zhong Youyou's laziness, with a feeling of pain that the emperor did not like the eunuchs, and asked: "Tell me, have you never taken the exam seriously before ?"

Zhong Youyou vaguely said: "...it is."

"I'll just say it!" Li Dongping looked at Zhong Youyou, self-righteously clear. No student of their age has a rebellious period. The previous Zhong Youyou dressed up as a bad girl is the peak of the rebellious period. Presumably, the blind test is also because of rebellion.

"By the way, Zhong Youyou, don't you know your grades? You got the first place in the class this time!"

Zhong Youyou nodded: "Thank you, teacher, I see."

Li Dongping: "???"

He took a breath of air and couldn't help his voice rising up: "No, first! The total score is the first, exceeding the second place by 71 points! Are you making an expression?!"

Zhong Youyou: "I knew it.jpg"


Li Dongping said weakly: "Forget it, the teachers of each subject have discussed that this time the competition, Class 19 intends to let you and Ren Zian go, but you can't be proud to know if you don't, and you will continue to work hard in the future!

Although Zhong Youyou is very calm, Li Dongping is still unable to calm down from the day before to the present. A group of dark horses suddenly appeared in the class to raise the performance of the teachers of several subjects with one person. It is not only that he is not calm, but the nineteenth class Teachers in other subjects are not calm! If the classmates are careful, you can find that the teachers in every class of the past two days are secretly looking at classmate Zhong Youyou with secretly ecstatic expressions!

Especially the class teacher Li Dongping! As if he had taken first place in the exam, he was so thrilled because he could already look forward to the year-end award!

Seeing that Zhong Youyou was still sleepy, he smiled connivingly and said, "Okay, you go in."

Zhong Youyou: "???"

Dare to say these two words when he called her out of her sleepy lunch break?! No, isn't it possible to announce the results during the afternoon class, and to say it separately in advance when you have to take a lunch break?! No sleep now!

Zhong Youyou let out an "Ok" before walking to the class feebly.

Before taking two steps, she suddenly felt something was wrong. The class was too quiet, as if a messy shock after a bombing, she raised her head, and everyone stared at her with open mouths...

Li Dongping is really excited, otherwise, he would not forget that it is still lunch break.

What he just said, the entire 19th class has heard it!

Xu Xiaoyue's face flushed red, her feet jumped with anger, and her eyes were wet. Sun Man and Ren Zian both had a look of disbelief, especially Ren Zian, who was vaguely bombarding the words of the former headteacher. What is it, Zhong Youyou is seventy-one points higher than the second place?

He should be the second place. So, Zhong Youyou, who always counts down to the last grade in the class, now has a total score of seventy-one higher than him?

No, how is this possible...

How could this be impossible, this was already bloody before him...

If last time, Zhong Youyou entered the top 100 in mathematics, the classmates just couldn't believe it, what kind of monster is she, who can make such a big improvement overnight?

So, this time, after learning that her total score even surpassed Ren Zian, which means that she was above Ren Zian in all subjects, the people in the class were actually numb in shock. Even coincidentally, a weird thought came up. Then, Zhong Youyou got so terrifying in the exam again, they could all accept it...

Because Zhong Youyou was very strong from the beginning, she didn't get so good when she improved. She has used her feet in exams for the past three years!

A boy in the back row suddenly murmured: "In the past three years, she has been fixed at eighth from the bottom. Then, doesn't she use her feet to take the exam, she can do better than the seven people behind us...?"

There is nothing wrong with the logic, but the truth of the facts is so cruel that one can cry.