
After Living Life of Every Species I Created my Ultimate Race

Alan who has already live life of every spices created the ultimate race to live the most fulfilling life in his last reincarnation.

Pritam_Routh · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs


Coming out of the golden castle Angelina and Alan were walking side by side holding their hand in the beautiful rose garden. Angelina was a tall lady height 5.10 feet and Alan was 2.5 feet, He was considered quite tall for his age. so, Angelina doesn't have to be bent to hold his hand.

After coming outside Alan was mesmerized by the greenery of the palace and looking at the beautiful rose garden he had a smile on his face.

"So, how is it do you like the outside?" Angelina asked in a warm voice.

"Yes, mom it is very beautiful" Alan said with a smile on his face.

Then he suddenly noticed that the surrounding of the castle is covered with forest and hills there is no sign of civilization.

"Mom where are we?" Alan asked curiously.

"We are in the inner region of the Darkness forest of the TEMPEST continent." Angelina said in a gentle tone.

Hearing her I simply nodded and tried to see in certain directions where I felt a high concentration of darkness elements.

I activated my LIGHT SPEED THOUGHT skill, the time seems to have stopped for me and I concentrated at the spot where I felt the strong darkness element. Suddenly a sound came to my ear 'ding.....', { you have learnt the skill EYE OF THE WATCHER}.

Immediately as if I am using a telescope my sight zooms toward the direction I was watching, I noticed a 300 meter large black dragon sleeping at the top of a mountain in a cave.

I deactivated my two skills and the world returns to normal again, it was because my mana became empty due to the high level of those skills.

If someone's mana becomes empty they would faint and feel unimaginable headache, but I was different due to my ULTIMATE BODY I don't have to think about those.

Let's check the newly acquired skill first.


Effect - 1. Can see information about anything including hidden information.

2. Can use telescopic vision to watch farway things distance increase with rank.

3. can use microscopic vision to see smaller things.

4. can see through Illusion.

It is a very good skill.

I can use this skill to see people or an item's Status.

I have accumulated mana since my birth but it is still not enough to use my high graded skills for more then one second.

Let's see my status now since I have grown till my birth.

'STATUS WINDOW' I muttered internally and a familiar looking screen appeared in front of my retina.


NAME : Alan Foster







HP = 200/200

Mana = 3/1000

Stamina = 8/10

Attack Power = 8

Magic Power = 100

Attack Speed = 0

Speed = 2.5

Defense = 2.5

Magic Defense = 5


Strength - 1 Agility - 1

Spirit - 10 Constitution - 0.5

Perception - 5




An ordinary person's stat can't get more than 1 per stats but I was different even though I was a child and still have the Infant status which will be there for another 2 years.


"Mom let's go back I wanna watch an Anime!" Alan said with a tired expression. I will think about the dragon later, it still there even though mom lived here then it means it doesn't possess any threat to us.

It's nest is 200 km away anyway.

"Ok dear let's go to the room and watch it together, you also have a surprise waiting for you tomorrow" Angelina with holding her laughter.

"What surprise mom!" Alan said making a curious face.

"Not saying it" Angelina said with a small giggle.

Taking the initiative Angelina dragged Alan to the room, on the way they met with Alea who was clearly working hard in her office.

she hugged him the moment they met and showered him with kisses all around his face.

I tried to ask my sister about the surprise but she didn't say anything only give the same giggle as mother.

"Sister let's go watch a Anime" I asked pouting. Yes, this world also have movies, Anime and social media as well as internet for long distance communication.

"okay let's go watch it" Alea said excitedly. She then hold my free hand and we headed to my mother's room.

Even though my sister is not as tall as mother she is still 5.9 feet tall.

After reaching the room we all got over the bed, the bed was quite enough to hold 5 people so there was no problem about space.

I lay in the middle and pulled my mother boobs out of her clothes to drink milk.

Seeing my actions both ladies didn't mind about it.

"Rin" my mother said in a cold neutral voice, I was surprised to hear my mother's cold voice for the first time but thinking about it makes sense that she won't be gentle to everyone.

Suddenly A maid with huge boob black hair 5.8 feet height appeared in the room out of the air. But I didn't feel any space disturbance so she must have run fast enough to look like she teleported.

"Yes Madam" she sai with a bow not looking my mother in the eyes.

"Set up the television here we are going to watch it in here" Angelina said with a neutral voice.

"Okay madam" saying the maid vanish and a 42 inch T.V appeared in the wall we were facing.

Then my sister took out her tab and handed it to me after doing something on it.

"Here choose which one you want to watch" Alea said

I pointed at an action Anime and then she tapped on it a few times to start the Anime.