
After Joining That Server

The God of Truck and Isekai Reincarnation has sent him into the anime world. He has no cheat or anything, but it's fine because the world is at peace. Thanks the godly truck that this is a slice-of-life world. But everything changed when he joined that server. --- Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, place, events are fictional. I do not own anything. Cover is Selena Lady Vengeance and a property of Moonton. ---

Fragment_of_Truth · Derivasi dari game
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15 Chs

Big Black Dragon Saves the Day

A/N: Sorry for not uploading for like a whole week. You see, I got a test and need to study for a bit that I didn't do anything aside from study materials. Now I'm on a holiday so expect more chapters.

I'm an indecisive author, and I kept on editing my chapters and that's make paragraph comments disappear. Sorry about that, but I've read most of them through the inkstone. And thanks for the comment, I'll probably add some auxiliary chapter for the characters.

Here's the chap.


Chapter 5: Big Black Dragon Saves the Day

"Watch your tongue, you're speaking to Ulfric Stormcloak. The True High King!" Ralof glared intently at the horse thief.

"Ulfric, the Jarl of Windhelm? Oh no, if they captured you, gods ..., where are they taking us?"

"I don't know where we headed, but Sovngarde awaits."

"No, no, this isn't happening."

The horse thief started praying to every Nordic deity. But still, I am somehow baffled why this small man who fancies to call himself a Jarl and raise a rebellion to declare himself as the True High King stared at Rosetta with such a passion.

"I don't care if you're the Jarl or something, but you sure staring at her too much, it's bothering me to be honest. Stop it, that's so creepy." I called out to him. I swear I really want to gouge those two eyes out of their socket if only I have some dagger and could move my hands.

"Grrr ..." the Jarl turned his attention to me and growled, he's the only one who got his mouth gagged.

"It is fine, I could not be bothered with whatever he thought about me. And I have seen enough lustful gaze such as that in this life of mine." Rosetta whispered softly, placing both of her tied-up hands on top of mine.

"..." I just creased both of my brows before sighing and glared at the bear of idiocy for the last time.

In the meanwhile, Lokir the horse thief guy was praying to the Nordic deities he could remember. Not long after, we can see the stone-walled town Helgen. It was pretty majestic, to say the least. Unlike how it was in the game with just about five to six buildings, this town has way more than that. Around 40 or so buildings were made of either stone or wood.

"General Tullius, sir. The headsman is waiting."

"Good, let's get this over with."

I leered at the short general and saw that the Thalmor Emissary Elenwen stopped his path for a conversation. Elenwen looks gorgeous and different from the vanilla game version of her. But I must say, the High Elf of this world isn't as pretty as the one in Teleria.

"Look at him, General Tullius the Military Governor. And it looks like the Thalmor are with him. Damn elves, I bet they had something to do with this." Ralof cussed out to both the Imperials and Elves.

After passing through some house, and listening to Ralof who started rambling about his childhood crush and good mead, the convoy stopped.

"Why are we stopping?"

"Why do you think? End of the lines."

Lokir then saw the big black Redguard Headsman with his bloody axe, a stone block for head-chopping also in the vicinity. And he started to freak out as he let out cold sweat with his feet trembling.

"No, I'm not a rebel. You can't do this."

"Face your death with some courage, thief." Ralof turned to me and said, "Let's go, shouldn't keep the gods waiting for us."

Whelps, I don't know why he said that to me. I have no plan on getting executed right here and then.

"Hey you got to tell them, we're not rebels. This is a mistake." Lokir said as he glanced a wistful gaze to me and Rosetta.

"Shut up, out of the cart. Now!" said the Imperial Legate who stand beside Hadvar. "Step towards the block when we call your name. Don't even think about running!"

"Sigh, Empire loves their damn lists."

After saying that Ralof looked at the crowd of people from Helgen. I followed his gaze but I don't know who or what his eyes looking at. He sighed once again and looked down at the ground.

The guy in leather Imperial armor, Hadvar started calling out our name. Starting with the big boss of the rebellion.

"Ulfric Stormcloak, Jarl of Windhelm. Guilty of murders, high treason, and sentenced to death."

"It has been an honor, Jarl Ulfric." said Ralof for the last time as he watched Ulfric walk to the block.

"Next in line ..., name?"

"Ralof, proud son of Skyrim." Ralof announced his name, with such a sarcastic tone as he directed his gaze to Hadvar.

"Stormcloak, sentenced to death." said Hadvar as he looked at Ralof with a complex gaze.

"Next in line, name?"

"Lokir of Rorikstead, and I'm telling you, I'm not a rebel!"

"It says right here you are. Sorry."

"N-no ..., you can't do this, I'm not a Stormcloak! You, you got to tell them, we weren't with them!" he looked at me with such a helpless gaze. But I sighed and shook my head slowly.

"Next in line ..., name?"

"This one name is M'aiq. One humble Khajiit, yes it is."

"Seriously mate, we don't have time for your lame goofery. Who are you?" Hadvar rebuked with a tired face.

What do I expect, this isn't Skyrim the game, I thought I could use the character creation toolkit right here and then. I'm looking forward to seeing Hadvar's shocked face after watching me undergo such racial transformation though, a pity.

"You can call me Emile. I came from Bravil."

But speaking of the ten-race, I don't know if there's a race that looks like a Japanese. Maybe telling others that I'm Imperial or Breton is acceptable. Akaviir does look similar to a Chinese, but only a few bit of people knew about them. And Akaviir is kinda like ..., ancient, at this era, no one believed that they still exist. Many scholars even suspected that the Akaviir has long gone extinct.

"And that is Rose, she's ..., my wife."

I decided our cover identity while pointing at the Rosetta who smiled wryly.

"You sure pick some bad time and place to go on a honeymoon, traveling into this cold and deserted province when it's a civil war. You're not gonna say something like that scaredy Nord?" the Imperial Legate asked.

"What's the point? It's not like you're going to release us, isn't it?"

"That's true. For someone who came from that one dirty city, you two look rather fine."

"... and where did you come from, Legate ma'am?"


"It is my pleasure to meet a fellow Imperial, though, I really hope not in this kind of situation."

"What must I say ..., you have some bad luck to be in the wrong place, in a wrong time."

"Captain, what should we do? They're not on the list."

"Forget the list, they go to the block!"

"By your orders Captain. I'm sorry, but I'll make sure your remain returned to Cyrodiil. Follow the Captain, prisoners."

We followed the Imperial Legate and line up with the death row prisoners.

"So, a 'wife' huh?" Rosetta whispered beside me.

"S-sorry about that, I thought we'd need some cover identity or something, so I just ..., blurted anything that comes into my mind."

"It is fine, I understand ..." I want to say something but she continued her word. "But it is too soon for us, Emile-kun. I need to know more about you before deciding."

I don't really know what does she meant by that. And I decided to just not think about it.

I turned my attention to the brown-haired thief. I asked Lokir who's shivering as if he's having hypothermia. "I thought you'd try escaping ... you know, betting on the last bit of luck you have."

"You think I'm an idiot? Trying to escape this place full of Imperials, that's asking for a quick death."

"Well, you'd end up dying here too ..., so what's the difference?"

"And so do you, for someone who's to be executed aren't you a bit too relaxed?"

I smiled and choose to end the conversation with silence. In case the BBD didn't save me, I started preparing my escape spell.

"Ulfric Stormcloak, some here in Helgen call you a hero. But a hero doesn't use power like the Voice to murder his king and usurp his throne!" Tullius said with an impassive tone to Ulfric, the rebellious Jarl only grunted and looked at him with a rage-filled gaze. Tullius continued, now with a raised voice. "You started this war, plunged Skyrim into chaos, and now the Empire is going to put you down and restore the peace!"


"What was that?"

"It's nothing, carry on."

"Yes, General Tullius." the Legate who came from Cheydinhal as I know it saluted by placing her fist on the chest, she turned to the Priestess in a yellow robe and said. "Give them their last rites."

The priestess of the Eight Divines prayed to give the death row rebel their last rites, but one red-haired Stormcloaks stop the procession for his love of Talos. He got beheaded and the Imperial soldier dragged his headless body. I don't know, but for some reason, I felt that there's a tingling sensation on my neck.

"Next, the lovebird from Cyrodiil."

"Krrrroooaaaah ..."

"There it is again, did you hear that?"

"I said, next prisoner!"

"To the block prisoner, nice and easy."

I walked first to the stone chopping block for execution as I have finished my preparation. The spell I have prepared was something like a substitution jutsu from Naruto, it basically swapped an object with oneself. However, different from in the Narutoverse where the ninja could do it almost instantly, I need to prepare a complicated spell for the object that will be used for substitution. I have cast it on a mead barrel nearby and if my timing is right, I could swap it with my body before the executor's axe chop my neck.

Though, I really hope that I don't have to activate this spell at all. I'm betting on you, Alduin, come and please save my head. I'll kill you later as my gratitude.

I walked to the stone block and the legate pushed my shoulder before she used the sole of her feet to put me in place. The Redguard headsman raised his axe, but I saw black-winged dragon flying above the town with a thundering roar.

"What in Oblivion is that?"

"Sentries, what do you see?"

"It's in the cloud!"


"Kruaahhhhh" the black dragon perched on top of the tower, and the impact caused the headsmen to fall.

"Jiid So Daan ..." Alduin shouted another Thu'um with his thundering voice. The town was hit by a rain of blazing stones.

I felt someone pull me from the stone block. It was Rosetta, and she immediately cut off the binding on my hands with a dagger. Don't know where she hides that one.

"Hey, you. Get up! Come on the gods won't give us another chance." Ralof with a war axe in his hand shouted to me.

I wonder how could these rebels retrieve back their weapon quickly. It's just a few seconds since Alduin came and wreak havoc. How did you unbind yourself and where did you get that weapon?

But well, I guess it's game logic ... it makes no sense.

"This way ..."

We took shelter inside the northeastern tower. The tower was full of Stormcloaks who escape from Imperial's clutch amidst the chaos. And of course, the Jarl of Windhelm is with them.

"Jarl Ulfric, what is that thing? Could the legends be true?"

"Legends don't burn down villages." Ulfric stated with a deep voice, "We need to move now!"

"Let's head upstairs." I pulled Rosetta's hand and headed up to the tower.

"Why? That would be a dead end."

"Just follow me, you'll soon know it anyway."

"Wait, you there stop!" Ulfric shouted directing his gaze in our direction.

"What is it now, Ulfric?"

"I'm not talking to you. Step aside when adults talk." he then turned to Rosetta and said. "I fancy you, woman. Follow me to Windhelm, and by Mara, I swear I will name you my Queen. I will also protect your little brother here and train him the art of combat."

W-what ...? I'm a bit perplexed. So there's a world-devouring dragon out there making a mess out of the town. And we're trying to escape from that monster, however ..., this bulky no-brainer Ulbitch here tried to hit on my Rosetta?! I mean, what the fuck!? Don't you realize the severity of the situation, a fucking dragon is out there and you're still trying to solve your dick problem? No wonder you're the biggest idiot in Skyrim.

"Urm, I do not know you. And even if I do, I am really sorry but I am already his ..." Rosetta said while hugging my arm. Nice one Rosetta, though I know it's just an act, but poyo-poyo is justice!

"Whu-wait, what? This tiny scamp here is not your brother? But you're a couple?! How, no why!? He's like, way younger to be my son." Jarl Ulfric protested as if he just saw something bizarre in this world.

"... ignore this idiot and let's move." I pulled Rosetta's hand and headed upstairs.

"Halt your step, stop right there you two. Hey, give me that."

I glanced at him and saw him throwing something. Before I could react I heard a clanking sound and Rosetta was in front of me, deflecting the thrown axe with her dagger. Damn ..., to think that I couldn't even see or react to that attack.

And what the actual fuck did you just do? I'm still considered as a child in this world, right? You can't kill kids in this universe, they're immortal, the last hidden boss of this world.

"Heh, I like you, even more, knowing that you're different from some flower vase ..., a strong woman like you should be beside me. Leave that milk-drinker lover of yours and come to me. It will do your ancestor an honor to serve me."

Wall collapse.

Rosetta who was about to say something refrained from doing so as Alduin crashed into the wall on the second floor and peeked through the opening. The dragon opened his maw and shouted one long Fire Breath.

"Yol Toor Shul!"

The appearance of Alduin shaken the few Stormcloaks on the first floor, they saw how their comrade got burned into blackened crisp and lump of burned meat in mere seconds. After Alduin left, I returned my gaze to Ulfric.

"Hey Ulfric, it seems like even your brain is way smaller than your dick," I said it out loud, and all the Stormcloaks here looked at me with hostility. "Even in this kind of situation, when there's a dragon who appeared for the first time in the past thousand of years attacking, our great Ulfric Stormcloak had the time to case a married woman. Truly ..., you're really one of a kind."

"But what's wrong with that, I'll do what I want. You are in no position to talk back, milk-drinker."

"Well, at least I can drink her milk anytime while you could only bit your thumb." I put my hand on Rosetta's waist as I looked down on him provokingly. It was really amusing to see his face turned red to green and then blue. "Sigh, see there my lovely Rose ..., you can't argue with an idiot, it's detrimental. I feel like losing some of my brain cells, let's just go."

"Hey, stop! I said stop, you little scamp."

"Jarl Ulfric, we need to get out of here, this tower will crumble anytime soon."

Thankfully, there are some reasonable and rational people among Ulfric's lackeys.

"Let's jump to that inn on the other side, ready?"

"Anytime, dear ..." said Rosetta with her rosy smile.

"Alright ..., 3, 2, 1, jump!"

After overcoming the blazing obstacle on the second floor of the inn, we descended to the first floor. It's just like how it was in the game, there's a father and son who was trapped in ruin and debris and Hadvar tried to save them.

"Haming, you need to get over here?"

"Get away from here Haming, and stay alive."

"Yol Toor Shul!"

"Torolf! Gods, everyone get back!" the boy's father got burned into a dark burnt corpse by Alduin's Fire Breath. "Still alive prisoners? Keep close to me if you want to stay that way."

I followed Hadvar while trying to get away from one of Alduin's stray meteors. In the meantime, I asked what Rosetta has been doing since we left the inn. Although I just saw a glimpse, she had been throwing something on the ground for some reason.

"Rose, what are you planning to do with that?"

"..., saving lives, perhaps?" she answered.

I nodded and did not bother her anymore. It's a great thing I came here with her. If not, then I can do nothing but run around in this chaotic situation.

"Someone get the battlemages out here, now!"

"Gods nothing kills it."

"Hadvar, into the Keep soldier we're leaving!"

"This way prisoners."

We ran passing through the Imperial Legions who tried to fight a dragon, it was a futile effort but at least they're trying. Ralof with a few of his Stormcloak Rebels is in front of us, Hadvar was the first to call his name.

"Ralof, you damn traitor. Out of my way!"

"We're escaping Hadvar. You're not stopping us this time!"

"Fine, I hope the dragon will take you all to Sovngarde. This way prisoners, into the keep."

"Through here, let's go!"

The branching is still the same ..., but do you really think I'd follow you? Oh, thinking about it, actually yes I will. It serves no purpose at all as I'm already unbound, but I can loot some interesting object inside.

For now, it'll do by following Hadvar. After all, befriending him is equal to befriending his uncle Alvor. And getting to know Alvor means I will have some interaction with his beautiful wife, Sigrid. I'd like to see Hadvar's aunt, she is one of the hottest milf in the province.