
After hour

'It's here again' he thought to himself. Staring down at the black little box on the floor. He stood at the entrance to his office, squatting down he picked up the gift. Like clock work the gift was placed at the entrance to his office. Every year from the day he turned 29, he had been receiving a gift on the 25th of May , his birthday. Now he was 37. Eight years and it still continued. Maybe that was the reason he started caring. A flash of warmth passed his clear eyes, as he held and regarded the gift with gentle hands. From surprise to suspicion, suspicion to curiosity,and finally from curiosity to confusion. He had come to appreciate these little gifts. Taking care of a multi-billion dollar company was not easy and even more so time consuming, so while he could not even think of himself, who thought of him?

Mi7777 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Chapter two

"Uhhm sweetie, you sure you're going the right way?" I asked, slightly tugging at his soft, small hand. He ignored me for the second time, it wasn't strange now, he seemed to do it a lot.

"Miss you'll need to leave if you're not a part of this gathering," A female in black said as politely as she could, but I am so good at reading emotions and she was f****** looking down on me.

I looked at her and blinked as if she had a hole in her head, I took in a breath, lifted my nose up skyward and claimed my stance.

"Are you talking to me?" I asked a condescending look taking over my face. Her jaw clenched, clearly annoyed.

"Yes Miss,"

"Hey what are you doing here brat," I heard someone growl behind me.

After realizing I couldn't feel his warmth any more, I whipped my head around quickly spotting a small body hanging by a very buff looking and huge man. The man held my baby by the f****** collar of his cute dress shirt forcing his tux out of place.

"Get your filthy hands of the boy," I said my voice dangerously low. There was a threat in my voice and if he couldn't pick it then I don't know what he would ever pick in his life.

"Said by who?"

"Brigdit Colchester," I said my condescending look turning more intimidating as I quickly reached forward and pulled him towards me like a lioness would do to her cub, gosh was I getting into the role.

"Miss Colchester are these people worrying you?" Drake, my personal bodyguard, said. He wasn't as buff as the other bodyguard but he was cool ,cute and could protect me so…

"Not anymore," The bitch that I met first and started this whole issue said shyly.

Drake curtly nodded at her barely sparing her a glance and giving me his full attention.

"Where are the others," I asked as I held the little bun's hand in mine.

"They're outside ma'am," He replied his green eyes focused on me.

"Go and join them, I'll get back to you guys,"

"Yes ma'am," He said shooting a questioning glance at the little bun at my side.

Before I could gather my thoughts the little bun continued pulling me further into the hall to a big room I never even knew even existed.

The room was white with a large black table and a few people, not up to ten sat in the room, discussing. We finally stopped moving and stood in front of two men talking to each other, one was a brunette while the other had jet black hair his long legs were crossed elegantly lifting his trousers slightly revealing his expensive black socks I might add. The brunette sat on the table one leg on the polished floor.

Still lost in my thoughts the little bun tugged at my finger his other hand out stretched pointing at the both men wearing black.

'Maybe the brunette was little bun's father, they both had brown hair right,' I thought glancing back at the little bun who was tightly clutching my finger and adorably nibbling at his chocolate ball, minding his business.