
Let's Go Begging

Zhouzhou was completely unaware of what had happened at the restaurant. After leaving the restaurant, she followed Mingtong to the pedestrian bridge.

The pedestrian bridge in the daytime was not as bustling as it was at night, but there were still some breakfast stalls, and there was a decent flow of people. It was the time when people were preparing to go to work.

Carrying her copper bowl, Zhouzhou approached a steamed bun shop and said, "Hello, could you please offer some alms to this poor Taoist priest?"

Her voice was childish and cute, and her serious tone made it even more amusing.

The owner of the steamed bun shop, a plump middle-aged woman, burst into laughter when she saw Zhouzhou. She jokingly said, "A Taoist priest? You're bald, yet not a little monk, but a little Taoist priest?"

Zhouzhou touched her bald head and nodded. She pinched her thumb and little finger together, making a three-finger gesture, and raised her chubby hand while earnestly answering, "I was a little monk before the age of three, and then Master Yuanming took me to the Taoist temple. Now I'm a Taoist priest."

Although she was young, she spoke with agility.

The shop owner couldn't help but laugh and handed her a steamed bun. "Here, eat it, but be careful, it's hot."

Zhouzhou sniffed but didn't take it. In her childish voice, she said, "Kind donor, I am a vegetarian as a monk."

She was sticking to the rules.

The shop owner laughed again and exchanged it for a vegetarian one. "Just now, you were still a little Taoist priest, and now you're a monk. You're sticking to both sides of the rules. Here, take it, a vegetarian steamed bun."

The steamed bun was big and soft, making Zhouzhou's mouth water. She nodded repeatedly, holding the copper bowl with both hands and standing on tiptoes to receive it. "Thank you, kind donor!"

She smiled at the shop owner. When the little girl smiled, she looked sweet and gentle, which charmed the shop owner. Before she could speak, she saw Zhouzhou reaching into a big bundle and taking out a talisman, which she handed over. "This is a talisman for nurturing the fetus. Kind donor, if you have a baby, please take good care of yourself and rest more."

After saying that, she bowed to her and turned around to run to Mingtong. She split it in half, and they quickly finished eating. Zhouzhou smacked her lips and continued to beg at the next shop.

After they left, the shop owner touched her belly and exchanged a glance with her husband, their eyes filled with disbelief. What did she just say? A baby?

Regaining her senses, the shop owner quickly helped her sit down and gently touched her belly. A joyful expression filled her honest face. "Is it true?"

They had been married for nearly ten years and had never had children. The doctor said she had difficulty conceiving.

Thinking of this, the joy in the shop owner's heart was extinguished. "It's probably just something the child said casually."

After a moment of contemplation, the shop owner gritted her teeth and said, "Let's go, let's check."

Just in case.

It was the peak of the morning rush hour, and the shop owner didn't have the mood to sell buns anymore. She let everyone serve themselves and placed the payment QR code next to them. He hurriedly took his wife to the hospital.

Two hours later, the couple stared dumbfounded at the freshly printed examination report.

"It's true?!" The shop owner looked at the words "pregnant for two weeks" and smiled so widely that her mouth reached her ears. "That's great!"

Remembering something, her husband quickly helped her sit on a bench. "Dear, you have to take good care of yourself. The doctor said you're an older expectant mother and not in good health. You mustn't tire yourself."

Hearing this, the shop owner also had a fearful expression. If it weren't for Zhouzhou's reminder, she would have been working from early morning till late at night. The child might not have been able to stay.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but tighten her grip on the talisman for nurturing the fetus in her hand.

"Let's go and thank our benefactor."

"Yes, yes."

The couple hurried back to the shop, but they couldn't find them after searching for a long time. They could only sigh with regret.

They hadn't properly thanked her yet.

At this moment, under the pedestrian bridge, Zhouzhou managed to get another steamed bun and sat on a stone with Mingtong, bowing her head to nibble on it.

Still not full.

Begging was exhausting, and by the time she managed to get some food, the previous meal had already been consumed. Thinking about this, Zhouzhou's actions slowed down, and she cherished each bite, chewing ten times before swallowing, trying to make the feeling of being full stronger.

When Madam Qin rushed over, she witnessed this scene. The little girl held the steamed bun in her hands, carefully chewing, not wasting even the tiniest crumb. Seeing this, Madam Qin's heart softened, and she walked over quickly, saying, "Little benefactor!"

Zhouzhou was in the middle of nibbling on her steamed bun when a shadow suddenly cast over her. She looked up in confusion and instantly recognized Madam Qin. Her face lit up with joy, "Grandma, it's you!"

With that, she scooted over and patted the empty space beside her, saying, "Grandma, please have a seat."

The little girl was soft and adorable, and her smile made people like her even more. Madam Qin happily sat down, and although Butler Li, who initially thought the ground was dirty and wanted to stop her, froze in place when he met her cold gaze.

Turning her head and facing Zhouzhou, Madam Qin smiled again, "Little benefactor, I came here specifically to thank you. Thank you for saving me."

"You're welcome." Zhouzhou waved her small hand, puffing out her chest proudly, "My master said that accumulating virtues and doing good deeds will bring good fortune. The Taoist Abbot also said that saving a life is more valuable than building a seven-level pagoda."

The little girl's voice was sweet and soft, like milk. Madam Qin liked her even more. Seeing the steamed bun in Zhouzhou's hand, she quickly offered, "Let me treat you to a meal."

Treat her to a meal?

Zhouzhou perked up her ears. "Will it fill me up?"

Hearing this, Madam Qin was momentarily taken aback. "Of course!"

How could she invite someone for a meal and not make sure they were full?

Zhouzhou hesitated for a moment and reminded her, "Grandma, I can eat a lot. I can eat eighteen bowls of noodles in one sitting."

Eight bowls would have been enough, but the food in the town below was not as substantial as the food in the mountains. The bowls were big, but the noodles were scarce. She needed eighteen bowls to feel full.

Hearing this, Madam Qin felt even more heartbroken. How long had the little benefactor been hungry?

"Don't worry, even if it's eighty bowls, I can afford it."

Saying that, she pinched Zhouzhou's small hand and pulled her up, kindly saying, "Let's go, let's have a meal."

Madam Qin also gestured to Butler Li, signaling him to find a suitable place.

Seeing this, Mingtong, who had been watching them, quickly approached and said, "Zhouzhou, don't forget about me."

Although he didn't know why they were looking for Zhouzhou, it wouldn't hurt to join them for a meal.

Zhouzhou looked up and asked Madam Qin with an inquiring gaze, eagerly waiting for her response.

Madam Qin waved her hand generously, "Come, all together!"

"Thank you, Grandma." Zhouzhou tilted her head and smiled softly at her, melting Madam Qin's heart. She discreetly squeezed Zhouzhou's hand, feeling its softness.

Her little hands were wrinkled, and slightly swollen from dishwashing.

Thinking of this, Madam Qin felt even more distressed and quickened her pace.

Not long after, the group arrived at a restaurant. When they arrived, the round table was already filled with dishes. Zhouzhou's eyes widened in amazement. There were so many!

She looked at Madam Qin, feeling a bit hesitant. "Grandma, aren't these things expensive?"

She had only eaten a few bowls of noodles yesterday and spent the entire night washing dishes. After eating all this, her hands would have to be washed until they peeled.

Thinking of this, she lowered her head and looked at her hands, discreetly rubbing them against her back. She looked up at Madam Qin earnestly and said, "Grandma, it's enough for you to treat me to steamed buns. Steamed buns are cheap and filling."

Hearing her words, Madam Qin guessed what she was thinking. Remembering that the child had washed so many dishes, she felt even more heartbroken. She held Zhouzhou and sat her on the prepared child's chair. "It's alright, eat. Grandma can afford ten or even twenty tables. Don't worry."

She reassured Zhouzhou repeatedly, and only then did Zhouzhou feel relieved and happily started eating.

Old Master Qin was also attentive. He had heard the previous manager say that they were eating vegetarian food, so he guessed that they only ate vegetarian dishes. Thus, he ordered all vegetarian dishes.

Zhouzhou ate eagerly, her cheeks puffing out as she moved her mouth. She had been hungry all night, and her actions touched the hearts of those watching.

She truly was an adorable child.

"Eat more," Madam Qin gently picked up food for her, warmly inviting her.

"Mhmm!" Zhouzhou couldn't speak with her mouth full, so she just nodded and continued eating. It was delicious, even better than yesterday!

The seventh senior brother was right. The food in the town below was truly fragrant.

Not long after, the table was cleared of all the dishes. Looking at the empty plates, Zhouzhou felt a little embarrassed. She scratched her smooth head and hesitantly asked, "Grandma, did I eat too much?"

"No," Madam Qin looked at her appetite, surprised but not disgusted. She gently wiped the food stains off her mouth with a tissue. "Are you full? Would you like some more?"

Zhouzhou shook her head and rubbed her round belly. "I'm already full. Thank you, Grandpa and Grandma, for the meal."

"Don't mention it, it's just a meal," Madam Qin couldn't help but pat her smooth head. It felt so good to the touch. When she saw the little girl blinking curiously at her, she blushed, coughed lightly, and called the waiter to settle the bill.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Zhouzhou sighing in relief, which amused her.

Turned out she was worried that they couldn't afford it.

After paying with her card, Madam Qin looked at Zhouzhou's attire and said, "Little benefactor, you saved me, so I must thank you properly. I still owe you money for the medicine from before. I want to buy some more. How much is it?"


Mingtong's eyes lit up as he quickly assessed them. He could tell from their simple clothes that they were actually high-end and expensive, indicating that they were very wealthy. He quickly gestured to Zhouzhou.

Zhouzhou didn't know how much the medicine cost either. She had gathered the herbs herself from the mountains and hadn't spent a penny. Seeing Mingtong's gesture, she instantly understood.

Her eyes curved, and she spread out her small hand with all five fingers, confidently saying, "Five yuan!"

Mingtong: "..."