
After being transmigrated into another world i became a god

Shin Nori is an normal and boring guy working in a Game Company, through a conflict with his Superior he gets fired from the Company over a small thing. After he fell asleep that day, he travelled to another world. In that world, only the Strong will live comfortably and without worries. When he traversed he became a god and now needs no overcome the difficulties that come with being a god. Will he be able to become a strong being and live like he wants to? Or will he be crushed by his enemies and be forgotten in the history of time. ~~~~~ This is my first Novel and im not a Native English speaker so please be lenient with me and feel free to write how i can get better at it. Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/uWBh8SssQ8

FantasyThemedLover · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
27 Chs

The First Level Up

While Iris and Ripley were still doing things back in the Village, Shin already worked on the stage 3 for the System and used his rules to do that.

After he worked for 6 days straight without break he finally finished the 3rd Stage of the system.

"So this is finished and now i can start with activating the 2nd stage and then continue on the 4th stage! I am very spirited right now and have extremely high energy for some unknown reason!!"

"Ari, execute stage 2, oh and please tell me when someone reaches the 1st level up, i want to witness it myself since it's the birth of my dream, when i was young i always wanted to have something like a level up function so that i could get stronger!"

"Yes Master. I already executed the 2nd stage and will notify you in case someone levels up."

"Good Ari, very good!" Shin said with a happy face and went back to go working on the next stage"

"Ah yes before i forget it again, i need to choose a new effect for the system."

"Ari, please present me the effects i can choose from!"

"Yes Master."

{System: Upgrade}

{Determining effects for current Stage}

{Effects Determined}

1: Rule addition

- You can choose up to 3 Rules that the users of the System have to follow, if they don't follow the Rules they will get punished by the system. The punishment depends on the heaviness of the case.

2: Concealment

- The System/ Ari will have the means to hide herself much better from Stronger Gods up to the 4th order.

3: increased processing ability

- You can transmit information 2 times faster than before.


"Okay, i already decided, i choose the first Option, it's the most useful of all of them."

"Ari do it!"



{Shutting down the system}

{3...2....1...Shut down.}



{System functions operate normal}

{No Malfunctions}

{Update complete}

"Good, now i can go back to work"


~~~ Lower Realm ~~~


Two persons standing at the side of the road talked with each other while whispering.

[Hey, have you heard? there seems to be a adventure guild in our Village now...]

[What? Isn't this a guild from the Humans?]

[Yes but this one was opened by Iris and the new one, Ripley i think]

[Really? What is it for? is it just like the adventure guild from the Humans?]

[In essence yes, but unlike the Humans you have forgotten that we can Level Up, that means while we kill monster that want to invade our Home, we can earn Money and get stronger at the same time.]

[I think i will try this out, there are some low level monster in the vicinity and im sure i can fight against them.]

[Oh is God Updating our System again? i can't access it]

[Seems so, i also can't connect with the System]

[Let's just wait, Iris already told us that we shouldn't worry when this happens again]

[Yes that's best]

[Oh...well the waiting is already over, we just talked about it and now not even 10 seconds have passed.]

[Is it not good? Let's check what is new!]

[Yes, im curious!!]


{System Update Log}

- System Stage 2:

You can now level up to level 20.

- Rules:

In the future, God will decide Rules that everyone has to follow, these who don't follow the Rules will get punished and a penalty from the System.

Current Rules: none.


[Rules? Looks like our society will be much more peacefull in the future when God establishes the Rules. Im really curious as to what is the first Rule God will establish!!]

[Yeah me too, me too, and we can also level up to level 20 now, that means to the 2nd order. Hey, that gives me an idea, how about we make a group and start killing monsters to gather EXP so that we can level up?]

This kind of idea appeared in many people that readthe Update Log of the System.

[We still have our armors so we don't need to buy them, the only thing we need is ourself and a weapon but the weapon is quite easy to get since we still have some old rusty weapons that were found in this Vilage when we first got here]

[Yes Yes, let's go, im so excitet at the thought that we, Normal order ones can really get stronger even if we don't have much potential]

5 minutes after the release of the news the weapon shops and armor shops were already fully occupied with people that wanted to try their Luck by hunting Monster. There were also some who just went inside the forest without preparing too much.

At the Gate of the City were now big masses of people who looked for partners to team up with.

Under a tree that was located at the very side of the place, stood a Girl that was from the Nebula Panther Tribe, she looked about 16 Years old and weared a black rather tight suit and held two daggers in both Hands.

She surveyed the event with a searching look. Like she wanted to find someone.

She is what you would call a typical assasin.

Soon she stopped her eyes on two other people who stood beside each other not far away.

[Seems like they are quite the capable people to look so confident. They also have quite the decent stats. should i ask them? Maybe they are the right people?]

[Ah whatever, doesn't make sense to just speculate about this here. I can just test them myself.]


[Hey you two, are you still searching for a third member?]

[Hmm, who are you?]

[Oh sorry about that, my names Maenih im also searching for a group to go outside, you looked to me like you are good at fighting and you can cooperate with me so i thought i might join you]

[My name is Troy, im a Warrior, and this one beside me is Pilm and she is a Healer/Supporter. If i may ask you, what occupation do you have and what Talent? You don't need to tell us if you don't want to.]

[No worries, my Talent is Appraisal, it's nothing much but it's quite helpful in some things.]

[Appraisal? Never heard of it, what Class is it? S, or A?]

[Yes, it's an A-Class ability, it allows me to see the information of other things, like your Status or the status of an Animal that doesn't even have the System.]

[Really? That is indeed quite helpful, Oh, excuse me for not saying ours. Mine is also an Class-A Ability, it's called Diamond Body. It can make my Body as Hard as a Diamond and boost my strenght x3 for a period of 1 minutes. After one minute you are exhausted and have half of your normal strenght.]

[My Ability is a S-Class one...It is a supporting Ability called 'Status Effect Caster'. It's effect allows me to attach several positiv status buff effects to my allies, but i can also attach several debuffs to my enemies, like making them blind or slowing them down/ paralizing them and so on. but i need to unlock them with stronger strenght, currently i can only slow them down and paralize them for a very short time.]

[Yes i know, it's quite the strong ability i have to say, you can get really strong with it if you get stronger.]

[Well it's an S-Class Ability after all, it should be quite strong don't you think?]

[Yes that's true, well then, am i allowed to join your group?]

[Yes, we searched for one but till now we didn't find anyone better than you, you also seems to be quite nice so i have nothing agains it, how about you Troy?]

[Me? Oh i have nothing against it]

[Alright then. Let's set out and Hunt a few Monster so that we can Level Up quickly.]

With this they immediatly went outside the City gate and started to think about what direction they wanted to go in. At first they wanted to go just in the direction ahead, but then they thought that there were already many others trying their Luck to find Monsters, so they in the end decided to go in the exact opposite direction.

[We already walked for 1 hour, why isn't there any Monster near us, are they already all killed by another adventure group?]

[Now that you talk about it, do we even have a name for our group?]

[Uhhh....no...we don't, we already thought about one but we just can't think of one that sounds even a little good.]

[Let me also think about it. How about 'The Awakened Seekers' or 'The Black Diamonds'? Oh Oh Oh, i have another one!! How about...'The Immortal Crew' it symbolises that we never fail and always life to get stronger and stronger!! What do you think about it?]

[ehh....uhh...well...i think that 'The Awakened Seekers is much better than 'The Immortal Crew'] Troy voiced his thoughts out

[But it sounds so mighty, The Immortal Crew that comes back from every jouney, i think it's perfekt!!]

[Sorry Meanih, but this time i am on Troys side, that one really sounds weird, let's just take 'The Awakened Seekers' It tells you that we are awakened people and are searching for new things every day.]

[If you say it like that it also sounds cool...]

[Right? let's just take this one..!Okay?]

[Alright, then from now on out Adventure Party is named: The Awakended Seekers.!]


[What is it Troy?]



[I hear plop sounds. If im not wrong that should be slimes right?]

[You are right Troy, for safety, let me look first. i will scan it wait here for a bit] When she heard that Meanih immediatly became alerted and began to conceal herself to sneak up to the Slimes.

"There are indeed Slimes, but it isn't just one, there are 13 of them, most of them are just normal blue slimes but one has a Brown appearance, let me check their stats real quik"


{Slime} (x12)

Race: Normal Slime

Rank: Lv. 4


- Health: 40

- Mana: 10

- Strength: 6

- Agility: 15

- Intelligence: 5

- Perception: 4


{Slime} (x1)

Race: Earth Slime

Rank: Lv. 12


- Health: 100

- Mana: 20

- Strength: 20

- Agility: 30

- Intelligence: 10

- Perception: 9


"Alright, we should be able to handle them, but we need to have a plan first before just rushing in and fighting. Okay, im going back"


[Im back!, I spied on them and found out that there are a group of slimes, in total 13, one slime of the 1st order and 12 Slimes of the Normal order. We need a strategie, we can't fight them off all at a time with out current strenght. Wait, i will send you their Status]

[Ah thank you, alright, it's an Earth Slime? quite tricky, they have a much better defense than normal slimes and also have much more Health, we gotta need to team up to kill this one. Pilm you can use Paralize and slow them down right?]

[Yes, but the paralizing effect won't last long, only about 5 seconds on the earth Slime, the Normal Slimes can be paralized for about 15 seconds]

[That should be enough, alright, i have a plan, you Pilm will slow them down at first so that we can be faster than them and after that you will immediatly paralize the Leader Slime, then im going to kill him with assasination while you continually Paralize the Normal Slimes, Troy can kill them then one after another, is that okey?]

[Yeah sure, sounds good to me, let's do it, out very first step towards getting stronger!!]

[Hey, don't scream Troy, we don't want to be found out!!]

[Oh yeah sorry for that, let's get going then!!]

At the front Troy started sneaking to the Slimes while Pilm was directly behind him, she was ready to immediatly cast a Slowness debuff on the enemie upon seeing the signal from Maenih. When she received it, it was the sound of a owl, she instantly affected the Leader slime at first and right after that paralized him, When Maenih saw that she also took action and started to stab the Slime with her daggers. She specifically targeted the Cores in their Body that is the weak spot of the slimes.

While Maenih did that Pilm also activated her slowness debuff several times until all slimes were affected, that took about 10 seconds, after doing that Troy already eliminated one slime since they couldn't react so fast and attack. but after that they slowly started to go towards Troy and Pilm in two groups, they weren't very fast, you could easily go away with just walking but since they were many it was another thing, they slowly surrounded Troy and he screamed for help

[Hey Pilm, Paralize them already, i have a bit of a problem here!!]

[Im trying to but im also occupied with these ones here]

[Wait im going to help you] Maenih shouted in their direction after she killed the Leader with one blow which was quite lucky]

[Try to hold on Troy im going to help Pilm first]

[You don't need to tell me, im alredy trying!!!!]

Maenih ran towards Pilm and targeted the one that was the nearest to her. she swung back and thrust a sword right into the core. The Slime immediatly limped down and was dead

[Are you ok? quick, we need to help Troy, he has some serious problems]





After three consecutive times of using Paralyzing she already had no more Mana and quickly lost her energy, she fell down and was unconsious.


[And the last!! Finally, why did you take so long??? I almost was at my end here!!!]

[Whatever, help me with Pilm here, what is with her?]

[Oh you don't need to worry about it, she is just unconscious because she depleted her Mana. She used more than she has so she needs to recupurate a little bit, let's take the Slime cores with us and go back, you carry Pilm, i will carry the cores.] Troy answered Maenih's questioning.

[Alright, oh, by the way, how many EXP did you get? I got 6, only 4 more then i am level 1]

[Really?, i only got 5]

[How many did Pilm get? you can analyze her right?]

[She got also got 5 EXP, it seems like it was because all of the slimes had her debuff so it counted as if she also killed it]

[Well it's quite convenient. Whatever let's go back before we encounter another group of Monsters.]

[Yes we should still be careful and walk silently]



[Uwaa,...finally, i can see the Village again, it was quite the good bounty we made today right?]

[Yes, how should we split it up?]

[How about everyone gets 4 slime cores and since you killed the Leader you get his core?]

[No Problem with that, let's go to the adventurer guild to exchange for money]

[Wait, were should we put Pilm? we can't take her with us right?]

[True, well then, let's go to her house, i know where she lives, it's nearby just around that corner and then there.]

They walked around the corner and came to a little house.

[Is it this one? It's quite small]

[Oh yes, Pilm lives alone Maenih]

[Really? How nice, i still live with my Parents in one, altough im already an adult!]

[Then, why don't we grab ourself a house with some money and live there together as an adventure group? We also need a Base spot right?]

[That true, alright, let's go adventuring tomorrow as well, we need to make enough money so that we can buy us a house!!]

[hahaha that's really quite the spirit you have there Maenih, when you came to us today i would never have thought that you were so outgoing]

[Well even if i am an assasing, why does every assasin need to be closed up and silent? Im only silent and get serious when im in battle.]

[Yes, i understand, well then wanna go and sell the Slime parts?]

[Sure sure, do we also sell hers and give her the money?]

[No, Maybe she wants to do that herself, so we better not do that.]



[Do you two want to sell something? If so please put the monsters on the table there.] The adventurer guild receptionist said to Troy and Maenih while pointing to the side.


They immediatly pulled out 8 Normal Slime corpses and 1 Earth Slime corpse.

[Is that all? if so i will give out the money for you now]

[Yes, that's all for now]

[Alright, here are your Copper Coins, a total of 70 Copper coins.]

[Thank you] Troy and Maenih both said in unison and went outside with the money.

[It's quite easy to earn money don't you think Troy?]

[Yes it's indeed easy, but you also need to think about the risks maybe we will encouter a stronger monster later and then won't be that bountifull.]

[Oh man, don't be so pessimistic. We are also getting stronger you now? why making such a fuss aboout nothing, let's just devide the money, i think the price was one Normal slime is 5 Copper coins and the Earth slime were 30 Copper rigth?]

[Yes that's how the costs are.]

[Good, then i get 45 Copper coins and you 25 Copper?]

[Is it okay if i take more? or should we have an equal amount?]

[Hmm? are you wondering if i am angry that you got more than me? If so then calm down, im not really interested in money, i just want to get stronger, i didn't become an adventurer just because of money.]

[You really are like me, alright, thank you then, we should also rest now so that we can get on a adventure tomorrow as well.]



Like that they went out the next day too, now Pilm was already back to normal and not so exhausted as yesterday.

They went to the same place as yesterday and from there on started wandering around while searching for other monster.

This time they found another monster beside the Slime, it was a Plagueclaw. A cat shaped like creature with poisenous claws, it can spread plagues and affect enemies with poison. The Poison it spreads isn't deadly, but it is really uncomfortable to have. It's giving you stomach pain and you can't go to the toilet without being sore after that.

[Why do we have to encounter that thing, quick Pilm Paralize it!!]

[Yes! 'paralize'!]

Now the Plagueclaw still stood there but couldn't move anymore.

Troy and Maenih immediatly ran towards it, one of the two from the front, the other from the back.

[Alright let's kill it together]


[They both screamed and slashed their blades down on the animal that ws a 1st order creature.]

[Alright we got, it, it's almost death, let's kill it!! Before it can infect us!!]

[Yes...they both once again used their blades and slashed down towards the Head beheading the Plagueclaw in one go at the same time they became a notification.

{Congratulation, you leveled up to level 1!}

{Exp: 4 / 15}


[Whoa i got a level up, i already feel that i got stronger, how magical, i like it!!. Okay, i have a goal, that is, i want to get to the highest possible level that i can get!]

[Im in! hahaha i like this feeling, but we shouldn't be too proud of ourself, we are still weak like ants in front of others like Ripley or Iris or other strong warriors. And even if we are stronger than them someday, we shouldn't be arrogant]

[I also think so Maenih]

[Oh don't worry i wouldn't have been arrogant, im not that kind of person. Well then, let's get going, ah wait, let me quickly see your stats and mine, i want to compare how much stronger we are now!!]

[Im also interested, Troy let's wait a little bit more, we can also rest a little bit more and let the fatique dissapear.]

[...Alright that's for the best, before it get's to dangerous let's rest here.]

[Yeyy, thank you] Pilm answered happily and jumped around.


{Believer System}

Name: Maenih

Race: Nebula Panther (Transformed)

Rank: Normal Order

Type: Fanatic Believer

Level: 1

Experience: 4 / 15


- Health: 300 + 50

- Mana: 35 + 5

- Strength: 90 +15

- Agility: 230 + 15

- Intelligence: 70 +10

- Perception: 225 +15

Ability: Appraisal (A-Class)

- You can see the information of anything up to 20 Level higher than you. (2 order higher than you)


- Assasination:

When you move and attack a target from behind, you get a strenght boost of 3x

- primary Stealth (passive):

Increases your Perception and Agility both by 100.

- primary dagger mastery:

You can handle the dagger much better than normal, you can deliver fatal blows to your enemies and have a higher chance to kill them.

- Critical Hit:

You have a highe chance to get a crit when dealing damage, the critical hit has a 2% chance of appearing. When it appears, it deals 10 times the damage than normal.


{Believer System}

Name: Troy

Race: Prying Wolf, (Transformed)

Rank: Normal Order

Type: Fanatic Believer

Level: 1

Experience: 3 / 15


- Health: 400 + 50

- Mana: 25 + 5

- Strength: 315 +15

- Agility: 145 + 15

- Intelligence: 80 +10

- Perception: 170 +15

Ability: Diamond Body (A-Class):

- Make your Body as Hard as a Diamond and boost your strength x3


- Primary Swordmanship:

Your sword is much more professional, and you can handle it much more easily. It's lighter than normal, and you know instinctively how to use it.

- Bravery:

When you enter the active Bravery state, all your stats will be doubled, and you will not fear anything normal again. The duration is 10 minutes and the cooldown is 2 hours. After using the Skill the next hour, the stats are halved.

- Primary Greatsword Mastery:

When holding a Greatsword, its weight will be reduced by a quarter and your attacking power will be doubled, the strenght stat also receives a boost of +50.


{Believer System}

Name: Pilm

Race: High-Goblin, (Transformed)

Rank: Normal Order

Type: Fanatic Believer

Level: 1

Experience: 1 / 15


- Health: 375 + 25

- Mana: 205 + 20

- Strength: 70 +15

- Agility: 120 + 15

- Intelligence: 200 +10

- Perception: 150 +15

Ability: Status Effect Caster (S-Class):

- Enables you to cast buff and debuff skills, the strenght of the effects is determined by your mastery over them, and your level. With Higher Level, you can unlock more Status effects that you can cast. The unlocked status effects are 10 times stronger than normal skills of the same type you can learn without this Ability.


- Primary Paralizing:

You can Paralize an enemy unit with 15 Mana, the stronger the unit, the shorter the paralized time.

- Primary Slowness:

you can slow down your enemies by 20%. Duration is 5 minutes. Cost: 10 Mana.

- Meditation:

When you meditate for 1 hour, your mana will increase by 1 point.

- Mana cost reduction (passive):

When casting a spell, the cost is reduced by 5 points.


[Wow, we really got much stroger, alright, i want to go hunting again, what about you?]

[Im also excited, let's go, i can't wait to kill a few monsters and level up again.]

[Yes, let's go and level up some more.]

Then they went into the woods and started hunting again.


~~~ Shin ~~~


"Master, someone is about to level up."

"Huh? really? I thought it would take at least a few more days and not only two days."

"Well then, tell me, who is it?"

"It's these three. their names are Troy, Maenih, and Pilm."

Ari showed Shin a panel with a video playing.

"Ari, since when did you learn to make Videos and Photos?"

"I thought it would be useful and helpfull for you so i learned it myself."

"Is that so? well then thank you, i already have an idea what we can use it for, you did good."

"Thank you master" Ari said in a happy tone.

"Are they fighting a Plagueclaw?"

"Yes Master"

"It surprises me that they can kill that thing with their current strenght."

"Well then show me their stats, i want to see how strong they are."



{Believer System}

Name: Pilm

Race: High-Goblin, (Transformed)

Level: 0

Experience: 7 / 10


- Health: 350

- Mana: 185

- Strength: 55

- Agility: 105

- Intelligence: 190

- Perception: 135


{Believer System}

Name: Troy

Race: Prying Wolf, (Transformed)

Level: 0

Experience: 9 / 10


- Health: 350

- Mana: 20

- Strength: 300

- Agility: 130

- Intelligence: 70

- Perception: 155


{Believer System}

Name: Maenih

Race: Nebula Panther (Transformed)

Level: 0

Experience: 9 / 10


- Health: 250

- Mana: 30

- Strength: 70

- Agility: 215

- Intelligence: 60

- Perception: 210


"Hmm, they are indeed quite strong for normal order beings, well keep an eye on them, they seem promising."

"Alright Master, i will do that."

"Oh yes, now that im alrady stopping to work i can also release the new Mod i created."


{Administrator System}

Name: Shin Nori

Race: God/ ?

Rank: 1st order God

Faith Power: 4,652

Faith Points: 372

Religion: The great Church Technology and Games

Folowers: Saint Believer : 0 (locked)

Fanatic Believers : 784

Mad Believers : 5,754

Shallow Believers : 87,436

Inventory: Eyes of a blind bovine x 156, Leather of a blind bovine x 132,...


- Health: 1,000,000

- Mana: 55

- Strength: 750,000

- Agility: 500,000

- Intelligence: 1,500,000

- Perception: 700,000


- Spirit enlightenment:...

- Kingdom of God (Inactive):...

- Rule of Technologies:...

- Rule of Games:

Being able to Win every game despite not having played it before.

Creating your own games will give it a special effect that you can choose,

the higher the understanding of the Rule,

the stronger the chosen effects will get, and new effects can be additionally chosen

{Games in Progress}

- System Stage |1|2|3| = |Finished| |Finished|100 Faith Power|

- Transformation Mod = |Finished|

- Communication Mod = |Finished|

- Currency Mod = |55 Faith Power|

- Video/Photo Mod = |348 Faith Power|


"Oh wow, i got so much Believers now, i still can't believe it, the thought that over 90 thousand people are thinking of me as their god, it's would be quite unbelievable in my previous world."

"And i also got so much Faith Power, seems like i can begin to enlighten the Fox Tribe Believers too." Well then, let's first Finish the Mods."

"Ari, make a system update and finish the Currency Mod and Video/Photo Mod"

"Yes Master do i need to confirm?"

"No, just do it."


{Games in Progress}

- System Stage |1|2|3| = |Finished| |Finished|100 Faith Power|

- Transformation Mod = |Finished|

- Communication Mod = |Finished|

- Currency Mod = |Finished|

- Video/Photo Mod = |Finished|


Faith Power: 4,249

Faith Points: 372

"ok, then next."

"Spirit Enlightenment Higher World Believers"

{Cost: 213,559 Faith Power}



"Okay forget that, i will only enlighten the Elders and the Chief as well as Ripleys Sister at first, i need to take one step at a time after all. I can't rush things too much."

"Spirit Enlightenment Elders and Ripley's Family"

{Cost: 3,526}

"Alright, that cost is acceptable. Ari contact them first and then do it, make it so that they won't be too surprised, just write them an System notice that they will undergo the same thing as Ripley."

"Yes Master it will be done in no time."

"Good, then you can go back and do what you want after that"

"Alright Master"


~~~ The Awakened Seekers ~~~


[Pfeew, finally Level two, that was so tiring]

[Yeah you say it, im done for the next 2 days.]

[Me too, how about it, let's make a pause from the constant fighting and relax a little bit.]

{New System Update.}

[Huh? ah system update? what's it this time?]

{System Update Log}

- Currency Mod:

The new currency for the Believers. everyone gets a starter capital of 10 Bronze

1 Black Gold = 100 Gold

1 Gold = 100 Bronze

1 Bronze = 100 Copper

The adventurer guild will function as a bank. You can sell or buy things from there. The money there will be unlimited and can't be stolen.

You also cant Steal the money from each other by killing another Believer.

You can't Cash out what you don't have.

The Currency won't be Physical to the touch.

It will be displayed at your Status from now on.

- Video/Photo Mod:

You can take pictures or Videos and send them in the communication channel, The Longer and bigger the Video, the higher the cost, if the Video is only up to 5 minutes long then there will be no Cost, after that you need to pay in System Currency.


[Oh wow, we have our own currency? How cool is that then?, and we can still sell our things and get money it#s perfect. I like it, let's go back. I wanna test it out....well, but first, i want to sleep, im going to die of fatique if I move any more.]

[Let's go back then.]


~~~ Iris ~~~


"Did God finally release the Currency Mod? Good, then we now also have our own Currency system. And it's much more secure than the Currency of the Humans, the Humans can just steal the money of others because it is physical but outs is just data as far as i understand, well that's what God told me."

[Oh Ripley, what are you doing here?]

[Oh good that i found you, it's because of this Currency. How about we make an exchange System so that the people can exchange their now useless normal Gold Coins and get the System currency for that?]

[Hmm,...that's a good idea, alright, let's do that, i will send a notification into the chat channel.]

[Good, do that, i will prepare to open up another bigger guild house since this one is too small already, if the people come here it will be flooded by the masses.

[A very good idea, okay thank you for doing that.]

Sorry that i didn't publish this one yesterday, didn't have the time do it

FantasyThemedLovercreators' thoughts