
1 Second life

On September 1, 2011, high school graduates were starting their new school year, with some schools already commencing military training.

In A city, at a university, in Room 5024 of Building 5, after arriving at the school, Wayne, a soon-to-be sophomore, eagerly turned on his computer. Wayne was fond of playing a game called "Biochemical Heroes," where players take on roles surviving in a post-apocalyptic world, acquiring various skills, techniques, and trading for firearms and items to slaughter zombies.

Ever since the summer vacation began, Wayne had been engrossed in this thrilling and exhilarating game. Now, after a whole holiday of playing, his enthusiasm remained undiminished. What excited Wayne even more was that he was about to clear the game! He had downloaded an extremely difficult map from the internet and had spent nearly two days playing. After facing various bosses, Wayne was finally on the verge of completing this most challenging map.

In his line of sight, a zombie jumped out, not an ordinary one but evidently a leader among the zombies...

Wayne smirked and said, "Watch my combat knife!"

As he spoke, Wayne already had a plan in mind. When it came to dealing with zombies in this game, the "Bloodthirsty Blade" from the human items in the game was undoubtedly the top choice! It could unleash a killing power unmatched even by firearms.

This combat knife called the "Bloodthirsty Blade" was 30 centimeters in length. Wayne's in-game character held this slender combat knife in a reverse grip, and the sharp blade formed a perfect streamlined curve, glinting coldly. In addition to the blade, it had several serrated edges on the back, equally sharp and suitable for tearing and causing bleeding.

The sound of a P90 submachine gun rang out, and Wayne controlled his character to strike at the zombie leader while steadily retreating. Suddenly, he saw the zombie roar from its mouth, and then, the zombie spewed out something from its belly, whether it was a tongue or intestines was unclear. In any case, it rolled towards Wayne!

Familiar with this zombie's traits, Wayne made a few lateral movements, swiftly approaching the zombie. The zombie, still standing foolishly in place, hadn't retracted its extended long tongue by the time Wayne pressed the "3" key on the keyboard, skillfully switching to the Bloodthirsty Blade! With a fierce thrust, an extremely exaggerated amount of blood splattered across the entire screen, gruesome to the extreme! A single strike and the zombie's head exploded!

"Ding, gained 50 points..." the game system reminded Wayne. Wayne switched back to his P90 submachine gun, cautiously moving forward once again after killing a few small zombies...

After dispatching several small zombies, he saw a tall figure with long, dark green hair, bloodstains on its body, needle-like pupils, and a bloodthirsty and murderous aura, howling and roaring in place...

"Darn it, you old undead! Last time I died here!" Wayne quickly saved the game, just in case he died and needed to start from this point.

After all the preparations were made, Wayne slowly moved closer...

"Woo woo woo... Howl!" The tall zombie noticed Wayne, roared, and what was initially a quiet cemetery suddenly echoed with a chorus of voices as small zombies crawled out continuously from the graves.

"I knew you... wouldn't dare to face me one-on-one!" Wayne had been taken care of by these 'little guys' the last time!

The big zombie let out a deafening roar: "Hiss, hoo, hoo!" Suddenly, the whole body turned blood red from head to toe, as if soaked in blood! It swiftly charged towards Wayne...

"Damn it, what a surprise! It's gone berserk and accelerated right at the start! Are you crazy?" Wayne shouted, looking at the zombie that even the submachine gun couldn't push back. Wayne made up his mind, gripping the combat knife skillfully in his left hand. The sharp blade glinted brightly under the sun's rays. Wayne aimed at the huge zombie that was almost within arm's reach and made a fierce slash!


The system actually registered a miss! Wayne stared in disbelief. The zombie's massive hand struck Wayne relentlessly. With each hit, Wayne's footsteps faltered, making it difficult for him to move properly. In just a moment, a group of small zombies surrounded Wayne. A few seconds later, the computer screen went black...

"Crap! Miss!! How the hell do you hit this thing? Let's try again! If it doesn't work, I'll go online and find a strategy!" Wayne scratched his head in pain, opened the save file, and clicked 'confirm'!


A strong flash burst before Wayne's eyes, and the blinding white light filled his vision...

Wayne felt his vision blur for a moment. He muttered, "Flashbang? I rarely use this in the game..."

Soon, Wayne, whose brain was in a state of temporary malfunction, felt that something was off. It wasn't a flickering white light on the screen, but... it was in front of his eyes in reality!

"What the hell..." Wayne covered his face, wanting to curse, but he was astonished to find himself speaking fluent English!?

"Where am I?" Wayne spoke proficient English, rubbing his forehead, trying to recall what had happened.

"I remember... I was playing the game, opened the save file... and then... a flashbang?" Poor Wayne was still mumbling about the flashbang, truly beyond help.

"Ah ah!" Suddenly, a hoarse roar echoed in his ears. Wayne jerked his head up and saw a tall Caucasian young man, extremely pale, drooling from his mouth, dripping down, with widened eyes filled with excitement! It was a kind of excitement you have when you see prey!?

"I can't believe it... Dude, I'm not glass. Don't come near... If you come closer, I'll..." Wayne, looking astonished, slowly got up, stepping back. Suddenly, he felt a pair of arms grab his shoulders, and then, a foul smell wafted from behind!