
After Acquiring Marvel, I Became the King of Hollywood

He was a third-rate director in his previous life, but he was reborn as a talented 23-year-old director in 1990s America. From then on, he became the box office king of Hollywood, the world's greatest director, the major shareholder of MGM, and the behind-the-scenes boss of Marvel, with one title after another added to his name. And for his first film, he chose "Saw"... Well, it's just a story about a modern third-rate director who transmigrated to the American entertainment industry and stirred up a storm. WARNING: SOME INACCURACIES MAY OCCUR IN THIS MTL, WHICH I EDITED FOR ME TO MAKE IT A LITTLE MORE READABLE. WARNING: NO COPYRIGHT IS INTENDED; ALL RIGHTS RESIDE ENTIRELY WITH THE OWNER. Cover Pic Not Mine Just found it on Google

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Chapter 91: Inviting Jim Carrey

After leaving Warner Bros., Kevin headed straight back to his mansion, where Milla Jovovich warmly greeted him. Angelina Jolie had gained fame and numerous film offers after her escape from the Deadly Town, so she couldn't accompany Kevin every day.

On the other hand, Salma Hayek was even more remarkable. The huge success of Pirates of the Caribbean propelled her to become an A-list actress with a skyrocketing salary of $8 million. In terms of the salary for female stars in this era, she had already reached the ceiling and enjoyed unparalleled glory.

With her newfound success, she received countless major film offers and naturally didn't have time to spend with Kevin.

Only Milla Jovovich had yet to benefit from Kevin. It made him feel a bit guilty as a playboy. He believed in fairness when it came to this matter. If they accompanied him, he would reward them.

Seeing Milla Jovovich's enthusiastic attitude, Kevin opened his mouth and said, "Milla, would you like to play a role in Batman?"

Milla Jovovich's eyes lit up. She had seen the success of Angelina Jolie and Salma Hayek, as well as Kevin's growing status. Even if she didn't get a role, she was eager to be by Kevin's side.

She knew very well that once she left Kevin's side, countless models and actresses would crawl into Kevin's bed.

This opportunity, if missed, would be missed forever.

Now, Kevin took the initiative, and she wouldn't let this opportunity slip away.

"I want to!" she exclaimed.

"Great, I'm currently discussing the reboot of the Batman series with Warner Bros. You will be the leading lady in the Batman film," Kevin casually decided the casting for a major production, leaving Milla Jovovich completely moved.

Was this the power of the Hollywood elite?

Unable to contain her excitement, Milla Jovovich spoke up, "Kevin!"


"Take me!"

Facing Milla Jovovich's proactive invitation, Kevin didn't hold back either. After all, he had been cultivating himself for a while, and with the help of traditional Chinese medicine, he felt like he had six waists now.

Even if Jolie, Hayek, and Jovovich joined forces, he could handle it...

Well, that might be a bit overwhelming.

However, Milla Jovovich alone couldn't defeat him. From the living room to the bedroom...


It is now August, and the weather is still very hot.

But with Kevin's wealth, he doesn't need to worry about this issue. The mansion has 24-hour air conditioning service, and there is a swimming pool right outside the door.

It can only be said that with money, you can have happiness anytime.

At the same time, the release of Pirates of the Caribbean has not ended.

The domestic situation in the United States has settled, but within the English-speaking range, Pirates of the Caribbean is still going strong.

In this hot summer, who wouldn't want to enjoy the air conditioning in the cinema while watching a fantastic adventure set on the high seas?

Pirates of the Caribbean has swept the globe, with box office numbers skyrocketing, and Steve Kevin's name has become well-known worldwide.

And Kevin's reputation is even more concentrated within the industry.

Captain Jack Sparrow, played by Johnny Depp, with his unique appearance and charismatic personality, has won the hearts of people all over the world.

With the joint efforts of Warner Bros. and MGM, Johnny Depp embarked on his global promotional tour, aiming to maximize the overseas box office of Pirates of the Caribbean.


In this way, Kevin enjoyed his time in the mansion.

Occasionally, he would invite Nicolas Cage and Robert Downey Jr. to come and have some fun. About a month had passed.

Kevin had finally completed his film proposal.

In his plan, the Dark Trilogy, he only needed to make two films himself.

These two films would be enough to lead Warner Bros.'s vision for the DC universe astray, and the rest would be up to Warner Bros. themselves.

But before that, Kevin needed to meet with the key person for the success of this film.

The actor who played the Joker, his favored candidate, Jim Carrey.


"Hello, are you Jim Carrey's agent?"

"I'm Steve Kevin's assistant, Ellie. Steve Kevin, the director, is interested in discussing his new film with Mr. Jim Carrey."

Following Kevin's instructions, Ellie extended the invitation to Jim Carrey.

"May I ask if Mr. Jim Carrey is available this afternoon?"

On the other end of the phone, Jim Carrey's agent immediately agreed.

He then conveyed the message to Jim Carrey.


Zhonghua Ge, the most authentic and high-end Chinese cuisine in Chinatown.

Since becoming wealthy, Kevin never skimped on treating himself to good food. At the same time, he maintained the Chinese tradition of discussing business matters at the dining table.

In a classical private room, Jim Carrey and Kevin sat on opposite sides of a round table, facing each other.

"Hello, Mr. Jim Carrey!"

"Hello, Director Kevin!"

Looking at Jim Carrey in front of him, who seemed a bit reserved and not as outgoing and lively as he appeared in movies, Kevin couldn't help but feel a bit amazed.

Stephen Chow, Mr. Bean, and now Jim Carrey - three top comedy actors from different countries, all quiet and introverted in real life.

Jim Carrey even suffered from depression in the past.

Fate can be quite strange.

Perhaps top comedy actors are meant to be like this.

"Don't be nervous. Come, have some Chinese cuisine. These are the top dishes from Huaguo."

Kevin didn't immediately bring up the movie but instead started eating and drinking with Jim Carrey.

Under Kevin's initiative, Jim Carrey gradually relaxed.

After a satisfying meal and drinks.

Seeing Jim Carrey at ease, Kevin finally said, "I don't know if you've heard of the character Joker?"

Jim Carrey hesitated for a moment.

"Yes, the Joker from Batman?"

Kevin nodded.

Jim Carrey's spirits instantly lifted. Although he was an excellent comedy actor, he wasn't satisfied with just being known for comedy. He wanted to break through and become a true actor, not just a comedian.

But the problem was that non-comedic roles were not coming to him.

This was his biggest challenge - people trusted him to play in comedy films, but they didn't recognize him in other roles.

This was the most frustrating issue for him.