
After Acquiring Marvel, I Became the King of Hollywood

He was a third-rate director in his previous life, but he was reborn as a talented 23-year-old director in 1990s America. From then on, he became the box office king of Hollywood, the world's greatest director, the major shareholder of MGM, and the behind-the-scenes boss of Marvel, with one title after another added to his name. And for his first film, he chose "Saw"... Well, it's just a story about a modern third-rate director who transmigrated to the American entertainment industry and stirred up a storm. WARNING: SOME INACCURACIES MAY OCCUR IN THIS MTL, WHICH I EDITED FOR ME TO MAKE IT A LITTLE MORE READABLE. WARNING: NO COPYRIGHT IS INTENDED; ALL RIGHTS RESIDE ENTIRELY WITH THE OWNER. Cover Pic Not Mine Just found it on Google

Yeeetoo · perkotaan
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140 Chs

Chapter 78: Kevin's Status in Hollywood

As a major shareholder of MGM, Kevin held a much higher position than the average director.


"Is that Hayek and Steve Kevin?"

Outside the Oscars banquet, a few paparazzi from tabloids were keeping an eye on all the celebrities entering and exiting the event.

A young man with sharp eyes immediately spotted Kevin and Hayek getting into the same car. Excitedly, he turned to an experienced older paparazzo beside him and asked:

"Don't they say Steve Kevin had an affair with the leading actress in his movies?"

"If we capture evidence of that, won't we make a fortune?"

The young paparazzo's tone was filled with excitement.

The older paparazzo shook his head and spoke from his experience as a seasoned veteran:

"If he were just a director and we caught him with evidence, even if it were Spielberg, we'd report it."

"But Steve Kevin is not just a director; he is also a major shareholder of a top-tier film company in the Hollywood food chain."

"Believe me, even if you capture all that stuff, no one will publish it."

The young paparazzo wore a defiant expression and said stubbornly:

"I don't believe it. A big director like him, wouldn't there be anyone reporting on his scandals?"

"I think it would be worth a lot of money!"

With that, the young paparazzo drove his second-hand car, which he had bought for two thousand dollars, and followed closely behind, attempting to capture solid evidence of the relationship between Kevin and Hayek.


Inside Kevin's luxury car.

Hayek blushed slightly, showing a hint of shyness, and said, "Kevin, come to my house. I don't want to play those games in the villa."

"Alright, but if it's for tonight, it's going to be troublesome for Brother Chen!"

Since Hayek had made such a request, Kevin naturally couldn't refuse. However, for safety reasons, he could only have Chen Zhiwen help keep an eye on things outside the house.

Of course, Kevin, being generous, would have to give some extra cash at a time like this.

Chen Zhiwen nodded silently.

Encountering such a good boss like Kevin, who would give bonuses at the drop of a hat, all he could do was protect Kevin's safety wholeheartedly and refrain from saying a word when it wasn't his place to speak.

Staying true to his role, this was the best way for him to repay Kevin.

After an hour of driving, they returned to Beverly Hills.

Chen Zhiwen carefully surveyed the surroundings after watching Kevin enter Hayek's house, making sure no one had any ill intentions towards Kevin.

Several hundred meters away from the house, the young paparazzo, using binoculars, couldn't help but feel a headache when he saw the bodyguard in the car.

He had just followed closely behind Kevin's car and managed to take a few photos, but they weren't particularly important.

Apart from two intimate photos of Hayek and Kevin in the car, there was nothing else.

He had initially wanted to capture a clear photo of them entering a room together, but with the bodyguard at the door, it seemed impossible.

However, having a long-shot photo of them entering the house and two intimate photos of them in the car should be enough.


Kevin was naturally unaware that he had caught the attention of the paparazzi. As a behind-the-scenes figure, the general public wasn't very interested in the director's scandals.

Paparazzi rarely targeted them, so Kevin didn't take many precautions.

Moreover, considering his current status, most newspapers wouldn't attack him either.

These were the unwritten rules of Hollywood. To go after him and disrupt these rules would naturally incur retaliation from the upper echelons of Hollywood.

Few newspapers were willing to bear such consequences. And this was just one of the privileges Kevin gained by officially entering the upper ranks of Hollywood.

"Hayek, how about we take a shower first?"

As they entered the house, Kevin immediately approached Hayek from behind, helping her remove her burdens while caressing her body.


Hayek called Kevin's name passionately, holding his hand as they walked towards the bathroom...


"Scott, we can't and won't publish these photos in our newspaper."

In a not-so-large office, the desk was filled with newspapers, presenting the typical appearance of a newspaper office. However, judging from the messy state, the newspaper's scale wasn't significant.

The boss, sitting in the editor-in-chief's position, shook his head at Scott.

In a serious tone, he emphasized once again, "In Hollywood, we shouldn't report any news about the upper echelons. If we do, the retaliatory force will destroy your career and my newspaper."

"We can report on any celebrity news, and no one will take issue with us, because celebrities are just the hottest commodities in Hollywood. The real power in Hollywood lies in the manufacturers and sellers of these commodities—the upper echelons."

Scott listened in astonishment, finally understanding what Hollywood truly meant.

Hollywood was the Hollywood of film companies and capital. It was never the Hollywood of the stars. As a member attached to the Hollywood industry, those in the lowest-tier professions like them naturally couldn't afford to provoke the forces that controlled the top of Hollywood.

Unable to hold back, Scott continued to ask, "Then, what about Steve Kevin's position among the upper echelons?"

The chubby boss's face revealed a wise smile as he slowly spoke, "You can think of him as a top-tier salesman. Before his box office performance declined, his position in Hollywood was unshakable. And he's also very smart."

"Not content with being a top-tier salesman, he used the money he earned and his identity as a top-tier salesman to purchase shares, becoming a major shareholder in the process."

"So now, he is a big player in Hollywood whom we can't afford to offend."

"Do you understand?"

The young paparazzo finally nodded, firmly imprinting the idea that Steve Kevin was a big shot in Hollywood into his mind.