
After Acquiring Marvel, I Became the King of Hollywood

He was a third-rate director in his previous life, but he was reborn as a talented 23-year-old director in 1990s America. From then on, he became the box office king of Hollywood, the world's greatest director, the major shareholder of MGM, and the behind-the-scenes boss of Marvel, with one title after another added to his name. And for his first film, he chose "Saw"... Well, it's just a story about a modern third-rate director who transmigrated to the American entertainment industry and stirred up a storm. WARNING: SOME INACCURACIES MAY OCCUR IN THIS MTL, WHICH I EDITED FOR ME TO MAKE IT A LITTLE MORE READABLE. WARNING: NO COPYRIGHT IS INTENDED; ALL RIGHTS RESIDE ENTIRELY WITH THE OWNER. Cover Pic Not Mine Just found it on Google

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140 Chs

Chapter 76: Rest and Birthday Celebration

After gaining a basic understanding of the Oscars process from Warner Bros., Kevin finally returned home.

With one day left until the Oscars, Kevin planned to take a day to rest at home before attending the awards ceremony the day after tomorrow. This would allow him to recuperate from the mental and physical exhaustion of the turbulent sea journey and continue filming Pirates of the Caribbean.


Kevin's three women were well aware of each other's existence and understood Kevin's mindset. However, each of them held a small confidence that they could change Kevin's thoughts. This confidence prevented them from competing with each other; instead, they showcased their individual strengths in an attempt to become Kevin's favorite.

Today was the only time they would all meet together.

With unspoken agreement, they arrived at Kevin's mansion and organized a birthday party for him.

They understood Kevin's personality to some extent, knowing that he didn't like dealing with too many strangers.

In the past, Kevin had never hosted a birthday party.

Each of the women independently discovered Kevin's birthday and had initially thought they were the only one planning a surprise party for him. To their surprise, all three of them had the same idea, leading to a joint effort in organizing the birthday party.

When Kevin returned home from Warner Bros., he walked into his mansion and saw the birthday party arranged by the three women for him.

Although Kevin didn't particularly enjoy celebrating birthdays in his past and present lives, he was still delighted that these women had come together to throw him a party. While he couldn't provide them with the home they desired, he was generous in terms of their status, reputation, and financial well-being.

Hayek had gained recognition from her roles in Saw and Pirates of the Caribbean, securing a promising future in Hollywood.

Julie had also achieved recognition for her role in Get Out, a film that even received an Oscar nomination for Best Screenplay, which boded well for her future career.

As for Milla Jovovich, she had a higher starting point compared to Hayek and Julie.

Kevin hadn't yet decided what project to arrange for her. While the Resident Evil franchise was a possibility, it wasn't the right time as Hollywood currently had limited interest in Japanese adaptations.

Moreover, Kevin personally wasn't very interested in that film.

Of course, he could produce the film and let Zack Snyder direct it after a few more years of honing his skills, especially since Zack had gained fame for directing Dawn of the Dead.

When it came to zombie movies, Kevin had trust in Zack Snyder's abilities.

The only issue was that it would take too long, and he had already accepted gifts from the women, so it wouldn't be appropriate. He needed to find a film to compensate Milla with a leading role.

These thoughts flashed through his mind, but in the next moment, Kevin joined in the playful chaos with the women, experiencing one of the most memorable birthdays since arriving in this world.


The winter sun shone through the floor-to-ceiling windows, casting a warm glow on Kevin's face, gradually waking him up from his drowsiness.


Kevin emerged from under the covers, revealing his bare upper body, and stretched lazily. A wave of intense soreness and stiffness radiated from his waist, causing him to collapse back onto the bed.

He couldn't remember yesterday's events very clearly. All he knew was that he had consumed a fair amount of wine he had secretly acquired from Cage. It didn't seem strong when he was drinking it.

But the aftermath was truly powerful.

The only impression he had left was that he had fought against three opponents single-handedly and defeated them effortlessly.


Why were there flowing water involved?

Kevin didn't know how to explain it. Some things are best left unclear for adults, to prevent children from learning bad things.

After resting in bed for a while, Kevin brewed himself some ginseng tea made from Korean ginseng he had purchased in Chinatown. He drank a large pot of it, feeling a soothing warmth spreading through his body, particularly in his waist.

Finally, he started to regain some of his vitality.

After recovering his body, Kevin remembered the important matter at hand. Tomorrow was Oscar night, and he was still in need of a female companion.

This posed a dilemma for him. Whether he invited Hayek or Jolie, it would surely make the other person jealous. While Kevin had no intentions of getting married, he didn't want to hurt either of the women. He was a playboy at heart.

Picking up his phone, Kevin first called Jolie:

"Darling, 'Get Out' has been nominated for Best Picture and Best Screenplay. Would you like to walk the red carpet with me?"

Jolie, on the other end of the line, replied nonchalantly, "You can go with Hayek. I can go by myself tomorrow. I still need to prepare my formal dress for the event!"

Sometimes, a woman's capriciousness can be intriguing, while other times it's simply annoying. Jolie understood this well and knew that as the female lead in "Get Out," she was already eligible to walk the Oscar red carpet without needing an additional spot. Letting Kevin take Hayek instead would demonstrate her generosity.

Kevin felt relieved and quickly responded, "Alright, darling. See you tomorrow night!"

After hanging up the phone, he dialed Hayek's number.

At that moment, Hayek was resting in her own home. Since her role in "Saw" and "Pirates of the Caribbean," she had been filming various projects and earned quite a bit of money, amounting to millions of dollars. She used some of that money to purchase a house in the ordinary residential area of Beverly Hills, not far from where Kevin lived.

When she heard the phone ring, Hayek picked it up and heard Kevin's voice on the other end saying, "Hayek, it's the Oscars tomorrow, and I still need a female companion..."

"Sure, I'll come tomorrow!" Hayek immediately showed her delight and readily agreed.

Hollywood stars had a special fondness for walking the Oscar red carpet, but the spots were limited, and not everyone had the opportunity to do so.