
After Acquiring Marvel, I Became the King of Hollywood

He was a third-rate director in his previous life, but he was reborn as a talented 23-year-old director in 1990s America. From then on, he became the box office king of Hollywood, the world's greatest director, the major shareholder of MGM, and the behind-the-scenes boss of Marvel, with one title after another added to his name. And for his first film, he chose "Saw"... Well, it's just a story about a modern third-rate director who transmigrated to the American entertainment industry and stirred up a storm. WARNING: SOME INACCURACIES MAY OCCUR IN THIS MTL, WHICH I EDITED FOR ME TO MAKE IT A LITTLE MORE READABLE. WARNING: NO COPYRIGHT IS INTENDED; ALL RIGHTS RESIDE ENTIRELY WITH THE OWNER. Cover Pic Not Mine Just found it on Google

Yeeetoo · perkotaan
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140 Chs

Chapter 69: The Crucial Interview That Determines the Early Appearance of Pirates of the Caribbean

Kevin's past experience as a director was not fake, and he had encountered these kinds of situations before.

The female journalist in front of him had directly confirmed his involvement in inappropriate relationships with actresses through her questions. Regardless of whether he confirmed or denied it, these journalists could twist his answer and edit it to fit their desired narrative.

"The so-called leaks from the crew, may I ask who leaked it?"

"Can I invite them here to confront me face-to-face?"

Kevin avoided discussing the inappropriate relationships directly and instead seized on the journalist's mention of a witness.

He knew that the alleged informant was most likely fabricated by the journalists themselves.

Even if it were true, no one would dare to stand up and confront him.

That's just how things work.

Upon hearing Kevin's response, the journalists immediately realized that he wasn't an easy director to deal with. The sharp and prepared topics they had in mind quickly shifted to more serious interview questions.

"Director Kevin, may I ask if you played a crucial role in the collaboration between MGM and Warner Bros.?"

"Do you have any issues with the source of funds for your purchase of MGM shares?"

Kevin smiled lightly, took the microphone, and explained:

"I played a significant role in facilitating the collaboration between Warner Bros. and MGM. As for the source of funds, for every film I direct, I either have a share of the box office profits or I invest a portion of my own money."

"I can come up with $90 million!"

A blush instantly appeared on the female journalist's face. Obviously, a handsome, capable, and wealthy man like Kevin was irresistible to women.

The female journalist's tone suddenly became coy as she asked:

"So, Director Kevin, do you have a girlfriend?"

Kevin simply smiled and turned his head to answer other journalists' questions.

Leaving the female journalist quite disappointed.

With the memories from his past life, Kevin effortlessly navigated through the journalists' inquiries, skillfully avoiding all the traps and answering their questions with ease.

In the end, even after the press conference, the journalists couldn't unearth any scandals from Kevin's mouth.

Combined with the power of MGM and Warner Bros., most of the reputable media outlets ultimately reported on the collaboration in a positive light.


The next day, Kevin woke up from his bed and looked at the sleeping Milla Jovovich next to him. Feeling a bit embarrassed, he rubbed his nose.

Julie and Hayek had both taken on new projects and went to shoot other films. Not accustomed to being alone at home, Kevin invited Milla Jovovich to keep him company.

Looking at the sleeping Milla Jovovich beside him, Kevin couldn't help but curse himself for being a scumbag.

But despite the self-criticism, he knew he wouldn't change.

He then prepared a simple American breakfast for Milla Jovovich. The reason it was an American breakfast was simply because it was easy to make. Kevin wasn't a man who knew how to cook.

"Darling, wake up, it's time for breakfast."

Kevin kissed Milla Jovovich with a smile before gently speaking.

Milla Jovovich woke up lazily from her sleep, looking at the man in front of her. A thought arose in her heart, a thought of wanting to stay by his side forever.

Aside from being a playboy, this man in front of her was the perfect embodiment of her ideal partner. She had fallen deeply in love with him.


Milla Jovovich got up, revealing the wonderful abs she had developed from regular workouts. Stretching lazily in front of Kevin, she then walked to the table in the living room and started having breakfast.

Kevin picked up the newspaper delivered by the villa's butler and looked at the news on it.

"From a genius director to a successful producer, and now the major shareholder of MGM, Steve Kevin's magnificent journey of growth..."

"The embodiment of the American Dream, from an orphan to a genius director, and now the major shareholder of MGM. Explore Steve Kevin's path to success..."


Kevin nodded and smiled happily.

He clearly enjoyed being praised in such a manner.

Moreover, this kind of positive publicity would create an impression among the public that Kevin had never experienced failure. Undoubtedly, it had significant benefits for a director in establishing their brand.

Kevin also hoped that one day he could become like the renowned directors who could attract countless audiences solely based on their name.

Of course, at present, he was on the right track.

"Steve Kevin, the playboy director, rumored to have caused several female classmates to get pregnant during his school days..."

Seeing this news, Kevin naturally skipped over it.

Celebrities were bound to have scandals. Paying attention to them would only give these small gossip tabloids more publicity. The best approach was to ignore them.

Kevin silently canceled the subscription to this newspaper in his mind.

He then raised his head and smiled, saying:

"Darling, I'll be heading to MGM later. You can stay here for a few days. There's food in the fridge. Just heat it up if you want something. In a while, I'll arrange an important role for you in my new film."

Milla Jovovich's eyes lit up, and she nodded.

After the early publicity, who didn't know that Steve's new film was projected to have a budget of over a hundred million dollars?

It was undoubtedly a major production. Being able to secure an important role was already fantastic.

As for the female lead, Milla Jovovich hadn't even considered it.

That wasn't something she should aspire to at the moment. Of course, if she could become Kevin's long-term girlfriend or his wife, then all of this would naturally be within reach.

"Kevin, don't forget to come back early. I'll be waiting for you at home."

Milla Jovovich gave Kevin a suggestive look and licked her lips.

Kevin burst into laughter and then left home.

Today, he had to go to MGM for the formal audition of the lead role. Once the specific casting was confirmed, they could discuss the investment shares.

Whether or not Pirates of the Caribbean could win the hearts of the audience ten years ahead would depend on whether someone could truly embody Captain Jack Sparrow as Kevin envisioned.

(I kinda regret translating these guys, in the later chapters the author keep putting racist and offensive stuff (which I always edit out), the mtl always giving me different names everytime I translate it and the america bad and china good. Kinda tiring to read and edit.)