
After Acquiring Marvel, I Became the King of Hollywood

He was a third-rate director in his previous life, but he was reborn as a talented 23-year-old director in 1990s America. From then on, he became the box office king of Hollywood, the world's greatest director, the major shareholder of MGM, and the behind-the-scenes boss of Marvel, with one title after another added to his name. And for his first film, he chose "Saw"... Well, it's just a story about a modern third-rate director who transmigrated to the American entertainment industry and stirred up a storm. WARNING: SOME INACCURACIES MAY OCCUR IN THIS MTL, WHICH I EDITED FOR ME TO MAKE IT A LITTLE MORE READABLE. WARNING: NO COPYRIGHT IS INTENDED; ALL RIGHTS RESIDE ENTIRELY WITH THE OWNER. Cover Pic Not Mine Just found it on Google

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Chapter 50: The Receptionist Sisters

After dealing with the special effects matters, Kevin first went to the office building near Hollywood where he rented a space for his own company, Dawn Films.

Of course, although it was a film company, Dawn Films was currently just an empty shell with no involvement in distribution, copyright development, and other related activities.

Currently, the only business within the company was Kevin's investment of 30% in Mission Impossible.

It would still be a while before he received any returns.

However, the main purpose of establishing the company for Kevin was actually tax evasion. Soon, a large sum of money would be deposited into the corporate account of his company.

Using the company account for expenses could greatly reduce a significant amount of taxes.

Coming from the box office share of Saw and the fees for editing and directing, as well as the nearly $30 million earned from selling the rights, after deducting expenses like the Beverly Hills mansion and various miscellaneous expenses and paying taxes in April through a professional tax firm, he was left with just over $10 million.

In theory, this amount of money wasn't enough to invest in Mission Impossible.

However, Kevin had absolute confidence in the film and decided to invest all of his earnings as a writer, director, and producer, along with all the money he had, in exchange for a 30% investment stake in Mission Impossible.

Other film companies were also happy to see this happen. As the director, Kevin had made such a significant commitment, so he wouldn't play any tricks with the Mission Impossible project and would only be more careful in its production.

After all that has been said, there's only one point: Kevin was out of money.

Now, he had to go to Warner Bros. to collect the investment share Get Out. Currently, both parties were still in the honeymoon period of cooperation, but once Kevin obtained shares from MGM, things might change.

To avoid problems in the future, Kevin decided to take this opportunity to collect his share of the box office earnings and sell the future income at a discount to Warner Bros. He wanted to get the money in his hands first.

Chapter 50: The Receptionist Sisters

After all, this money would eventually be converted into his shares at MGM. It was a great opportunity for him to reach the pinnacle of Hollywood, and he couldn't afford to miss it.

He could only blame MGM for offering such tempting conditions.


"Boss Kevin!"

As Kevin entered the office, the two young girls at the front desk simultaneously called out his name, and then one of them got up and went to inform CEO Dawson.

The other one stayed with Kevin and took him on a tour around the office.

Looking at the young and tender blond beauty in front of him, Kevin couldn't help but ask, "Are you both of legal age? Did Dawson hire you?"

With Kevin's experience, there was an 80% chance that these twin beauties were not yet of legal age. In the United States, people undergo a remarkable transformation in appearance and maturity upon reaching adulthood, which is also the astonishing reason for America's obsession with plastic surgery.

The American billionaire Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide in prison, and the complexities behind it were incredible.

The shocking scandal of Lolita Island actually happened.

It truly reflects the saying that Americans accuse others of the mistakes they themselves have made. It's a case of judging others by their own standards.

"I'm 17 years old. It was Uncle Dawson who asked us to come here, and he also described what Boss Kevin looks like to us."

The blond beauty showed no fear of Kevin's status as she led him around the office area and introduced herself, saying, "My name is Alex Helen, I'm the daughter of Alex Dawson's sister. We didn't go to college, and it was our mom who asked Uncle Dawson to help us find a job. That's why Uncle Dawson let us come here."

"Oh? And how much is your salary?"

Kevin scratched his head. Although these two beauties were indeed pleasing to the eye, as a capitalist, he wouldn't agree if the salary was too high.

"$1,800. Both my sister Emma and I earn the same amount."

Kevin nodded. Although the salary was a bit on the high side, it wasn't excessive. At least Dawson had some sense.

Helen's face was filled with a sweet smile, but she was quite nervous. Before coming here, Uncle Dawson had already told them about Steve Kevin, the famous director in Hollywood. This filled their hearts with longing.

As members of capitalist society, they were the ones who could truly appreciate the allure of money. Kevin himself was handsome, with a high social status and a millionaire. Although their uncle and mother didn't explicitly say it, Helen knew that this was a great opportunity for them to change their social class. If they could marry Kevin, they would instantly enter the upper class.

In America, besides money, social status was also highly valued in the upper class. Directors like Kevin naturally belonged to the upper echelons of society. They possessed the upper hand in Hollywood, creating superstars and generating substantial revenue for other film companies. The upper class was more than willing to accept them as their own.

At 17, they were in the most charming phase of their lives, the prime time to capture a ticket to a better life. As for education, to be honest, neither she nor her sister were cut out for academics, and they couldn't afford the tuition fees for college.

In the United States, an ordinary person without scholarships would need tens of thousands of dollars at the very least to graduate from college, and that's for an average institution. Those prestigious schools were even more out of reach for ordinary people. Their family couldn't afford it.

"Why didn't you continue with your education?" Kevin stroked his chin and asked gently.

Helen, the little schemer, suddenly hooked her arm around Kevin's and said, "We can't afford it. Our grades aren't good enough to qualify for scholarships. To graduate, we would need at least several hundred thousand dollars."

"After graduating, it would take decades to repay the debts, and it's not necessary."

"Besides, my sister and I are so beautiful. Actually, marrying a wealthy man early on would be the best choice..."

As she spoke, she leaned into Kevin's embrace, but he quickly pulled away his hand.

So that's it, the two sisters were looking for a rich husband. Although they were indeed beautiful, they were still underage, and Kevin wouldn't fall for it.

"Cough, good luck to you both," Kevin said firmly.


Helen crossed her arms in front of her chest and let out a slight snort from her nostrils.

No man could resist their temptation, as their experiences in school had already taught them. However, they always kept their distance from the boys at school. Their mother had gotten involved with boys while she was in school, resulting in their early birth, and their father had long since disappeared.

This also meant that they had a modest upbringing from a young age. If it weren't for their uncle's support, they would have ended up as homeless people on the streets.