
After Acquiring Marvel, I Became the King of Hollywood

He was a third-rate director in his previous life, but he was reborn as a talented 23-year-old director in 1990s America. From then on, he became the box office king of Hollywood, the world's greatest director, the major shareholder of MGM, and the behind-the-scenes boss of Marvel, with one title after another added to his name. And for his first film, he chose "Saw"... Well, it's just a story about a modern third-rate director who transmigrated to the American entertainment industry and stirred up a storm. WARNING: SOME INACCURACIES MAY OCCUR IN THIS MTL, WHICH I EDITED FOR ME TO MAKE IT A LITTLE MORE READABLE. WARNING: NO COPYRIGHT IS INTENDED; ALL RIGHTS RESIDE ENTIRELY WITH THE OWNER. Cover Pic Not Mine Just found it on Google

Yeeetoo · perkotaan
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140 Chs

Chapter 15: Opening Day Box Office

There were many couples like Kaila and her boyfriend, influenced by the critics' reviews, who chose to watch Saw among numerous other movies.

Of course, it went without saying that in Kevin's stronghold, the movie theaters near the University of Southern California, the occupancy rate reached over 70%. Other theater chains also achieved varying percentages ranging from 20% to 40%. Being able to achieve such high occupancy rates before word-of-mouth spread was a testament to the efforts that New Line Cinema had put into their marketing campaign.


After staying up late to promote until midnight, Kevin had lost all interest in watching the movie and returned to his hotel to rest.

Exhausted, he had no energy to look at the data.

A day later, whether it was success or failure, it would be laid out clearly in front of him.


One day later, Dean, anxiously pacing in the production department of New Line Cinema, awaited the specific box office numbers for "Saw".

If it had started as a mere $1.3 million investment, even in the event of failure, it wouldn't have been a significant blow. However, with 800 screens and the cost of promotion, amounting to four to five times the film's production budget, a total expenditure of $5 million, even he as an executive couldn't withstand such a loss if it failed.

Of course, the probability of him, Shaye, and the team of reviewers, including the critics, all failing was not high. Therefore, Dean still had some confidence.

However, until he heard the actual numbers, there was a slight uneasiness in his heart.

Soon, the staff members carrying the specific box office figures from various theaters returned to the company. In a bright office filled with tension, Shaye walked in with steady steps.

Unlike the nervous Dean, Shaye appeared calm and displayed more confidence in "Saw".

"What is the first-day box office for 'Saw'?" Shaye calmly asked.

Just as the calculations were reaching their conclusion, the staff member, with a slightly shocked expression, said:

"On 800 screens, with an attendance rate of 30-40% and an average of 16 people per screening, considering varying showtimes for each theater, the average would be 5 to 6 showings..."

Shaye interrupted the detailed data and asked directly, "What is the total box office?"

Only then did the staff member say directly, "The first-day box office is $8.43 million!"

Shaye and Dean's faces immediately transformed from calm or nervous expressions to expressions of pleasant surprise.

For a movie with an investment of only $1.3 million, earning $8.43 million on the first day meant absolute profitability.

Keep in mind, the pre-booked North American box office champion for this year was "Terminator 2," a blockbuster sequel. Even so, its first-day box office was only $30 million.

Yes, Shaye was feeling a bit inflated.

"Call Kevin and tell him that I'll take him to a high-end party in a week."

"And also, discuss with him in advance about the investment for his next movie. We can't let such a talented director fall into someone else's hands."

After speaking to Dean, Shaye turned to his secretary and said, "Instruct the finance department to allocate an additional $2... no, $3 million in promotional funds. I want the name of 'Saw' to resonate throughout the United States."


"Beep beep beep beep beep beep!"

Exhausted from being drained by Salma Hayek, Kevin, dragging his slightly weakened body, stood up.

Under the sunlight, his strong physique appeared as beautiful as the body of the god of war, Ares.

Of course, this is from the perspective of a worshipper like Salma Hayek.

Stretching and yawning, Kevin reached for his phone from the clothes on the couch and pressed the answer button.

"Hello, it's Dean. Kevin, we did it!"

Excitement filled Dean's voice on the other end of the line, and Kevin breathed a sigh of relief, discarding any thoughts of fear of failure, and confidently asked, "Did the first-day box office numbers come in?"

"Yes, Kevin, you won't believe how much the first-day box office was! It's a whopping $8.43 million."

"Saw is a success, Kevin. You did it!"

"President Shaye invites you to the party at the Beverly Hills Hotel in a week. There will be many big stars in attendance."

Kevin nodded. "I'll be there, don't worry."

"Great, don't forget, and we'll continue to boost the promotion these days to maximize the box office."

After hanging up, Kevin made another call, this time to Dawson.

Salma Hayek, who was nearby, became even more excited after hearing Kevin's voice from the phone. The significance of an $8.43 million first-day box office for a horror film with such an investment was crystal clear to her.

The most difficult door to enter Hollywood had been opened by her.

In her excitement, she disregarded Kevin making a call to her own agent and quietly got off the bed, kneeling beside Kevin.


"What's wrong, Kevin?"

Hearing an unusual sound, Dawson asked with concern.

"It's nothing. I called to tell you some good news. The first-day box office for 'Saw' is out, and it's $8.43 million."

After speaking, Kevin moved the phone slightly away and enjoyed Salma Hayek's company.