
After Acquiring Marvel, I Became the King of Hollywood

He was a third-rate director in his previous life, but he was reborn as a talented 23-year-old director in 1990s America. From then on, he became the box office king of Hollywood, the world's greatest director, the major shareholder of MGM, and the behind-the-scenes boss of Marvel, with one title after another added to his name. And for his first film, he chose "Saw"... Well, it's just a story about a modern third-rate director who transmigrated to the American entertainment industry and stirred up a storm. WARNING: SOME INACCURACIES MAY OCCUR IN THIS MTL, WHICH I EDITED FOR ME TO MAKE IT A LITTLE MORE READABLE. WARNING: NO COPYRIGHT IS INTENDED; ALL RIGHTS RESIDE ENTIRELY WITH THE OWNER. Cover Pic Not Mine Just found it on Google

Yeeetoo · perkotaan
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140 Chs

Chapter 135: Conditions for Reclaiming the Rights

Immediately following was a secretary with long, straight black hair and glasses walking into the room.


Steve Kevin silently scored her in his mind.

Next, a quintessential image of a white elite with blond hair followed behind her. Steve Kevin, being familiar with the CEOs of major Hollywood studios, immediately recognized him as Marvin Davis, the CEO of 20th Century Fox.

Marvin Davis approached with a warm and welcoming smile on his face.

"Steve Kevin, the esteemed director, how come you have the time to visit us at Fox today? As the host, I must properly entertain you."

Steve Kevin responded with a smile as well. As colleagues, they would often greet each other with friendly faces during their encounters.

"Today, I've come with a purpose. We'll talk about entertainment after we've taken care of business."

Marvin Davis pondered for a moment before extending his hospitality.

"Please have a seat. Catherine, please bring us iced coffee."

The secretary left the room.

The two men sat facing each other, and it was then that Marvin Davis inquired about the reason for Steve Kevin's visit.

"I wonder, Steve Kevin, what brings you to Fox? Is it for a new project collaboration, or is it something else?"

Both parties had no previous personal connection, so there was no need for pleasantries.

"I do have a new project collaboration in mind, and similarly, it's because Fox has something I desire."


"What is it that you desire?"

Marvin Davis pondered for a moment before asking.

Given the straightforwardness of the conversation, it was apparent that Steve Kevin's purpose in coming here was for something specific. And as an exchange, he was willing to discuss a collaboration on his new film project with them.

This piqued Marvin Davis' interest.

What was it about Fox that attracted him, leading him to be willing to exchange it for a collaboration on a new film project?

Had they not discovered this thing themselves?

"Did you purchase the film rights to X-Men and Fantastic Four from Marvel Studios?"

"Yes, that's correct."

"But we didn't purchase them directly from Marvel. We acquired them from Miracle Films last year."

Steve Kevin's heart sank.

He had thought that Fox had bought the rights directly from Marvel, but it seemed there had been an intermediate party involved.

This indicated that Fox was definitely optimistic about the film rights for these two comic book properties; otherwise, they wouldn't have acquired them from someone else.

This complicated matters further.

However, in this situation, he could only be direct about his intentions.

Both X-Men and Fantastic Four were clearly highly valued by Fox, so if he wanted to reclaim them, he would likely have to pay a much greater price.

"In that case, I would like to purchase the rights to X-Men and Fantastic Four from Fox. I wonder if Fox is willing to sell these two rights to me."

Steve Kevin's words instantly made Marvin Davis start thinking.

Considering the previous conversation, it was evident that if they sold these two rights to Steve Kevin, they would gain investment rights in his new film.

Let's not even consider topping the North American box office rankings.

We can also compare it to the top five.

This would mean earning hundreds of millions of dollars, along with various other miscellaneous revenues.

In total, it could amount to two to three hundred million dollars, which, based on Steve Kevin's track record, was entirely achievable.


Can X-Men and Fantastic Four bring in such revenue for them?

With that in mind, Marvin Davis spoke up.

"In principle, I can agree, but for something like this, I will need to discuss it with other Fox executives."

Steve Kevin nodded, displaying his determination to not give up until he achieved his goal, and firmly said:

"I'll be leaving at 5 p.m. I'll be waiting for your decision at Fox."

"Alright, I'll have my secretary bring you some refreshments. I'll immediately convene a meeting to discuss this matter."

Since Steve Kevin had made his stance clear, Davis wasn't inclined to refuse.

Earning hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue—it wouldn't even be possible for them if they didn't happen to have something that Steve Kevin desired.

Davis gave a few instructions to his female secretary before hastily leaving to convene a high-level meeting within Fox at the fastest possible pace.

As for why he needed to hold a meeting when he could have made the decision himself.

Well, that was for sharing the responsibility.

Film was a profitable audiovisual art form.

Even though Steve Kevin had been successful many times before, each time was essentially starting from scratch.

No one dared to say that his next film would be guaranteed to make money.

Convening a high-level meeting and making decisions through it was a collective decision of all the executives.

Even if they ended up losing money, it wouldn't all fall on his shoulders alone.

"Director Kevin, would you like something to eat?" the female secretary asked respectfully.

"Let me see if they have fried rice or other Chinese dishes outside. Get me an order and a bottle of Coke," Kevin ordered without hesitation.

It was almost noon, and although he had eaten a little in the morning, Kevin was still hungry.

The secretary walked away with graceful steps to buy the food for Kevin.

As he watched her figure, Kevin couldn't help but imagine having some fun role-playing with Helen and Ellen, the sisters.


A moment later, at the Fox conference room.

Eight Fox executives gathered, discussing the matter fervently.

"What did President Davis say? It's so urgent that I haven't even had lunch yet."

"Who knows? It must be something big."

"Does anyone know what's going on?"

A white man with a hint of a Latin mix touched his beard and offered his guess:

"I think I saw Director Steve Kevin in our VIP guest room. Maybe it's related to him."

"Is he going to collaborate with Fox?"

Upon hearing this news, some executives were ecstatic.

At this point, Steve Kevin wasn't just anyone in Hollywood; he was practically a god of wealth. Every film he made was a success, varying only in how much money it earned.

Now, which film company in Hollywood didn't hope to collaborate with him?

In the conference room, thoughts about Steve Kevin's collaboration with Fox quickly expanded, and they started envisioning how glorious Fox would be next year.

For these executives with profit-sharing, how much more money would they make...


Before long, Marvin Davis entered the conference room.

He overheard the executives discussing the collaboration with Steve Kevin.

Seeing Marvin Davis arrive, some executives approached him to inquire:

"President, did Director Steve Kevin really come?"

Davis replied affirmatively, "Yes, he's currently in our VIP guest room."

"Is he here to discuss collaboration with us?"

"That's right!"


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