
After Acquiring Marvel, I Became the King of Hollywood

He was a third-rate director in his previous life, but he was reborn as a talented 23-year-old director in 1990s America. From then on, he became the box office king of Hollywood, the world's greatest director, the major shareholder of MGM, and the behind-the-scenes boss of Marvel, with one title after another added to his name. And for his first film, he chose "Saw"... Well, it's just a story about a modern third-rate director who transmigrated to the American entertainment industry and stirred up a storm. WARNING: SOME INACCURACIES MAY OCCUR IN THIS MTL, WHICH I EDITED FOR ME TO MAKE IT A LITTLE MORE READABLE. WARNING: NO COPYRIGHT IS INTENDED; ALL RIGHTS RESIDE ENTIRELY WITH THE OWNER. Cover Pic Not Mine Just found it on Google

Yeeetoo · perkotaan
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140 Chs

Chapter 120: Bail and Conversation with Downey.

For Kevin, this seemed like a good thing.

This way, the soul of Marvel's character, Iron Man, could take his place earlier.

The current issue was whether they could get Downey to quit using illegal substances ahead of time.

Based on his understanding, Downey's involvement with drugs was due to his family. When he was eight years old, his father personally introduced him to drugs.

To get Downey to quit, it would require him to have the determination himself, along with external support.

With a plan in mind, Kevin and Jim Carrey hired a high-end law firm and recruited a lawyer at a high salary.

Together with Jim Carrey, they headed straight to the Los Angeles Police Department.


Being caught for the first time, coupled with a small quantity of drugs and the payment of a high bail fee, as well as the influence of a high-profile lawyer, Downey successfully secured a deal to avoid incarceration.

However, the condition was that he had to undergo regular check-ups at designated locations every three months for two years.

If he was found to be using drugs again, he would be compelled to enter a rehabilitation facility.

Feeling the taste of freedom, Robert Downey Jr. stretched and yawned in front of the police station, looking at Kevin beside him.

"Thanks, I wouldn't want this matter to become a big fuss."

Although he said so, everyone knew that such things could be hidden from the general public but not from the influential people in Hollywood.

The magnitude of the situation would depend on the level of protection provided.

And Kevin happened to be the person capable of protecting him.

Of course, they also had to consider Robert Downey Jr.'s father and his connections in Hollywood.

Together, they would be able to ensure Downey's protection.

Facing Downey's seemingly nonchalant expression, as if he wasn't bothered by the close call of almost getting arrested, Kevin's rare serious demeanor emerged:

"Downey, do you want to become a superstar in Hollywood?"

Downey scratched his head, not quite understanding Kevin's intention.

With Downey's current status, he was only considered a second-tier actor in Hollywood, albeit boosted by his father's influence.

However, he didn't lack opportunities for roles.

But since he was in Hollywood, who wouldn't want to become part of that elite few standing at the top?

Downey nodded.

"Of course, once you become a star, who wouldn't want to become a Hollywood superstar?"

Kevin locked eyes with Downey, a look on his face that had never been seen before.

"Do you trust me, Downey?"

Downey involuntarily nodded.

"Of course, I trust you."

"Good, Downey!"

Kevin spoke with utmost seriousness.

"I plan to propel you to the seat of a Hollywood superstar through a series of movies, but I have one request for you."

Downey was intrigued.

Steve Kevin's reputation in today's Hollywood needed no explanation.

If he said he would support someone, he had the ability to do so.

Johnny Depp from Pirates of the Caribbean was the best example.

Downey had wondered why Kevin never approached him for a role in his movies, given their relationship.

For this reason, he had even blamed Kevin in his heart.

And he knew that as long as he spoke up, Kevin would surely give him a role.

However, precisely because of this, he couldn't bring himself to ask for it in front of this person who was like a younger brother to him.

Now, Kevin voluntarily offered to prepare a series of movies for him, to make him a Hollywood superstar.

His initial reaction was a movie similar to Pirates of the Caribbean.

To be honest, in that moment, his heart fluttered.

"What's the request?"

"To bid farewell to any illegal substances."

Kevin's face was unusually serious.

"A superstar, if they get involved with those things, they become full of vulnerabilities."

"In Hollywood, someone like that, even if they become a superstar, it's as easy as pie to destroy them."

"Do you understand, Downey?"

"If you want to become a superstar, you have to say goodbye to those illegal substances. That way, becoming a superstar will have meaning, and it won't waste the movies I've prepared for you."

"Downey, I can tell you this will be a miracle in film history, a series of movies that will shake Hollywood. I can't reveal the specific details yet."

"But it will be a series of movies that surpasses Pirates of the Caribbean by many times."

Downey was clearly shocked by Kevin's words.

After all, Pirates of the Caribbean achieved the highest box office in the United States last year, and such movies only come out once a year.

What kind of series of movies could receive such high praise from Kevin?

Downey couldn't help but be extremely curious.

As for the illegal substances, Kevin's words had made sense to him upon careful consideration.

If he wanted to become a superstar, he indeed shouldn't be involved with those things.

Now the only problem was that he was already addicted, and it seemed difficult to quit.

After hesitating for a moment, Downey spoke up:

"In principle, I agree, but you know how strong the addictive nature of those things is. I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself with my self-discipline."

Kevin chuckled.

"Just agree, leave the rest to me."

Seeing that Downey agreed, Kevin finally felt relieved.

As for how to quit, medication, along with a professional team and round-the-clock supervision by a dedicated person.

As long as Downey didn't refuse, all of these things could eventually be overcome.

Of course, Kevin wanted to emphasize that only these relatively mild illegal substances could be quit.

Once someone touches those severe illegal substances, their life is ruined forever.

Absolutely, absolutely, do not touch those things even a bit.

After all, Kevin, as an aspiring billionaire in this lifetime, lacked nothing, and he wouldn't be foolish enough to touch those substances and shorten his own lifespan.

Only then did Downey nod.

Jim Carrey, who was nearby, also approached with a grin and said, "Kevin, you're not being fair. I want an important supporting role in Downey's new movie too."

Kevin, being a keen person, naturally understood the underlying meaning behind Jim Carrey's words.

This was a voluntary move on Jim Carrey's part, considering their friendship with Kevin and Downey, to help Downey and his new movie become more successful.

Such a situation was not common in Hollywood.

Usually, this kind of thing happened when those big stars had already faded.

For a top-tier star like Jim Carrey, who was still at the peak of his career, to voluntarily take on a supporting role was truly a rare sight.

Faced with Jim Carrey's goodwill, Kevin gladly accepted and responded with a big smile, "Don't worry, I'll arrange a very important role for you."

As for the specific role Kevin would assign to Jim Carrey in the Marvel universe, he still needed to consider it.

But it seemed interesting to make him the first actor to cross over between DC and Marvel.

At this moment, Downey playfully patted his stomach and said, "Alright, enough talking. Let's go grab a meal. I haven't eaten anything and was caught up in all this. I'm starving."


The next day, Kevin didn't even have time to worry about the opening day box office before he arranged everything for Downey.

In a country like the United States where illegal substances are rampant, there are naturally many organizations that help individuals quit using them.

Kevin directly contacted the most expensive agency and hired them for a whopping $500,000 per year.

At the same time, the contract included a provision that it must be effective, otherwise, a refund would be required.

Kevin believed that even if these people were motivated by money, they would do everything in their power to help and supervise Downey in successfully overcoming all his issues.

With these arrangements in place, Kevin headed back to Warner Bros. He was curious about how well the new Dark Knight would perform on its opening day.

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To Readers, this is a chinese novel I translated so if you see any racist, nationalistic, misogynistic stuff that I didn't removed is because either I miss or forget about it, or its part of a dialogue of the story.

Anyway I'll be taking a break translating this novel. It is like a rollercoaster ride translating this novel and its exhausting me mentally with all the misogynistic the author puts suddenly after a really good arc. I'll still be posting some of my stockpile chaps but I'dont really know when I'll countinue but don't worry I'll still finish translating the novels since I probably have more or less a 100 left to translate.

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