
After Acquiring Marvel, I Became the King of Hollywood

He was a third-rate director in his previous life, but he was reborn as a talented 23-year-old director in 1990s America. From then on, he became the box office king of Hollywood, the world's greatest director, the major shareholder of MGM, and the behind-the-scenes boss of Marvel, with one title after another added to his name. And for his first film, he chose "Saw"... Well, it's just a story about a modern third-rate director who transmigrated to the American entertainment industry and stirred up a storm. WARNING: SOME INACCURACIES MAY OCCUR IN THIS MTL, WHICH I EDITED FOR ME TO MAKE IT A LITTLE MORE READABLE. WARNING: NO COPYRIGHT IS INTENDED; ALL RIGHTS RESIDE ENTIRELY WITH THE OWNER. Cover Pic Not Mine Just found it on Google

Yeeetoo · perkotaan
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140 Chs

Chapter 117: A Delightful Encounter at the Premiere

"Kevin, don't forget about the premiere of 'Batman: The Dark Knight' tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock."

Warner Bros., to show their appreciation for Kevin, had the president, Mr. Robinov, personally call and inform him.

"I will be there on time."

After ending the call, Kevin notified Milla Jovovich as well. Once he received Milla Jovovich's confirmation, he hung up the phone.


The next day, in front of the Hollywood China Theatre, a long red carpet stretched from the entrance all the way to the stage inside.

On either side of the red carpet, there were Batman fans, Steve Kevin's admirers, as well as numerous media reporters and photographers.

Hundreds of people crowded the interior of the theater.

As a key figure in "Batman: The Dark Knight," Steve Kevin walked hand in hand with Milla Jovovich onto the red carpet.

"Steve Kevin! Steve Kevin! I will always support your movies, keep it up!"

"Director Kevin, we love you!"

"Steve Kevin, you're the best!"


As a behind-the-scenes worker, Steve Kevin finally had his own fan base, thanks to the following he had gained from his previous films. This was the first time Kevin experienced the enthusiasm of fans. It must be said that being admired by others easily evoked a sense of superiority in the admired person.

No wonder in his past life, Kevin remembered that many celebrities held themselves in such high regard.

However, compared to those celebrities, Kevin, as a director, had a better understanding of his own identity. He was well aware that these fans were built upon the films he had directed, not the roles played by the actors or their appearances and personas.

Therefore, fans did not have a significant influence on him. His status was determined by the success of his films, not by the fans. As long as he made good films, whether he had fans or not was not important.

Of course, he was still happy to be liked by fans.

Kevin waved to the fans, and after the wave of screams from the fans, he walked straight into the theater.

Milla Jovovich, standing beside him, flashed a trace of envy in her eyes, while also feeling very excited in her heart.

As a minor character in Hollywood, this was the kind of scene she had dreamed of.

But since she had already appeared in Steve Kevin's latest masterpiece, her fame had skyrocketed, which was inevitable.

She knew that she would also experience this kind of scene in the future.

With these thoughts in mind, Milla Jovovich tightly held Kevin's hand and confidently stepped into the theater.

"Kevin, you're here."

Robinnov greeted Kevin with a smile and a wave.

For regular movies, it was not necessary for the president to be involved.

But Steve Kevin's film was different, of course.

As the top IP of DC and with an investment of $150 million, including an additional $20 million for promotion, totaling $170 million, it couldn't tolerate any mistakes.

As the president, it was natural for him to come out and help host the premiere, to prevent any unexpected incidents.

Kevin nodded, wearing a confident smile on his face.

"Don't worry, President Robinnov. I guarantee there won't be any accidents with 'The Dark Knight'."

"The box office will undoubtedly be a huge success."

"This will be one of my peaks and a movie that will become a classic."

In American society, they worship the strong.

When Kevin had such skills, he shouldn't be modest. Only then could he win the respect and attention of others.

Robinnov certainly believed Kevin's words.

However, upon hearing Kevin's words, Robinnov felt a tinge of guilt.

During the pleasant cooperation between Kevin and Warner Bros., Warner Bros. had actually considered swallowing up Kevin's Dawn Films, which was truly inappropriate.

Of course, this thought only flashed through his mind.

If Kevin really allowed Warner Bros. to acquire his company, Warner Bros. wouldn't mind swallowing up Dawn Films in one go.

Furthermore, they would not hesitate to sign a lifelong partnership contract with Kevin.

As for the investment shares, they were naturally impossible to give. Offering a high salary was the only conscience of the industry.

Of course, Robinnov had no idea that Kevin had long known their ill intentions.

The counterattack Kevin had planned for The Dark Knight would bring them tremendous losses.

"That goes without saying. With your abilities, I have no doubt about the success of The Dark Knight."

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Robinnov went to greet the guests.

Milla Jovovich took advantage of this rare opportunity and moved around the edge of the venue, constantly posing in front of various cameras.

She tried to have her photos appear more frequently in the media.

As for Kevin, he didn't need to worry about such things. Even if he stood in the center of the venue, it would be difficult for the media to interview him, but he was still the center of attention.

Countless media outlets were taking photos of him from a distance.

Wearing a white suit and a light stubble on his face, he appeared more mature, combining his looks and status.

He attracted the attention of numerous media outlets at the scene.

After about ten minutes, Kevin, bored and idle, slipped backstage.

He took a break for now.

"Hello, are you Director Steve Kevin?"

While Kevin was taking a break, a female journalist sneaked backstage and was overjoyed to see Kevin resting.

You see, Kevin rarely accepts private interviews from the media.

And official interviews often follow a fixed set of questions and procedures.

This made countless journalists eager to have a private interview with Kevin, but they never had the opportunity.

Unexpectedly, today she boldly sneaked in and actually stumbled upon this chance.

Kevin rubbed his eyes. He had barely rested when he was interrupted.

He was about to get angry, but when he opened his eyes and saw the woman in front of him, along with her D+ danger level melons, his anger subsided.

"I am. Who are you?"

The journalist, Grace, quickly responded, "I'm an intern journalist from the New York Daily, Grace. Can you give me a chance to interview you? I will repay you."

Grace's hand accidentally touched her danger level melons, trembling and shaking. It made it difficult for Kevin to look away.

To be honest, among all his female acquaintances, he hadn't encountered someone like this before, which made him hesitate a bit.

After a moment of hesitation, Kevin handed her a business card and said, "This is my personal business card. If I have the time, I will contact you."

The female journalist immediately smiled with joy.

It has to be said that it's not a bad deal for her to sleep with a director like Kevin.

Handsome, influential, wealthy—sleeping with him once.

It's the dream of many American women.