
After Acquiring Marvel, I Became the King of Hollywood

He was a third-rate director in his previous life, but he was reborn as a talented 23-year-old director in 1990s America. From then on, he became the box office king of Hollywood, the world's greatest director, the major shareholder of MGM, and the behind-the-scenes boss of Marvel, with one title after another added to his name. And for his first film, he chose "Saw"... Well, it's just a story about a modern third-rate director who transmigrated to the American entertainment industry and stirred up a storm. WARNING: SOME INACCURACIES MAY OCCUR IN THIS MTL, WHICH I EDITED FOR ME TO MAKE IT A LITTLE MORE READABLE. WARNING: NO COPYRIGHT IS INTENDED; ALL RIGHTS RESIDE ENTIRELY WITH THE OWNER. Cover Pic Not Mine Just found it on Google

Yeeetoo · perkotaan
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140 Chs

Chapter 101: Kevin Director's Vacation Time

One week later, in the early morning, Kevin rubbed his sleepy eyes and woke up from the large hotel bed in the town.

Ellie, Helen, and Ellen were sound asleep beside him.

Looking at their faces, Kevin couldn't help but sigh at capitalism's decadence.

Of course, he had only one opinion on this matter: intensify it.

He walked into the living room and picked up the phone to call Dawson.

"Hello, Kevin boss, what's up?"

"How are the negotiations with Marvel going? When can we finalize it?"

Kevin inquired. This was the most crucial point that affected his future development, and he couldn't help but be concerned.

These past few days, he called every day to check on the progress, fearing that someone else might intervene suddenly.

As long as Marvel hadn't completely fallen into his hands, he couldn't let his guard down for a moment.

Fortunately, the Caribbean pirate town was only a few dozen kilometers away from New York. If anything happened, he could reach it in an hour.

"The general direction is fine, and the amount is fixed. Both parties have no objections."

"However, after examining the accounting, the professional accounting team we hired believes that they have greatly beautified the accounts."

"If we purchase 70% of the shares for $310 million, we would be at a disadvantage."

"Should we try to negotiate a lower price?"

Dawson asked.

"No need. I have only one requirement: acquire Marvel as soon as possible."

"As for other issues, you don't need to worry about them. As long as Marvel's comics and all its copyrights belong to me."

Although he didn't understand why Kevin valued Marvel so much, Dawson would diligently complete the tasks assigned by Kevin.

"Alright, it should be possible to complete the entire handover within about two weeks."

Kevin nodded.

"Good, I trust you, Dawson. If there are any unexpected situations, contact me anytime."

After finishing this call, Kevin made separate calls to Warner Bros. and Zack Snyder to inquire about the progress of the film crews.

Only then did he continue to enjoy his rare vacation.

"Kevin, what's wrong?"

It seems that Kevin's consecutive phone calls awakened Ellie, causing her to walk out wearing only a sheer dress.

"It's okay, my dear Ellie. Are you still sleepy? If you are, you can go back to sleep for a while."

"Later, we'll go play on the yacht."

Looking at Kevin, Ellie's eyes revealed admiration and awe.

In Ellie's eyes, the man before her seemed to be adorned with a magical halo.

From their graduation until now, it had only been a mere three years.

Yet, he had amassed a fortune of billions and held a high position in Hollywood.

She had originally intended to use Kevin as a stepping stone to grow better in Hollywood.

But unexpectedly, as she spent time with him, she gradually fell in love with Kevin.

Unfortunately, Kevin had everything except for a mess in his love life.

He treated each of his women exceptionally well, so well that even as a playboy, nobody wanted to leave him.

She herself was no exception.

Ellie's face beamed with a happy smile, no longer dwelling on such thoughts.

Opportunities to play with Kevin like this were rare, and she intended to cherish them.

She turned back to the room and woke up Helen and Emma, the two sisters.

The group continued to enjoy themselves in this area of the sea.


The production of a blockbuster film, from its inception to its box office success, often involves competition and underhanded tactics with other film companies.

During Kevin's vacation, negative news about the new Batman project gradually appeared in the media and online forums.

"Steve Kevin on a vacation with his beauty, not focused on work. Is the new Batman project just a money grab? Should we let a director like him shoot such a classic IP like Batman?"

"What a ridiculous idea! A comedian playing the Joker? Steve Kevin, do you want Jim Carrey to make the audience die laughing? If I die laughing, I'll definitely have my wife sue him."


If it was just one or two negative comments, Warner Bros. wouldn't have to worry too much. There will always be people opposing anything. As long as the scale is not significant, it can be ignored.

However, the problem is that the trend of negativity surrounding the new Batman project has been growing stronger, with Warner Bros. not addressing it. This has raised concerns within the company.

The PR department immediately began to take action to mitigate these statements.

They worked to make these words disappear into thin air.

On the other hand, Kevin didn't react much to this matter.

He had already mentally prepared himself for this kind of thing.

Dealing with such situations is a piece of cake for Warner Bros.

They have decades of experience, connections, and various talents.

This is the advantage of being a large company. From the start of a major film production, it has already affected the interests of others.

Naturally, it will invite corresponding troubles.

If they let public opinion continue to ferment unchecked, Batman could become a notorious failure before it even premieres.

By the time it officially releases, the crucial first-week box office performance will undoubtedly be greatly affected.

However, large companies have strong networks and extensive experience in handling such situations.

The signs that had just emerged were quickly extinguished under the influence of the PR department.

Simultaneously, after spending millions of dollars and communicating with the relevant authorities, the Batman production team obtained the permits to close streets for filming.


"Is everything ready?"

After spending three weeks in the Caribbean pirate town, Kevin received a notification from Warner Bros. and began his journey back.

As for Marvel, the handover had already been completed, and the final payment had been made.

However, even though Marvel was now completely in his hands, Kevin didn't plan to immediately start the Marvel movie projects. As he had mentioned before, he wanted to enjoy the fruits of Marvel alone.

But this also meant that he would no longer receive support from the eight major Hollywood film companies.

In this situation, he needed a film production company of his own, with a complete setup for public relations and post-production distribution.

MGM was the best choice, but at this moment, MGM had a value of $40 billion in terms of share price, which was far beyond Kevin's financial capacity.

It could be said that this was Kevin's future goal. Before that, acquiring a medium-sized film company and taking over all their channels and manpower would be the best choice.

Of course, Kevin, who had just acquired Marvel, was not in a hurry at the moment.

Marvel was in his hands, and he could develop it whenever he wanted.


The group of people returned to New York in Kevin's car, and upon returning, Kevin immediately contacted Zack Snyder and Mitt, the two assistant directors.