After the Final Nail, Again.
Disclaimer: This is the final time I'll say I don't own Castle. Until the next time. Rating: K Time: See above.
Author's note: Yes, I've done this before.
Beckett and Castle went to a local bar. It wasn't crowded so they were able to find a booth where they could have some privacy. Castle ordered a Scotch, Beckett, a glass of white wine. Neither one said a word.
Finally, Castle spoke. "I'm sorry. I screwed this one up badly. I made a nuisance of myself to you, gave you extra work to do and generally pissed you off. I'm really very sorry, Beckett."
Beckett thought for a few seconds before answering. "You realize you were right, don't you? Damian Westlake was not our killer. And you also realize you caught his father's killer?"
Castle shrugged. "Yeah, all for all the wrong reasons. I didn't think Damian Westlake was a killer. Guess what? He was a cold blooded killer. Sure, he hired Michael Rutherford to do the actual killing, but he had his own father murdered so he could inherit all that money."
Kate smiled at him. "Castle, please…"
He cut her off. "Kate, please hear me out." Castle gathered his thoughts. "And I didn't believe that Damian had killed his wife. And why didn't I believe he'd done it? Was it because I'd carefully weighed all of the evidence and concluded he was innocent? No, of course not. All that I could see was that someone who had been very important in my life was a suspect in something and I couldn't face it. Just how egotistical have I become?"
He took another sip of Scotch. "And I know better than that. I've been with you for, what, some two years now? I know that personal feelings have no place in a murder investigation. I know that, and as soon as you started questioning Damian as a suspect, all of that just flew right out of the window. There I was, fourteen year old Ricky Castle, standing up for my pal in front of the headmaster."
Kate put her hand on his arm. "And if you hadn't decided that Damian was innocent, you never would have decided to investigate Philip Westlake's murder. Two people are going to jail for that murder. That's something."
Castle briefly touched her hand. "Dumb luck. I could have kept my mouth shut and not harassed and insulted you every time you tried to show me how a police investigation should be conducted, how I know a police investigation should be conducted, we'd have gotten there. I would have wanted to have proved Damian was innocent of his father's murder, I would have seen the sketch of Michael Rutherford and we'd have gotten to the same place without me being such a damned nuisance."
"Castle, about the insults. You said that I was the best detective in the NYPD. Just how does that count as an insult?"
"I accused you of not being able to see beyond all of the suspicion around Damian's father's death."
She nodded. "And you were right. I was convinced from early on that Damian killed his wife. I was fixated on that and I shouldn't have been. I expect members of my team to call me on it when I'm wrong. If I'm going to do the job right, I need for them to tell me when I'm wrong. You told me I was wrong."
"For the wrong reason."
"Okay, so we both made a mistake. Perhaps I should apologize to you and have you buy me a drink?" She motioned to their glasses, which were both empty.
"You don't need to apologize, but should you be having another drink? What about…Josh? It is Valentine's Day."
"Not going to happen. After his shift gets off, he's got a meeting with some people from Doctors Without Borders. It'll be very late by the time he gets back and he'll be tired."
Castle called the waitress over and order a refill for both of them.
"Oh, and another thing, Castle. About how personal feelings have no place in a murder investigation? Would that be like my lack of personal feelings about my mom's case? Or the Coonan case? Or maybe Scott Dunn who blew up my apartment? Or maybe…"
Castle held up his hands. "Okay, I surrender."
"I always have personal feelings on each and every murder that I investigate. I have feeling for the victim and for the people he leaves behind that have to deal with his loss. I'm a cop because I do have personal feelings, Castle. And I'm a better cop because I have personal feelings. I'm a better cop because I care! I care a lot. And do you know who else cares a lot?"
Castle smiled. "Tell me."
"You care. That's why you're here." Beckett realized that she may have gone too far towards a subject she did not want to talk about.
Castle nodded. You're right. I do care. I care about you. But this is the wrong time and the wrong place to go into that. Will there ever be a right place and time? He thought. "Okay, so personal feelings aren't such a bad thing. So tell me, which would you have preferred? Ricky Castle standing up for his pal, or Richard Castle, your partner?"
Kate grinned at him. "Do you mean I get a choice of the Castle that shows up every day?" She shook her head. "I don't think so. So I'll take whatever Castle decides to show up on any given day." She gave him a long, serious look. "I'll probably regret this in the morning…"
"Why, Detective Beckett, I had no idea." He teased.
She rolled her eyes. "I know I'll regret this in the morning. But, you've made me a better detective. You've made me ask more questions about…The story." Before he could say anything, she went on. "Yes, Castle, I want to know the story now. Ever since I arrested the wrong person for the Tisdale murder, I've been asking myself if the story makes sense. And if I have any trouble with that, I know you'll bring the subject up."
"Why, thank you. I appreciate it." Castle checked their glasses. They were empty again. "Another?"
Kate looked at her watch and shook her head. "It's been a long day. I need to get home and get some sleep."
"Me too, I guess. Tomorrow, Beckett."
"Tomorrow, Castle."