
After 5000 Years, I Became The Evil God?

Witness the journey of Elias Shadows, a man reborn into a new world devoid of magic. Driven by an insatiable desire to reintroduce magic to this realm, Elias dedicates his life to uncovering the secrets that will unlock the dormant powers within the world. After years of relentless pursuit, Elias succeeds in awakening magic, ushering in an era of enchantment that transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary. Satisfied with his accomplishment, Elias decides to enter a deep slumber, intending to awaken after 5000 years to witness the world's evolution. However, upon his awakening, Elias is confronted with an unforeseen reality. Instead of being remembered as a benevolent bringer of magic, he finds himself worshipped as an enigmatic and malevolent deity. The world he once sought to enrich with magic now views him with fear and reverence.

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No magic?

In a shadowy and humid cavern,

The soft radiance of moonlit candles illuminated the underground chamber, casting dancing shadows on a group of individuals clad in midnight robes. They moved and contorted energetically against the rocky backdrop.

"Mother of the Shadows, Ruler of darkness, Devourer of light!"

"With fervent dedication, I offer tributes – the life force of my adversaries, the meat of my prey, and the blood of my ancestors!"

"Bless me with abundant harvests, endow me with everlasting youth, and infuse me with unwavering strength..."


The lead figure's impassioned prayer resonated through the cavern. He then cut a succulent portion of venison with a gleaming dagger, placing it upon a stone altar.

The altar bore intricate patterns of bloodstains, entrails, and scattered ivory bones. Dark crimson droplets trickled down the crevices of the stone platform.

A scene both macabre and mystical, reminiscent of a devotee performing a ritual to some otherworldly entity.

Elias Shadows, with a facade of reverence, followed the congregation diligently. Internally, he was bored.

"After sixteen years of wandering, I'm certain there was once magic in this realm, evidence of which I've discovered. Even the Shadows family's deity – the Whispering Shade, [Grand Matron of the Verdant Willow] – was a powerful force, though it seems to have lost its power somehow."

"However, openly revealing disbelief in this deeply ingrained superstitious era is reckless."

"Besides, my fatheris a staunch nobleman. Going against him by dismissing the super natural aspects as mere illusions would be inviting trouble."

Thus, even if it was a charade, Elias adhered to his role as the second son of his lord.

With obsidian, slightly curled hair, eyes of amethyst exuding wisdom and mystery, and a perpetual smile gracing his lips under a high-bridged nose, Elias' tall, slender figure captivated those who laid eyes on him.

Despite gripes about the Shadows family name, he cherished being reborn into nobility. In an era where infant mortality was rampant, literacy scarce, and death loomed from any misfortune, noble birth guaranteed survival and educational opportunities.

Due to a cautious nature fostered by two lifetimes, Elias lived a comfortable life as the second son. Fearful of illness, he maintained a robust physique through regular exercise.

Lost in contemplation, he trailed behind the onyx-clad group. Emerging from the cavern, a breath of fresh air greeted them.

Elias looked back, discovering the cavern now nestled beneath a colossal willow tree. Its vast branches blocked the moonlight, and aerial roots hung down, intertwining with the stone walls in a peculiar symbiosis.

In the distance, a medieval-style log building, adorned with youthful shoots and surrounded by a clear night sky, stood at the end of a mud-and-gravel path.

A gentle breeze carried the calls of nocturnal creatures circling above. An imposing black owl, bearing a cylinder on its talons, alighted on a window of a massive stone tower at the building's center.

"The owl's hoot may be an ill omen, but in this realm, they serve as messengers for the lord. No cause for superstition..."

"The contact owl has arrived. Something must have transpired in the citadel," Elias mused.

"Back to the citadel!" Gregory Shadows, the chief priest and lord of the Lower Verdant Grove, commanded. Discarding his onyx robe, he mounted his horse without acknowledging his son.

The group departed swiftly. Among them, a golden-haired young man on a white horse, Aiden, glanced back with a mix of reassurance and pride.

Elias, indifferent to his half-brother's sentiments, waited patiently. He sensed Aiden's subtle hostility, likely due to the lack of perceived threat.

As a twice-born individual, Elias found it challenging to form connections with strangers during his childhood. Gregory's perpetual aloofness towards him became an accepted norm.

Elias harbored no regrets. The looming threat of Aiden as the heir only fueled his determination. A fractured leg sustained by the third brother served as a testament.

This third brother, born to Gregory's third wife, Samantha, had both a son and a daughter. Elias deftly guided his horse back to the citadel, where Gregory's wife, Samantha, awaited with a group of housekeepers and bachelors.

A letter in the hands of a bachelor caught Gregory's attention. After a hasty perusal, his expression soured. In a low voice, he declared, "The Tie family has found a gold near one of our villagers.. They slaughtered the entire village to keep it a secret."