
The Murderers

Jason told Daniel what he learned from Vivian, what happened with Nilson and Gary, and Captain's theory about the victim alpha wolf. ''Do you think alpha's death might have something to do with the gangs in the Sahara?'' Jason asked.

Daniel nodded, ''It's not something they would be afraid to do.'' He put another slice of cake on his plate, ''Don't you think it is interesting that the first victims were two lizard shapeshifters with the alpha?''

Jason shook his head, ''Enlighten me. Are you sure you want to eat that cake? I don't want you to blame me when you gain weight and be a belugas whale.''

''Nah, I never gain weight whatever I eat,'' Daniel said and bite his cake. ''You are disappointing me, Jason. Who are the most active shapeshifter groups in the Sahara?''

''Hmm... Cobras?'' Jason said. Daniel kept staring at him. ''I don't know, okay?''

Daniel grinned, ''You've been away from the field too long,'' He said and reflected in his voice that he was not happy with this situation. ''Cobras, scorpions, hyenas, and...'' He stopped without completing his sentence.

''And?'' Jason said to encourage him. ''Also, scorpions are not shapeshifters, they are mythological creatures. Like mermaids.''

''... and lizards, what else can be?'' Daniel scolded him.

Jason ignored him and thought. ''You mean the dead lizards are actually from the Sahara?''

''Yes, I think they attacked the alpha wolf to prevent the deal that would damage their gang, but the wolf didn't fell without taking two of them with himself,'' Daniel said and he headed to the fridge and took out a can of beer.

Jason didn't really like to drink alcohol, and he was sure the beers in the fridge didn't belong to him. Daniel split a can of beer over three glasses, he gave one glass to Jason.

Then he put one of the glasses on the counter and lifted the other one up, ''Cheers to a fallen warrior,'' he said. Jason also lifted his glass and took a sip. Then he put the spilled drink in the name of the fallen warrior on a high shelf as he should do according to canonical.

So the courage of the warrior could aid them in their fight. To think about that, they were trying to find the killer of the warrior in question so it was quite proper for their situation.

After a few seconds of silence, ''Let's assume that lizard shapeshifters were assassins and the alpha was their target, what do lion pack have to do with that?'' Jason asked.

''Hmm...'' Daniel focused on his glass as if all the answers were in it. ''Garry is from the pack, and Nilsson is a lizard shapeshifter. You've seen them two times together, why shouldn't they be working together?''

''Yeah but still... No matter how good the alpha is, four against one isn't a bit too much?'' Jason gave his glass to Daniel. He didn't want to drink anything right now.

''I think if there was a fight, not all pack members were on the same side,'' Daniel said, he took Jason's glass and poured the drink in his glass.

''So, you say they killed each other?'' Jason said.

''Why not? We already know that the pack is divided into groups.'' Daniel took a sip.

''It seems to me that we are guessing too much. We have no proof but ideas and guesses,'' Jason said and sighed.

''Well, there is a sure way to test our guesses,'' Daniel said. Jason looked at him curiously. ''When will the Nyx guards hand over that lion, Gary, to the police?''

Jason looked at the clock hanging on the wall, ''They should be on the road right now,'' he said and after he said this, the talisman of communication started to ring. Daniel took the talisman, Jason wondered if he going to answer it himself but he surprised Jason and gave the talisman to him.

''Yes?'' Jason answered the call. Daniel heard the voice of the woman on the other side of the talisman, however, the voice was not clear enough to understand what she was saying.

''Yes,'' Jason said again. ''It's not far from me, I can be there in ten minutes,'' He said and he broke the communication.

''Where are we going?'' Daniel asked.

''Who said you would come with me?'' Jason said.

''I said. I can't let you go alone when you attract predators like a good piece of meat every time you go out,'' Daniel said.

''You are not on duty. You cannot come with me.'' Jason objected.

''Oh? So it is something about the case. I'll definitely be coming,'' Daniel said. Jason shook his head. ''You know, I can follow you in my own car,'' Daniel didn't give up.

''No, you got alcohol,'' Jason reminded him.

''My God, Jason, it was just a few sips. Don't be a pussy,'' Daniel said.

Jason sighed and rubbed his forehead, ''Okay, you can come with me. By the way, sadly we won't be able to question Gary. The vehicle carrying the man got attacked.''

Daniel frowned, ''Did they abduct the man?''

''No,'' Jason said, ''They did kill him. We have neither a witness nor a suspect anymore.''